Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
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hajang n a kind of dish (food).
hajap intrans (ngajap trans) desire, hope for, concentrate on.
hajaphajap intrans concentrate on.
hajaphajap-an n what is hoped for; telepathy, transference of thought.
ma-ngajapajap trans long greatly for, demand.
hajar 1 intrans (ngajar trans) raise and lower the hook to attract fish, sniggle; provoke, guide.
hajar 2 (Jav) intrans teach, inform (=hajah).
hajar-an n admonition.
hajarhajar-an n education, teaching; doctrine.
ha-jebos H adv one moment (ha-kejep L); malih hajebos just a moment.
hajeg intrans (ngajeg trans) be erect, stand upright (=hajeg).
hajegang pass be erected, be built.
hajeghajeg n arrangements, regulation.
hajeng 1 Jav equivalent of Bali hahep, harep H (all the Bali uses are derived from this).
hajeng 2 intrans (ngajeng trans) be in front of, put in front of; n being in front of sth, someone.
di hajeng H prep before, in face of, in front of (di hahep, di harep L).
hajeng-an n what is in front of; di hajengan prep in the presence of, before.
ring hajeng H prep before, in face of, in front of (di hahep, di harep L).
hajeng 3 intrans (ngajeng trans) eat, drink (dahar, hamah L).
hajengan n food, rice.
hajengang pass be eaten; imp do eat!
hajenghajengan n all kinds of foods.
hajengin pass be tasted; be tried (food).
hajér intrans be good at talking, be quick to speak, address familiarly (=hajar).
ha-jerih H intrans fear, respect; be worried about (jejeh, takut L).
ha-jerihan n anxiety, worry, fear.
hajerihanidané his worry =he was afraid.
ha-jero 1 R intrans be housed, dwell (mahumah L).
hajero 2 L intrans be very deep, be unfathomable.
haji 1 n price, value, worth, cost; intrans (ngaji trans) prize, value, esteem.
hajinin pass be valued, esteemed.
haji di peken n market value.
maji haji be valued at (maji =ma-haji).
haji 2 n pilgrim to Mecca (ngaji trans) (Arab).
haji 3 H n father (bapa L).
hida hi haji Father.
hajinhida his father.
haji saking lanang n father-in-law (of a woman) (matwa mwani L).
haji 4 K n king, prince, lord.
haji 5 K n mantra, religious formula.
hajihaji-han intrans create by magical arts.
haji 6 prep with (instrumental); at, for (money).
haji ka prep into.
hajin K intrans (ngajin trans) perceive, know, be acquainted with; n knowledge, attention; wisdom.
hajinang pass be perceived, be known about.
tra hajin intrans be ignorant.
hajnya C intrans desire, wish (=hadnya).
yan sampun hajnyan hi ratu ‘if it has-pleased (you)’ =if you please, so desire.
hajnyana C n thought, opinion (=hadnyana); metu saking hajnyana suci nirmala (it) appeared from thoughts pure, unstained.
ha-jomplong n a heap of food (for pigs).
hajrih H n fear, respect, reverence.
haju n a sea fish with a rather long snout.
hajug n measure (=hajuk); intrans (ngajug trans) measure; pati hajug intrans observe; feel one’s way with a stick.
hajuk intrans (ngajuk trans) measure (=hajug).
hajum 1 L intrans (ngajum trans) praise, speak well of; flatter; boast, swagger (halem R); n boasting, swagger, flattery, praise.
hajumhajuman n pleasure in being praised.
jalma hajum n a conceited person.
hajum 2 intrans (ngajum trans) arrange, regulate.
hajung C n father.
hajur intrans melt, be liquid, be fluid (=henyag, lebur).
haka n a sort of fishpond.
hakah n root, tree root; intrans (ngakah trans) have roots, be rooted, take root.
hakak intrans (ngakak trans) laugh loudly (more loudly than hikik).
hakal intrans intend, be intended for; adv a word indicating the future; n mind, intention (=bakal).
hakang n elder brother or sister.
hakang mang, hadi nggung ‘elder brother (is) district chief, younger brother (is) provincial governor’ =things are not in due order.
hakar n a medicine made from a certain plant.
hakas 1 adj enormous, huge; heavy (voice).
hakas 2 n a sort of damascening on the blades of kris.
ha-kasa K C n sky, heaven (=kasa, hangkasa) (langit L, hambara H).
hakat intrans (ngakat trans) sit firmly (=heket).
ha-katih class for long slender things (e.g. finger, bamboo, hair).
haké pron I (in sentences about oneself: I, myself) (very low); contr of hawaké (see hawak).
ha-kebis n class one strip of cotton or linen.
ha-kedap, ha-kedép adv one moment (=hakejep).
ha-kedik, ha-kédik, ha-kidik H adv a little (hakikit L).
ha-kéh H be much, be many (ngakéh trans) (liyu L); n amount.
hakéh-an compr more; n a greater amount (liyunan L).
hakéhang pass