Dispeller of Obstacles. Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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Dispeller of Obstacles - Padmasambhava Guru Rinpoche

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positive conditions, the accumulation of merit and wisdom,%

       Offer the mandalas of the ocean-like realms of the three kayas.%

       In particular, apply the key points of the essence of all the paths,%

       The guru yoga of devotion:%

       Amid an ocean of offering clouds in the sky before me,%

       Upon the lion throne and layered lotus, sun, and moon,%

       Is Orgyen Tötreng Tsal, the embodiment of all objects of refuge.%

       He has one face and two arms and is wrathfully smiling and glowing with resplendent light.%

       He wears the lotus crown, secret dress, gown, Dharma robes, and brocade cloak.%

       Holding a vajra in his right hand and a skull with a vase in his left,%

       He embraces the secret mudra in the hidden form of a khatvanga.%

       With his two feet in the reveling posture, he is within a sphere of five-colored rainbow light.%

       He sends out cloud banks of the all-encompassing Three Roots.%

       All that appears and exists is the essence of the glorious guru.%

       Perform the external practice in the manner of supplication%

       And the inner practice in the manner of recitation.%

       Afterward, receive the four empowerments and dissolve Guru Rinpoche into yourself.%

       In the luminous state of your mind inseparable from the guru,%

       Experience one-pointedly the secret, ultimate guru.%

       Through the practice of the great emptiness, the space of suchness,%

       Where all the relative and ultimate dharmas%

       Are the great supreme dharmakaya of the inseparable two truths,%

       You will realize death as the natural state of luminosity.%

       Through the practice of the all-illuminating samadhi,%

       In the illusory manner of nonconceptual compassion,%

       Toward unrealized sentient beings pervading space,%

       The bardo will appear as the forms of the deities of the Magical Net.%

       Particularly, in order to purify the process of taking birth,%

       Practice the development stage, which ends clinging to ordinary experience:%

       Visualize as perfected in instantaneous recollection in order to purify miraculous birth,%

       And visualize through the emanation and absorption of the seed syllable in order to purify birth by warmth.%

       Visualize the seed syllable, attributes, and bodily form in order to purify womb birth,%

       And visualize the cause and effect heruka in order to purify egg birth.%

       In all cases, visualize the mandala of the base and the based,%

       And the faces, arms, and attributes in total completeness.%

       First, in order to train gradually in this,%

       Visualize yourself in the form of the single mudra%

       With vivid features, like a rainbow.%

       At best, regard it as the natural great absolute;%

       As the next best, envision the distinct general and specific features;%

       At least, plant the stake of unchanging concentration.%

       Place an image with all the characteristics before you%

       And focus your mind, eyes, and prana one-pointedly upon it.%

       When a vivid presence appears, abandon the defects of drowsiness and agitation,%

       Rest in the state where the form of the deity is the unity of appearance and emptiness,%

       And the experience will arise, in which the turbulence of thoughts has subsided.%

       Sometimes rest, bringing consciousness to its natural state.%

       Sometimes transform the expression of your concentration into many different things.%

       In each session, bring the clear appearance of the deity to perfection.%

       In each session, plant the great stake of the essence mantra.%

       In each session, rest in the same taste of the deity and your mind.%

       In each session, accomplish the magical display of emanating and absorbing rays of light.%

       At all times, keep the pride of being inseparable from the deity.%

       Since the path illustrates the unity of ground and fruition,%

       Practice the total purity that stops the clinging to ordinary experience.%

       In between sessions, mend the samayas with feast gatherings and tormas.%

       Bring all that appears and exists onto the path%

       As the essence of the magical deity, mantra, and great wisdom.%

       If you practice one-pointedly in this way,%

       The experiences of movement, attainment, habituation, steadiness, and perfection will arise,%

       And you will actually meet with the form possessing the threefold vividness.%

       You will accomplish the truth of speech and a changeless mind.%

       Next, fix your mind on the entire mandala circle,%

       And when you have gradually attained its vivid presence,%

       Emanate groups of buddha families filling the sky.%

       Through the samadhi of the Magical Net%

       Of the Vidyadhara power-wielders, and appearance and existence as manifest ground,%

       And by means of group practice in an assembly,%

       The highest siddhi will be accomplished.%

       With the perfect place, time, teacher, retinue, and articles,%

       Correctly perform the “rite of the land”%

       And practice the sadhanas of outer, inner, and secret retreat.%

       Erect the sign mandala as the support for concentration,%


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