Tuttle Learning Japanese Kanji. Glen Nolan Grant

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Tuttle Learning Japanese Kanji - Glen Nolan Grant

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      As with the kanji for “sun”, this character carries two meanings that are clearly related, in this case “moon” and “month.” You will become very familiar with this kanji through its use in the names of the months. This is another visually simple character for which no story is required.

      Common Pronunciations

      Common ON reading: GETSU (ゲツ); GATSU (ガツ)

      Common kun reading: tsuki (つき)

      Like ITSU (with the kanji “一”) and other readings ending in “-TSU”, the two on-yomi double up any unvoiced consonant sounds that follow. You will encounter GATSU primarily in the names of the months.

      kun-yomi suggestion: “bought Sioux kee psakes”

      Create your on-yomi keyword and enter it in the table at the back of the book. After that, write your sentence to remember the on-yomi and kun-yomi readings in the box below.

      Less Common Pronunciations

      Less common ON reading: none

      Less Common kun readings: none

moon; month tsuki つき
一月 one + month = January ICHI.GATSU イチ.ガツ
二月 two + month = February NI.GATSU ニ.ガツ
三月 three + month = March SAN.GATSU サン.ガツ
四月 four + month = April SHI.GATSU シ.ガツ
先月 precede + month = last month SEN.GETSU セン.ゲツ
月見 moon + see = moon viewing tsuki.mi つき.み
九月 月見 行きました。
KU·GATSU ni tsuki·mi ni i·kimashita.
September moon viewing went
= I went moon viewing in September.

      KANJI #12




      Remembering this kanji

      “I’m far more BRIGHT than you are,” said the moon.

       “Really?” answered the sun, smiling. “I find that hard to believe. I’m so BRIGHT people have to wear shades; how many people do you notice wearing moonglasses.”

      Common Pronunciations

      Common ON reading: MEI (メイ)

      Common kun reading: a (あ); aka (あか)

      kun-yomi suggestions: “apt”; “stack a…”.

      Create your on-yomi keyword and enter it in the table at the back of the book. After that, write your sentence to remember the on-yomi and kun-yomi readings in the box below.

      Less Common Pronunciations

      Less common ON reading: MYŌ (ミョウ); MIN (ミン)

      Less Common kun reading: aki (あき)

明るい bright aka·rui あか.るい
明かり clearness a·kari あ.かり
明白 bright + white = obvious MEI·HAKU メイ.ハク
不明 not + bright = unclear FU·MEI フ.メイ
明るい です。
tsuki wa aka·rui desu.
moon bright is
= The moon is bright.

      KANJI #13



      Tree/Wood. No story required.

      Common Pronunciations

      Common ON reading: MOKU (モク); BOKU (ボク)

      Common kun reading: ki (き)

      This is another kanji that will require patience to learn. Look for MOKU to show up in the first position, however, and BOKU in the second. ki occurs less often, but appears with equal frequency in the first or second position.

      kun-yomi suggestion: “keel” (do not use “key”,

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