Honor, Face, and Violence. Mine Krause

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Honor, Face, and Violence - Mine Krause Cross Cultural Communication

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Khan and Qureshi contend that, while Hosseini shows some Pashtun men to be “constructive-minded” and “matchlessly helpful to the needy,” he “exaggerates in misrepresenting” the Taliban as in the character of Rasheed so that, because the novel is narrated “from female perspective,” it is “biased” and “discriminatory” (392, 395, 396, 397). In such a reading, Hosseini’s work does not reveal representative conditions; the critics might be more pleased with a novel that shows the Taliban and their male adherents opposing any form of violence or discrimination against women. Further attacks of this kind on Hosseini’s work can easily be found (see also our chapter 1.1.2.). Yet Sarah O’Brien from a very different reading sees in Hosseini’s fiction “a sometimes problematic subversion of post-9/11 New Orientalist stereotypes” (4).

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