Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
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halap-an n the harvesting of fruit.
halap haneh intrans be lopsided, be biased.
halap tresna intrans win affection.
halas n uninhabited land, jungle, forest; desert, wilderness; adj wild.
halas-an n wilderness; inaccessible, wild area.
halas linggah n extensive forest.
halas wayah n virgin forest.
halathalat n security, pledge; intrans be security for.
haled intrans (ngaled trans) base, found; n dish, plate, leaf, tray; a flat thing on which things can be placed; foundation, base.
haledin pass be based, be founded.
haled jaja n plate for cakes.
haleg n stroke (of a bell); intrans (ngaleg trans) strike, hit.
haleghalega pass be struck by someone repeatedly.
halem 1 H intrans (ngalem trans) praise, flatter, honor; love, love too much (=spoil a child).
kalem (=ka-halem) pass be praised (jum, hajum L).
halem 2 n (NBali) a kind of sweet cake.
ha-lembar n class one leaf, sheet of paper.
halén adj other, different (lén L, lyan H).
halep intrans be calm, quiet, still.
halep-an compr quieter, calmer.
halepang pass appear calm, behave quietly.
halés intrans avoid, evade, step aside, dodge.
halid 1 intrans stink (fish).
halid 2 n (SWBali) a species of fish.
halid 3 n (NBali) small caterpillars which occur in thousands together.
halih L intrans (ngalih trans) seek, fetch, get; look for sth in its usual place (ruruh, rereh H).
halihang, halihin pass look for sth whose whereabouts is not known.
halihang imp seek!; pass look for someone.
lan halihin imp come on, look for (it)! (lan =jalan).
halihalah n rainbow (=yang lalah).
halihali R n ring (jewelry) (bungkung L).
halihalihané n the getting (of money), livelihood, living.
halik intrans (ngalik trans) show sth in a very high degree; tegeh ngalik be extremely high.
halikan n alteration, change, deviation.
halim adj pious, learned; calm, quiet (Arab alim, halim).
halinhalin n favor, friendship.
haling intrans (ngaling trans) screen, protect.
haling-an n hindrance, barrier.
halinghaling n a screen, curtain, protection; the short wall just inside the gateway of a house complex; restrictions.
ha-lingseh n class a circle, ring (enclosing sth).
halis L n eyebrow (=halis mata) (wimba R).
halishalis hijo n the title of a folktale.
halis panji n a figure in the shape of an eyebrow on the hilt of a kris.
halit H adj small, little, young (cerik, cenik, cening L); intrans (ngalit trans) be small, make small.
halit-an compr smaller, younger.
halitang pass be made smaller.
halithalit n children.
halitin pass be made small, be reduced.
hanaké halit puniki H this child.
sané pinih halité youngest.
halok 1 intrans (ngalok trans) cry out, scream.
halok 2 n bluff, boasting.
halon H adj slow, gentle (hadéng L) (ngalonang trans).
halonang be slowed down.
halonhalon intrans move slowly, decelerate (hadénghadéng L).
halonin pass be late, be delayed.
ha-losin n one dozen (Mal lusin, D dozijn).
halpa K adj insignificant, short, small; halpa yusa n a short life.
halu 1 n iguana.
halu 2 intrans (ngalu trans) go round selling; go about seeking merchandise.
halub intrans (ngalub trans) spread abroad (scent); be gentle, lovely (sounds); die out, die away (=ngalubhalub).
haluh adj easy, not hard; adv easily; intrans (ngaluh trans) be easy, make sth easy; have an easy life.
haluh-an n an easy thing; compr easier.
haluhang pass be made easy.
haluhin pass have (things) made easy for one.
masan haluh n leisure.
halum intrans (ngalum trans) be half-ripe, half-cooked; be withered.
halumin pass have been half-cooked.
halun 1 n wave of the sea.
halunhalun n forecourt of a palace or temple (=bancingah).
halun 2 adj fertile (ngalun trans).
halup 1 adj slow, monotonous, dragging (sounds).
ngaluphalup trans emit a monotonous sound, like a sundari (a bamboo instrument which emits a humming sound in the wind).
halup 2 intrans (=halub) spread abroad (scent), die away (sound).
halur n current (ngalur trans).
halus adj sweet, pleasant, refined; high (language); fine (linen); soft (sound) (luwes H).
halus-an compr sweeter; softer (ngalus trans).
halusang pass be made sweet, pleasant, refined.
halushalusin pass be treated more gently.
halusin pass be made sweeter, finer; be treated gently, nicely.
halut intrans (ngalut trans) char (wood).