Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
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gilak adj rapid, hasty; making rapid movements indicating madness.
gilap intrans shine, beam, gleam; n shine, coat of varnish.
gilgil intrans tremble, shiver with cold.
gilgilgilgil intrans tremble with old age; tremble over the whole body.
gili K n ridge, long hill; small island.
gilih intrans (nggilih trans) change positions with someone, take over duty, relieve a guard; do sth in turns, in course; n exchange, change, taking over (duty), relief.
gilih-an adj acting in turns, in course.
gilik intrans (nggilik trans) turn sth about, roll away (a large object); adj round, spherical (bunter H).
giling intrans (nggiling trans) turn, roll.
gilir intrans exchange with someone, take turns (=gilih).
gilir-an n watch, period after which a guard is relieved.
gina K n hook, barb (bucu L).
hastagina having eight corners (a shape of balé).
pancagina having five corners (a shape of balé).
ginawé K pass be being done, have been taken in hand (gawé +infix -in-).
gintan n cumin.
gintan cemang n black cumin seed.
gintil n pimple, lump on the skin.
ginggang intrans totter, waddle, be unsteady; intrans be of changeable temper, unsteady of purpose (=hobah).
gingser intrans go more rapidly (ngingser trans).
gingserang pass accelerate (of a car).
gingsir H intrans change one’s place; remove, withdraw, yield (gentos H, kisid L).
gingsul intrans be set crooked, be twisted (teeth) (=salah genah be wrongly positioned).
ginceng intrans have the hair in disorder; be very frayed (a rope).
ginjal 1 intrans (nginjal trans) stamp with the feet; tread on, trample on.
ginjal 2 intrans (nginjal trans) not go smoothly; be displaced (numbered pages).
ginjal 3 n what is left over after sth has been shared out.
ginjel n little lumps of fat on the neck.
gipih n speed, haste; adj rapid (=gupuh); intrans hurry, hasten.
gir intrans make the sound of a small gong.
girang intrans rejoice, be very happy, do sth with pleasure.
giri K n mountain (gunung L M).
girik intrans (nggirik trans) toy with, fiddle with; bore a small hole; clean cotton by stirring with a stick.
giring n side, edge (nggiring trans).
gisang intrans (nggisang trans) touch with the hand.
gisangin imp handle (it)! gisgis intrans scratch with the nails (=gasgas).
gisi L intrans (nggisi trans) hold, hold firmly, keep firm hold (gamel H).
gisina kébotina pass ‘is-held is-be-lefted-by him’ =is held by him in his left hand.
gisina knawanina pass is held by him in his right hand.
gisok intrans rub (=gosok).
gisuh n difficulty, trouble (=gesah); intrans have trouble with sth, not reach one’s goal easily.
gita K n story, narrative, poem (S gītā- ‘song’) (gaguritan L); n melody, tune (gending L).
gitik n rod, stick, staff.
ga-gitik n rod, stick, staff.
giwang 1 n talc-earth.
giwang 2 adj inlaid with lozenges of mother-of-pearl (comb, knife etc.).
giya K n cave, grotto (=giha, gwa).
giyat n pimple, pustule on the face.
giyet L intrans be serious, be in earnest about (=gihet) (hitep H).
giyetgiyet intrans make a great effort.
giying n spine, backbone (=giing).
giyur n clamor, roaring, raving.
gl- words beginning gl- are also spelled gel-.
glagak R intrans (ngglagak trans) drink by pouring from a vessel into the mouth (cérét L).
glekglekang intrans drink reluctantly (e.g. dirty water).
glendarglendir intrans saunter about, roam idly, stroll in the streets.
gli n a tickle; gli hatiné n an impulse to laugh.
gliņḑeng, gliņḑenggliņḑeng L intrans wander, stroll, go off alone with no set goal (malalancaran R).
gliņḑer intrans lose one’s balance, fall over.
glogor L n stable, barn, shed (kandang H).
gluglu intrans sob; n sobbing.
gmesang pass be caused to be severe (gemes adj).
gnéha K n southwest (=genéya) (S angéya-).
gnep n completion; intrans be completed (=genep).
gni K n fire (S agni-).
go K n cow, bovine (S go- in compounds).
goba L n form, outward appearance, manner, shape, figure, face, color (warna R, rupa C) (nggoba trans, magoba intrans).
goba jelék n ugly shape, ugliness.
gobéd n a sort of knife for slicing fruit, vegetables, etc. (nggobéd trans).
gocék intrans (nggocék trans) put a rooster through its paces.
gocék-an n a small cockpit, used for testing roosters.
goco, gocogoco intrans pretend to be what one is not.
goḑa intrans (nggoda trans) tempt; god,a n temptation.
goḑég n the leg-feathers of a fowl; hair on a man’s feet.
goḑég drupa n fowls’ feathers reaching beyond the thigh.
godél n the young of a domestic animal.