The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 1/4). Johannes Biermanski

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The Sacred Scriptures - 29th Special Edition (Part 1/4) - Johannes Biermanski

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deliberately used by the humans

      that finally leads to a faster death, is, referring to people, A MURDERER, A PERPETRATOR OF LAWLESSNESS and a violator of the commandment of the living YAHWEH Sabaoth, the Almighty !!

      For any damage to people, animals and landscapes, the manufacturer is generally liable with all his assets, since he is the actual producer and he is and must be precisely informed about the composition and the impact of his products! If not enough assets are available, it is the relevant state, where the manufacturer has its headquarters, that should bear full responsibility for the manufacturer in case of a damage. If landscapes are contaminated/infected, the manufacturer shall assume full conversion to the former, natural and original state; he is fully liable.

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      Wer immer es zulässt, beauftragt oder durchführt, dass Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen

      - durch Gen-manipulierten Stoffen/Lebensmitteln/Landprodukte

      - sowie durch Verbreitung von Chemikalien, Vieren etc. in die Atmosphäre

      - sowie durch von Menschen bewusst eingesetzten Strahlungen jeglicher Art

      geschwächt bis massiv beschädigt werden, das dann zu einem schnelleren Tod führt, bezugnehmend auf Menschen: IST EIN MÖRDER, EIN TÄTER DER GESETZLOSIGKEIT und hat gegen das Gebot des lebendigen JAHWEH Zebaoth verstoßen!!

      Für jegliche Schäden an Menschen, Tieren und Landschaften haftet grundsätzlich der Hersteller mit seinem ganzen Vermögen, da er der eigentliche Herausgeber und Produzent ist und über die Zusammensetzungen und Auswirkungen seiner Produkte genauestens informiert ist und informiert sein muss! Reicht das Vermögen nicht aus, muss der jeweilige Staat, in der der Hersteller seinen eigentlichen Hauptsitz/seine Hauptzentrale innehat, in voller Verantwortung im Schadensfall für den Hersteller eintreten. Sind Landschaften kontaminiert/infiziert, muss der Hersteller die volle Rückbildung in den alten, natürlichen und ursprünglichen Zustand durchführen; er haftet in vollem Umfang.

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      The following basically applies:

      “Whoever either kills, murders, tortures a person, or gives an order to state institutions, special facilities, special forces, etc. or drives people to murdering, killing and torturing - is a murderer, a criminal, a perpetrator of lawlessness himself, thus violating the law of the living God, for which there is no absolution, no carte blanche to be redeemed from sins, even if it is officially declared to the world:

      'Satan’s spirit has come to its full expression in this human!'”

      “Human doctrines, the implementation of which is enforced, apparently in the name of God, in the name of religion, in the name of an ideology, for the preservation of world peace, for the preservation of a fraternal community among the nations, are imbued with the spirit of Satan, no matter what reasons are being indicated, even if they sound logical!”

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      Grundsätzlich gilt:

      „Wer einen Menschen tötet, ermordet, quält, oder diesen Auftrag staatlichen Einrichtungen, Sondereinrichtungen, Spezialeinheiten etc. übergibt, oder Menschen zum Morden, Töten, Quälen auffordert, ist ein Mörder, ein Verbrecher, ein Täter der Gesetzlosigkeit, und hat gegen das Gesetz des lebendigen Gottes verstoßen, wofür es keine Lossprechung, keinen Freibrief von diesen Sünden gibt, auch wenn es offiziell in der Welt erklärt wird:

      ‘In diesem Mensch ist der Geist Satans zur vollen Ausprägung gelangt!’“

      „Menschenlehren, deren Durchsetzung erzwungen werden anscheinend im Namen Gottes, im Namen einer Religion, im Namen einer Ideologie, für die Erhaltung des Weltfriedens, für die Erhaltung der brüderlichen Gemeinschaft unter den Nationen, welche Gründe auch immer angegeben werden, auch wenn sie sich logisch anhören, sind vom Geist Satans durchtränkt!“

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      A Love Letter for You!

      A guide to eternal life: God’s Word. Patience, hope, confidence and security to all readers searching their way and believing in the one who walked along in front of them. Who is it? “THE SON OF GOD!” He revealed his glory taking the shame of our sins, our debts, our injustice, our lawlessness and paid the high price with his blood so that we may live eternally {if we wish to do so} and accept his sacrifice. Himself he calls us brothers and sisters, those who love Him and stick by His commandments, the precepts of his Father. (John 17:24, Matthew 12:48-49; Mark 3:33-34; Luke 8:20-21)

      Shortly before the end of the grace period and the second coming of the Messiah, this work appears to honor and glorify the Almighty, living and only God, the Father. Over 7,000 times His name was mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament), however he completely disappeared from our translations, but the name “Satan” remained unchanged in the Scriptures.

      Also in public the vast majority of people do not know the God of the Bible, much less his name. However, the name “Satan” is well known to all people. Satan does not care about the sequence of letters in his name or with which other letters or words his name is combined. The main thing is that he is either consciously or unconsciously worshipped and admired by people (for example Titan, Santa, Santa Claus, etc. - written differently depending on the language; even used with city names, such as Santa Cruz, whereby the Cross [Cruz] was transferred from paganism to Christianity).

      One of many testimonies about the name of God can be found in the appendix of this works.

      The name of our unique God, the Father, as called by the Israelites and how it is still written in the Bethel Bible and the Hebrew edition, is “YAHWEH.” - Deuteronomy 6:4:

      “... YAHWEH is our Elohim (G-d), YAHWEH is ONE. “

      YAHWEH means: “’I am’, who I am; I am he who exists, I will always exist; and all that exists, exists through me!” (see Exodus 3:14)

      In Exodus 3:6 YAHWEH said to Moses: “I am the Elohim (G-d) of your father, the Elohim (G-d) of Abraham, the Elohim (G-d) of Isaac and the Elohim (G-d) of Jacob.”

      YAHWEH, furthermore, said to Moses in Exodus 3:15: “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘YAHWEH, the Elohim (G-d) of your fathers, the Elohim (G-d) of Abraham, the Elohim (G-d) of Isaac, and the Elohim (G-d) of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.”

      (see also I Corinthians 8:6; 11:3; Revelation 1:4+8).

      The preface of the Darby (Elberfelder) Bible of 2004 says: “The main text contains the letters YHWH, during the review the decision was made in favor of “LORD” in place of “Yahweh” (see Exodus 3:15).

      In the Schlachter Version 2000 in the second footnote to Exodus 3:14 on page 63 a following notice can be found: “The Hebrew name of the God of Israel (reproduced in this translation by LORD; it probably sounded ‘ Yahweh’)...”

      The preface of Hermann Menge’s translation of 1928, says: “I think special attention should be paid to following details, [point 4 in particular:

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