The Academic Hustle. Matthew Pigatt

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The Academic Hustle - Matthew Pigatt

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      e. Yes, I practice telling stories of my experiences

       using their language.

      6.Do you have a system for putting together and submitting applications?

      a. No.

      b. I just submit the application when I am done.

      c. I do what they say and turn it in.

      d. Yes, I have an order to how I

       submit applications.

      e. Yes, I have a checklist to ensure I submit a high-

       quality application on time.

      7.How would you rate your writing skills on a scale of 1 to 5?

      a. 1-Poor.

      b. 2-Fair.

      c. 3-Good.

      d. 4-Great.

      e. 5-Awesome.


      Time is the most precious resource in life. It is life, itself…

      1.How well do you manage your time?

      a. I don’t.

      b. Horribly.

      c. Okay.

      d. Good.

      e. Great.

      2.Do you have an agenda?

      a. No.

      b. In my head.

      c. I have sketched out my general timeframe for

       the week.

      d. I have a routine.

      e. Yes, an agenda I follow daily.

      3.How do you organize all the things you have to do?

      a. I don’t.

      b. I am trying to figure that out.

      c. I write things down.

      d. I write them down, review and prioritize.

      e. I have a system I developed.

      4.Do you carry your agenda around with you?

      a. I don’t own one.

      b. No.

      c. I take it sometimes.

      d. No, but I make sure I write down what I must

       do the first chance I get.

      e. I take it everywhere I go.

      5.Do you write down what you have to do?

      a. No.

      b. I make a mental note.

      c. Sometimes.

      d. For major tasks.

      e. Yes, almost everything.

      6.Do you have and maintain a calendar of all the things you must do for class and for your involvement in other organizations?

      a. No.

      b. I know what I have to do in my head.

      c. Yes, it has all the major dates.

      d. Yes, I reference it every now and then.

      e. Yes, I update it at least weekly or when I have a

       new class or project.

      7.Do you prioritize?

      a. No.

      b. I just do what I have to do.

      c. Sometimes.

      d. Yes, I make sure I get the major tasks completed.

      e. Yes, I have a system.


      You know this book is about making money, right?

      1.How would you rate your knowledge on managing your personal finances?

      a. Not good.

      b. Okay.

      c. Good.

      d. Great.

      e. Excellent.

      2.Do you have a budget you follow?

      a. No.

      b, I know when I am spending too much.

      c. I know how much not to spend.

      d. I am careful about what I spend.

      e. Yes.

      3.Do you track your income and expenses?

      a. No.

      b. I know when I have money and when I don’t.

      c. Sometimes.

      d. Only when I am running low on funds.

      e. Yes, every purchase.

      4.Do you know the main ways you can get money to pay for school?

      a. No.

      b. I am trying to get scholarships.

      c. I know a few.

      d. I believe so.

      e. Yes, I’ve studied quite a bit on how to pay

       for school.

      5.Do you know the exact cost to go to school each semester?

      a. No.

      b. I have an idea.

      c. I know how much tuition costs.

      d. I know how much all the standard fees are.

      e. Yes, I know all the standard fees and have an

       estimate for books, supplies, and other costs.

      6.Do you have a list of opportunities you plan to pursue?

      a. Opportunities for what?


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