Javanese English Dictionary. Stuart Robson, Dr.
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beselat a certain system of self-defence. See also silat.
besem 1 gloomy, droopy; 2 withered, faded, wilted; 3 root form: subst kr for obong.
besén a variety of grass.
besengék a certain dish made of vegetables and soy sauce.
besengut, mbesengut to frown, scowl;
besengat-besengut to keep frowning.
bèsèr 1 to have to urinate frequently; 2 cr to urinate.
beseseg, mbeseseg bloated from overeating.
besèt peeled, scraped (of skin);
mbesèt to peel the rind (from), to skin, graze.
besi bowl (var of basi).
besik clean (of yard, garden); mbesiki to weed.
besilat a certain system of self-defence (var of beselat). See also silat.
besisik, mbesisik dried out and scaly (of skin).
besiwit, mbesiwit to cheat at cards.
besiyar out (walking, riding) for pleasure.
beskal a certain colonial administrative rank.
beskap short double-breasted jacket, worn by men.
beskuwit Dutch rusk.
beslah seizure, confiscation;
mbeslah to seize, confiscate;
beslahan booty, confiscated goods.
beslit 1 decree, letter of appointment; 2 official document of notification.
besmi to burn (root form: kr for obong).
besolé a certain tree.
besono, besona-besono or mbesono ill-mannered, boorish, rude.
besoso, mbesoso ill-mannered, crude.
besot, mbesot to clean (metal) by blowing flame on it.
besta I reg rope for handcuffing kr for banda);
mbesta to tie s.o.'s hands.
II to bake cake in a pan with sugar.
bestel to order by mail;
bestèlan merchandise sent by mail or railway;
mbestèlaké to send by mail or railway
bestik 1 steak; 2 any Western-style dish with meat and vegetables, e.g. bestik ayam chicken and vegetables.
bestrong I blunderbuss.
II wide-sleeved shirt.
bestru a creeper with cucumber-like edible fruits.
bestu realisation;
mbestu to realise a plan.
besturu slackness, carelessness;
kabesturon slack, careless.
besuk reg a field covered by volcanic ash, sand and stones carried down by water.
bésuk ng, bénjing kr, 1 in future; 2 next, coming;
bésuk-bésuk at some indefinite future time;
bésuk maneh next time, see suk I.
bésur, mbesur to do as one pleases without regard for others.
besus 1 neat and fine (dress, home); 2 to be fond of dressing well.
besusu the yam-bean, its tuberous root used medicinally
besut, mbesut 1 to refine, smooth out; 2 to press clothing; 3 to edit an article.
besuwel repr a quick tucking-in motion;
mbesuwelaké to tuck s.t. hastily.
bet repr a swift motion/action.
beta kr inf var of bekta.
betah I 1 to feel comfortable; 2 to endure;
mbetahi to cause to be endurable;
mbetah-mbetahake to persist in, persevere at;
betah-betahan to compete in endurance.
II need (kr for butuh).
betamal evidence, indication, sign.
betatung black maggot.
bètèh exchange of pleas in a court case;
mbètèhaké or ngadu bètèh to present arguments and counter-arguments in court.
bètèk I s.t. that has been used for some purpose.
II because of.
bètèng 1 fort(ification), bastion, rampart; 2 rook, castle (in chess); 3 brick walls surrounding a palace; jeron - the whole complex surrounded by a high brick wall (esp in Yogyakarta);
mbètèngi to fortify, function as a fort for;
bètèng-bètèngan imitation or toy fort.
bèter var of blèter.
bethak to boil rice (root form: kr for liwet).
bethara male deity (var of bathara).
bethari female deity (var of bathari).
bethat, mbethat to break loose suddenly from one's group.
bethèk I bamboo fence;
mbethèki to build a fence around s.t.; to fence s.t. in.
II var of bedhèk.
bèthèk baskets hanging at either end of a shoulder pole (pikulan) for carrying things.
bethem I seed of the kluwih fruit.
II mbethem having a round fat face.
bèthem, mbèthem to puff checks and clasp the lips tightly.
betheng, kebetheng or kebethengen to be stranded, esp by rain.
bèther, mbèther (of nose) large, broad; (of chin) fat, multiple.
bèthèt I a green parakeet;