Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
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habing adj steep (slope); n steep bank (stream), steep edge of a cliff.
habir intrans be sloping to one side, at one side.
hubarhabir intrans be hypertrophied, overdeveloped.
habit intrans only in hubathabit rummage in somewhere; curse and swear.
hablaghebleg intrans be washed away (a road).
ha-blangsé n an incalculable number.
hablegag n many, a number.
ha-bol n anus, buttocks (bol).
ha-bongkal n a weight, one ounce (gold).
ha-bosbos, ha-bosbos-an H n one moment, one second (ha-kejep L); adv at once, in a moment.
habot H intrans be heavy, be difficult (bahat L); be pregnant (beling L).
habra 1 K intrans spread far and wide; hang in disorder (hair).
habra 2 intrans gleam, shine, be beautiful and strong.
ha-brarak n an immense number.
habresé adj many all at once.
ha-bresih K intrans wash (a corpse).
habresih-an n washing.
ha-briyukan adj all together at once.
ha-bsik L num one; class (general) (ha-siki H).
habu n ashes, earth mixed with ash; cigar ash; dirt (=hawu); H n dust, powder (=hawu); intrans burn; adj ash-grey.
habu timah n burnt lead (metal).
habug n a sort of sweet black bread, cakes.
ha-buh (=buh) n false pregnancy; morbid swelling of the belly.
habuk intrans (ngabuk trans) be thick, be dense.
ha-bulan n one month.
ha-bulih n one seedling, seed.
ha-bunteran n one circle.
ha-bungkul class for big things; ‘one.’
ha-but intrans (ngabut trans) pull out, pull up; raise (anchor) (=but, hebut).
habutan adj pulled up, dug up; kacang habutan n groundnuts.
habyan L n a garden, a fenced area (esp for growing things).
habyanhabyané pl the fields (of growing corn).
habyan hanggur n vineyard; habyan hang-gurné his vineyard.
ha-cagak n one draught, one gulp.
ha-cakep n one section of a palm-leaf book (enclosed in boards).
hacalhacal n the limits of the area in the sky for a pigeon race.
hacanghacang n a kind of food.
ha-cangkop n what fills two hands cupped together.
hacar n pickles; adj pickled (not sweet) (Mal).
hacé ps pron I (used only by the king of Kalungkung).
ha-ceklik n half of a small coconut shell (a measure of volume).
ha-celeb-an n one baptism; one dipping in water.
hacep 1 intrans (ngacep trans) hope for (handel H).
hacephacep-an n a thing hoped for.
hacep 2 L n quiet meditation, consideration (redana R) (ngacep trans).
ha-cepok L adv once, on one occasion (hapisan H).
di hacepoké one time.
hacepok-an adv all at once; n sth that does not pass off at once.
hacereng intrans stare, look without blinking.
ha-cicip-an n a bit at a time (cicip intrans taste).
haci n religious observance, rite (ngaci trans).
hacihaci n a religious observance by all (at harvest or during an epidemic); a day of general prayer.
hacintya K adj invisible, mysterious.
ha-clemik-an, ha-clepik-an n one word.
hacreng n keen eyesight.
hacum R adj pale, pallid (=hucem) (kecud L).
hacung intrans (ngacungang trans) raise up, lift up.
hacunghacung intrans (ngacunghacung trans) travel alone.
ha-cutak n one plot (class for pieces of land).
hada L n existence, being; intrans (ngadahang trans) be, exist (wénten H) (note the idiom makejang suba hada ‘all have been’ =all are past. This vb is normally impersonal, but may have a personal subject when emphasis on the subject is expressed; ‘be’ joining subject and predicate is not usually expressed in Bali, but when it is desired to state the fact that sth or someone existed or was in being, hada + jeneng is used (usually H): hada jeneng né, mekekalitepet (the time) was at noon; hada jeneng hanimpugan (he went away) it was a stone’s throw; hada jeneng bwin hajam it was yet again one hour, when...; jeneng hana kristus? (they asked) is this the Christ?) (hana =Jav vb hada).
hada-han n existence; adj (it is) better (wéntenan H in both meanings).
hadahang pass be caused to exist.
hadané what had happened.
hadanné his existence.
hada twara intrans be honest, straightforward, simple.
hadad intrans (NBali) pull, draw.
hadah 1 n a cry.
hadah 2 adj low, low down.
hadah-an compr lower; poorer (quality).
hadak intrans (ngadak trans) draw, carry away.
hadakang pass be brought about, caused to happen.
hadakhadak-an n what is caused to happen.
ha-ḑam intrans be ripe (mad,am intrans).
haḑama K adj low-minded, of bad character (S aḑama-).
hadan L n name, appellation (parab M, wasta H, biséka C) (madan intrans); intrans give a name (ngadanin trans).
hadanin pass be named, be given a name, be called.