Honor, Face, and Violence. Mine Krause

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Honor, Face, and Violence - Mine Krause Cross Cultural Communication

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fiction, stories are expected to take place in the past and in a rural setting (Leese).

      […] [T];he problem of the representation of reality becomes more important than the artist or author deserves or wants. […] While non-western artists want the same freedom […] of representation that western artists want or look for, they feel an immense responsibility towards […] representing this part of the world. (ter Braak)

      The writers’ parenthesizing of these conditions (in Husserl’s sense), for all their individual variation, ensures that they are not at a disadvantage concerning their work’s credibility. These are issues of such far-reaching importance that we will come back to them in various contexts.

      Then, in the context of North Africa vis-à-vis Europe, another form of the question about attending to more than marginal realities has become strongly political, erupting in the controversy surrounding Algerian writer Kamel Daoud. At the end of 2015, massive sexual assaults on women by young men mostly from North African and Middle Eastern backgrounds in Cologne (Germany) provoked an op-ed by Daoud in The New York Times with statements that are in tune with his fictional representations:

      […] one of the great miseries plaguing much of the so-called Arab world, and the Muslim world more generally, is its sick relationship with women. In some places, women are veiled, stoned and killed. […] People in the West are discovering, with anxiety and fear, that sex in the Muslim world is sick, and that the disease is spreading to their own lands.

      This in turn triggered a storm of harsh protest, for instance from a number of mostly French academics (see Maghreb Page Editors) who condemned Daoud for Islamophobia coming close to racist discourses. Finally the French prime minister Manuel Valls intervened with a post “Soutenons Kamel Daoud!”: “Ce que demande Kamel Daoud, c’est qu’on ne nie pas la pesanteur des réalités politiques et religieuses; que l’on ait les yeux ouverts sur ces forces qui retiennent l’émancipation des individus, sur les violences faites aux femmes, sur la radicalisation croissante des quartiers, sur l’embrigadement sournois de nos jeunes” (see also Zerofsky 63).

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