Sex Rules!. Janice Z. Brodman

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Sex Rules! - Janice Z. Brodman

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“Position open. Experience preferred...”

       You may kiss the brides…


       Obey your elders!

       Ditch the steroids…

       Make love…and war

       Readin’, writin’ and…sex?

       A boy and his soa…

       Land of the free, home of the party!

       Crotch-grabbers get lost!

       World’s most romantic country?

       Not just another pretty face…

       Ya gotta love Sadie Hawkins Day

       The “opposite” sex?

       What’s the most beautiful part of a woman?

       Wrestling for love

       Happy meals for real

       Marriage and Other Mysteries

       Only gold diggers need apply

       Great winter games

       I’ll always be true to you, darling, in my fashion…

       Tired of men?

       Rules of engagement

       All in the family…

       Test drive your marriage

       Lifetime bachelor party

       The first “Wives Club”

       Marry the strong, silent type

       Love, better than a blanket…

       Meetin’ in the Garden of Eatin’

       For the woman who wants to have it all

       Foxy Lad(y) or Dress for Success

       Don’t be a yahoo, be a Mahu!

       Hate that suit and tie?

       Who wears the nose rings in your family?

       Classic styles for men

       The World’s best-dressed choirboys…

       Redheads have more fun…

       In the Eye of the Beholder

       Somewhere in this world you’re a perfect 10...

       Pull yourself into prettiness…

       The good and the beautiful

       Somewhere on this planet, you’re the perfect hunk...

       Better start workin’ on that tan…

       Dieting? Who needs it?

       Family Ties

       Four letter words even Grandma wouldn’t mind…

       The family that eats together…

       Kissing cousins

       Hate those dishpan hands?

       Barbie for boys

       Little old lady power

       It’s wonderful, it’s paradise…

       Prayers for pudenda

       A special kiss on the cheek


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