Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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kayu n the pith of a tree.

      hantara adj, adv inside, in among, between (S antara-).

      di hantara prep inside; di hantarané inside it.

      hantawali n a kind of shrub (=kantawali).

      hanté n chain, chains, fetters; the tying together of a corpse with rattan; intrans (nganté trans) put on a chain, chain up.

      hanté lima n handcuffs.

      hanténa, hanténin pass be chained up (a dog).

      hanteb (Jav) intrans be heavy (bahat L).

      hantebang pass be offered (in worship).

      hanteg intrans (nganteg trans) pretend to be going to do sth, make a feint, sound someone out, investigate (a case).

      hantegang pass be reached, be delivered.

      hanteghantegan n menace, means of frightening someone; investigation.

      hantem 1 intrans (ngantem trans) aim at, seek; n target, goal, what is sought.

      hantemang pass be aimed at, sought.

      hantem 2 intrans (ngantem trans) strike, hit hard.

      hantemang pass be hit hard.

      hanten R n younger brother (hadi L).

      hantén n bride, bridegroom (ngantén trans); hanténang pass be married, be caused to marry.

      hanteng 1 n a cloth worn over the breasts by women (=tengkalung) (nganteng trans).

      hantenang pass be wearing such a cloth.

      hantengin pass have such a cloth put on one.

      hanteng 2 H intrans (nganteng trans) be eager, zealous, diligent (jemet L); n zeal, diligence.

      hantengang pass be made diligent.

      hantengin imp be diligent!

      hantep intrans (ngantep trans) push, collide with (mantep intrans).

      hantepang pass be pushed, be bumped into, be collided with.

      pati hantep intrans bump against everything, bounce to and fro.

      hantes 1 intrans be handy, be ready, be forward.

      hantes 2 n snap, crack.

      hanti 1 L intrans (nganti trans) wait, wait for, expect (=hati) (hantos H).

      hantina pass be waited for.

      hantiyang tyang hakejep wait for me a moment!

      dini malu hantiyang wait here (until I come back).

      hanti 2 n a species of plant.

      hantiga C intrans be drunk, drugged, stupefied (punyah L, taluh R).

      hantinghanting n an ear pendant.

      hanto n ghost, evil spirit, demon (=hantu, mamidi).

      hantod n knee (=lulod).

      hantok n a foothold, a place to stand, a base, basis (ngantokin trans).

      hantokin pass be given a foothold.

      hantol 1 intrans (ngantol trans) repair a breach, stop up a hole in a clay wall, add to.

      hantol 2 n false hair.

      hantolhantolan n addition, false hair.

      hantol 3 intrans (ngantolin trans) continue, connect (mahantol intrans).

      hantolin pass be linked.

      hantolhantolan n a weak link, connection.

      hantos H intrans (ngantos trans) expect, wait for (hanti L); sometimes ntos.

      hantré n queue, a line of people (Fr entrée) (ngantré trans).

      hantréhang pass be formed up in a queue, a line.

      hantreg intrans (ngantreg trans) stop suddenly when in fast motion.

      hantug n touch, physical contact; intrans (ngantuga trans) touch, be in contact.

      hantugan n contact.

      hantugang pass be touched.

      pati hantug intrans push to and fro gently.

      hantughantugan n a dish of vegetables, made from various leaves.

      hantuk 1 H intrans (ngantuk trans) return, go home (mantuk intrans) (hulih, mulih L); n return, homecoming.

      hantukang pass be returned, given back.

      hantuk 2 H intrans do, act; pass be done; exactly parallel with bahan L, i.e. (1) used after an adv with another vb (N-form) following; here hantuk takes the ending -a to agree with a 3ps agent, though this suffix is not usual in H. (2) after an adv, with no other vb, hantuk is without meaning, but makes the adv into a vb (3) when the main vb in such a sentence is obvious it is not used, and hantuk then becomes the only vb of the sentence, e.g. yadyapin hasapunapi hantuk ‘though however is done(-by-you) (is acted),’ …whatever you may do, … ; prep by (agent), with (instrument), because of, with regard to; conj that (+ n clause).

      hantukan n matter, subject, affair (hence sahantukan ‘because of’).

      hantukannyané ‘its matter’ =about it.

      hantun intrans (ngantun trans) join, connect, tie together, join by twisting together.

      hantun-an n join, linkage.

      hantunhantun n pieces put in to lengthen a rope.

      hanu 1 L pron one, a certain one.

      di dina hanu on a certain day.

      hi hanu L (sang hanu H) So-and-So, an unknown and unnamed person.

      hanun +personal name: the one belonging to, that of human, e.g. tyangé limang hanun hi raka the field of me (is) five (times) that of Hi Raka.

      hanu 2 intrans (nganu trans) disturb, annoy, anger.

      bakat hanu intrans be too annoyed, be roused to indiscreet anger.

      hanuda K conj that, so that (hapang L).

      hanugraha C n gift, present (=nugraha, waranugraha) (S anugraha-).

      hanuman n baboon, monkey (=hanoman); the king of the monkeys in the Ramayana.

      ha-nut K trans follow, agree with, obey (tutut L) (this K trans form is used in Bali as a base as though pass).

      hanutang pass be caused to agree.

      hanutin pass

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