Javanese English Dictionary. Stuart Robson, Dr.
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kabisan ability, capability;
sabisane according to one's capacity;
dibisak-bisakaké to make s.t. possible;
bisa-bisané how is it possible!;
sabisa-bisa if possible;
sabisa-bisane to the best of one's ability;
masa bisaa it is inconceivable, impossible. See also masa.
biséka king's name given at consecration. See abiséka.
bisik I or bisikan a whisper;
mbisiki to whisper to;
mbisikake to whisper s.t. to s.o.;
bisik-bisik or bisak-bisik or bebisik to whisper;
bisik-bisikan to whisper to each other.
II bebisik king's name.
biskop I Roman Catholic bishop.
II movie, cinema (var of bioskup).
biskucing a certain medicinal shrub, touch-me-not (var of piskucing).
biskup var of bioskup.
biskuit var of beskuwit.
bismillah in the name of God.
bisu dumb, mute;
mbisu to refuse to say a word; to act dumb; to keep quiet.
bithet scar from a wound.
bithi fist;
mbithi to punch.
bithu, bithu-bithu having a round, full face.
biting I coconut leaf rib sharpened to a point for pinning wrapping leaf;
mbitingi to fasten a wrapping leaf with such a pin;
bitingan pinned with a leaf rib pin.
II reg var of beteng.
III lit unit of 400.
sabiting 400.
biwada lit honour, esteem;
ambiwada lit to esteem, revere, hold in awe.
biwara lit announcement, publication;
mbiwarakake to publish, announce.
biya, biya-biya excl of amazement.
biyada 1 female court servant; 2 girls in service at ceremonies.
biyah excl of disparagement.
biyak, mbiyak to unveil, expose, open.
biyang 1 reg mother; 2 woman of low status;
biyangané term of abuse.
biyantu help, aid, assistance;
mbiyantu to help, assist;
mbiyantoni to support and help s.o.;
pambiyantu help, aid, assistance;
sabiyantu in cooperation with, supporting.
biyas to turn pale suddenly from surprise or shame.
biyasa 1 usual, ordinary; 2 accustomed to, familiar with.
biyayak, biyayakan or byayakan to keep moving around restlessly.
biyèk in the past (var of biyèn).
biyèn ng, rumiyin kr, once, formerly, previously; - mula from the very beginning.
biyet, mbiyet abundant (of fruit on the tree).
biyuh or biyuh-biyuh excl of astonishment.
biyung 1 reg mother; 2 adr: reg woman of low status; 3 or biyung-biyung excl of pain, astonishment, compassion.
blaba generous.
blabag I board, blackboard;
mblabag 1 boardlike; 2 hard as a board.
II one who is responsible for s.t.;
keblabag to be given a responsibility.
blabar I strong cord used as a boundary marker; - kawat arena for combat;
mblabari 1 to sketch, delineate; 2 to draw up a sketch or outline (of);
blabaran sketch, outline.
II mblabar to overflow, spill over;
blabaran to overflow, spilling everywhere.
blabuk, mblabuk or mblabukake to sell fake articles as genuine.
blabur I 1 reg flood; 2 abundant (of foods).
II hazy, blurred (var of blawur).
blacan a certain wild cat.
blaco unbleached cotton, raw shirting.
blacu var of blaco.
blad pattern transferred to another paper underneath by drawing heavily over the lines;
ngeblad to trace a drawing in this way.
blader, mblader 1 cluttered, cluttering; 2 plenty
bladhak, mbladhak 1 to run out of the path of; 2 to swerve from the right direction, Jig badly behaved (of women).
bladheg, mbladheg to happen continuously;
bladhegan continuous successive occurrences.
bladho a certain star. See lintang.
bladhog I reg gluttonous.
II mbladhog to split (wood).
bladhu muddy, mucky;
mbladhu muddy;
kebladhu to get trampled into the mud.
blaèr or blaèran to salivate freely when about to vomit.
blaès reg var of blai.
blai excl of unlucky feeling: damn it! darn it! excl expressing fear or alarm.
blajar to learn, study;
mblajari to teach;