Sex Rules!. Janice Z. Brodman

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Sex Rules! - Janice Z. Brodman

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swamps, in tiny villages along the fertile banks of the Yuat River. The main crop is betel, a lovely little drug plant that gives a nice buzz, boosts energy, and enjoys a thriving market in towns. The Biwat themselves don’t use betel much. They have better things to do.

      Though the men claim to want only virgins, young Biwat women polish their skin with oil, dress in their sexiest grass skirts, and are constantly cruising for new lovers—even after they are engaged to be married. See someone cute in his flying foxskin loincloth nicely decorated with shells? Getting to know him well enough for a roll in the woods takes about three seconds. As long as she’s even the slightest bit discreet, everyone happily ignores her little lapses.

      Want to know which guy got lucky? Easy. Fresh bite wounds around the neck, ripped clothes, face and arms scratched and bleeding.

      The Biwat easily explain a woman’s wild sexual antics: “Has she not a vulva?”


      Make love, not war

      In Mangaian legend, the first human rose from a hole in the center of this lovely green Polynesian Island. Mangaia (A’ua’u Enua), which means “peace,” is lush with tropical fruit, has plentiful, clean water, and no poisonous snakes or dangerous insects.

      Mangaians learn early that life is sweet. Best of all, as they grow older, kids realize they have the world’s greatest built-in entertainment: their genitals. No Mangaian would be so stupid as to call them “private” parts. All good parents encourage their growing kids to take advantage of the gifts nature gave them and masturbate.

      Societies create lots of words for things they think important. Mangaians enjoy a wide vocabulary for the aesthetics of the clitoris: how large, pointed, pendulous, protruding, sharp, straight, and so on. The typical Mangaian male knows more about female genitals than most Western doctors.

      Mangaians believe anything worth doing is worth learning to do well. As a boy enters mid-teens, he gets a tutor—an older, experienced woman, who teaches him a wide variety of positions, coaches him on how to use oral sex for best effect, and trains him in the skills that will arouse his partner and drown her in pleasure. His goal: to bring his partner to orgasm as many times as possible.

      Mid-teen girls also receive a proper education. Their training focuses on how to have multiple intense orgasms. Needless to say, all Mangaian women are orgasmic.

      Women score their lovers and broadcast which guy has good technique. One test is whether he can bring her to orgasm without touching anything except her vagina. A man must give his partner at least three orgasms before his own, or he’s a loser. Then it’s: Shape up, sugar, or it’s back to masturbation.


      Sugar in the evening…

      All parents want a nice young man for their daughter. One who comes to the house, looks you in the eye, shakes hands politely, tells you where they’re going, brings her home on time.


      High in the mountains near the border of Tibet, the Mosuo of China live in villages nestled along the spectacular sapphire mountain lake Lugu. The Mosuo lead peaceful lives, raising yaks and other farm animals, growing crops, and—despite the occasional home satellite dish—following tradition.

      They call the late teen years the “honey time.” At sixteen, a girl gets complete freedom to “make friends” with boys; that is, invite a chosen boy to spend the night in her bedroom in a special Azhu house. A girl is free to “make friends” with as many boys as she likes, and she alone decides what boy she’ll befriend.

      When the girl decides the romance is over, she simply shuts the door of her Azhu house to him.

      There’s just one fixed rule: the boy must show unfailing respect for her mother. He does it by sneaking into the girl’s bedroom after dark, when Mom’s asleep, and slipping out again before dawn, so no one will see him.

      A boy who dares to show up in daylight to meet a girl’s parents proves he’s a disrespectful scoundrel with no respect for propriety…and Mom will toss him out on his sorry ass.



      Think it’s odd that governments try to regulate something as ubiquitous, personal, and diverse as sex? Probably, but that’s never stopped them. Take the USA. It has more laws regulating sex than all of Europe. Some laws make sense, of course. They protect the innocent. Others are just… weird.

      If necrophilia is your thing, head to one of the states where it’s legal: Louisiana, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

      But be careful about getting it on with the living. In Connecticut, one old law forbade any “private sexual behavior between consenting adults” – that apparently included married couples.

      Not to be outdone, Virginia outlaws exposing your genitals where anyone else is present – that includes in your bedroom with your lover. They can also lock you up for having sex with another consenting adult – or masturbating in someone else’s presence. For those evil crimes, you can get twelve months in the hoosegow and a $2,500 fine.

      Let’s not forget an old law in Washington State that forbids intercourse with a virgin. No one gets away with flouting this law, including newlyweds. The penalties include prison and a fine.

      Clawson, Michigan made it illegal for a farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows, horses, goats, and chickens. Now what will Clawson guys do on those long winter nights?

      In the liberated state of Florida, it’s illegal for a man to kiss his wife’s breasts.

      Colorado made it illegal to kiss a sleeping woman.

      Florida staunchly protects its porcupines’ virtue. Any human caught having sexual relations with a porcupine will face the full fury of the law, not to mention some major private parts pain.

      In Illinois, they prohibit you from nuzzling or kissing a reptile.

      Last but certainly not least, in liberated Massachusetts, the town of Salem has taken a firm stand. They made it illegal for married couples to sleep nude together in a rented room.

      Don’t yap about your yoni

      On the isle of Yap, in Micronesia, surrounded by vast coral reefs and crystal-clear waters, people pursue age-old pastimes. Fishing, sailing, and weaving are still the center of daily life. Yap women preserve another tradition. They carefully guard the source of all their potency: their genitals. That way, they always have plenty of “power” to catch and hold any men they want.

      No Yap woman would ever let any other female—young or old—get a peek at the source of her competitive edge, her yoni.

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