The Academic Hustle. Matthew Pigatt

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The Academic Hustle - Matthew Pigatt

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it is that you do. You must invest time into updating yourself and improving in any area that is a weakness for you.

      Two Costs

      Once you know what it is that you want and why you want it, then you must invest your time and money into developing the Four Pillars in that area. Nothing will happen unless you invest your time and money into it. Put your money, your time, and yourself out there. When it comes to this, “scared living ain’t living.” It is a thief of time.

      Time is of the essence and our most precious resource. It is the only thing that we can never get back or replay. Everyone has the same 24 hours daily. It is what we do with those 24 hours each day that develops us into athletes, professionals, or bums on the street. Your success is based upon how you invest your time. If you are careful about your time and invest it into the Four Pillars of what you want, you will eventually achieve your goal.

      Everything costs. As you invest your time, you will inevitably have to manage your costs. Having a sound understanding of the expenses related to your goals and managing your money to make sure you achieve them is critical to success.

      If you do not read anything else in this book, know this:

      1.Make it your top priority to clearly identify what you want and why you want it.

      2.Understand what type of education you need to attain your goals. Strategically pick classes that are interesting, challenging, and will further your goals. Strive to get an A in every class.

      3.Get involved on and off campus. Do things that you enjoy and/or will set you up for your next step. Focus on developing an impressive résumé.

      4.Be intentional about making great impressions on everyone you meet. Be strategic about cultivating good relationships with people who can help you develop into who and what you want to be, write strong recommendation letters, and who can be a good reference.

      5.Tailor how you present yourself as the ideal candidate for every opportunity you go after.

      This is the heart and soul of The Academic Hustle. A motto worth remembering is: STRATEGICALLY FOCUS ON WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS. If you want to ensure that you are never without opportunities, then continue to develop and always plan your next step.

      To get the most out of this book, complete each exercise. They build upon each other, which means they are more effective if completed chronologically. For more insight and resources, check out the website:

      Life is not about the quickest speed.

      What you achieve

      come degree by degree.

      And what you get is what you see

      in your mind visually

      and manifest physically.

      If you stick to it sh*t’ll

      work out terrifically.

      —Dead Prez, “The Game of Life”

      Do You Need The Academic Hustle?

      As you can see from my story, I was headed for trouble. I had no idea of what I could achieve and, therefore had no focus. To help you get the most out of this book, complete the following assessment with the utmost honesty. While I encourage you to read every section, the answers to the questions below will help you fine-tune your focus.

      Setting the Foundation

      It all starts with knowing where you want to go and why…

      1.Do you know what you want out of life?

      a. No idea.

      b. I have thought about it.

      c. I have a good idea.

      d. There are a few things I want.

      e. I know exactly what I want.

      2.Do you have a reason that impels you to do whatever it takes to get what you want?

      a. No.

      b. I think so.

      c. I have a reason, but it doesn’t impel me to do everything.

      d. Yes.

      e. Yes, there is nothing that will stop me.

      3.Do you have an idea in which field you intend to work?

      a. I have no idea.

      b. I have thought about it.

      c. I have a few jobs/careers I am looking into.

      d. I have narrowed it down to 2-3.

      e. I know exactly what I want to do in life.

      4.Have you identified what steps you need to take to get to your dream job?

      a. What do you mean?

      b. No.

      c. I have an idea.

      d. I have a general plan.

      e. I know exactly what I need to do.

      5.Do you know why you want to go into a certain career?

      a. No.

      b. Not really.

      c. Yes, I have a general idea.

      d. Yes, I am clear on my reasons for choosing

       my career.

      e. Yes, and my reasons are why I will do whatever

       it takes.

      6.Do you write goals for yourself?

      a. No.

      b. I have a few in my head.

      c. I’ve done it before.

      d. For major things in my life.

      e. All the time… and I make sure they are


      Are you constantly reminded of your goals daily?

      a. I don’t have goals.

      b. I think about them from time to time.

      c. I have them written somewhere.

      d. I review my written goals from time to time.

      e. Yes, I review my written goals multiple times

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