Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto. Dai Manuel

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Dai Manuel's Whole Life Fitness Manifesto - Dai Manuel

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buy happiness — be happiness

      What’s the reason

      WHY you want

      whole life


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      Creative projects

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      so why do we—or should we—care about all of this, anyway? What’s the point of getting fit or sharpening our mind?

      Well, let’s reverse those questions for a minute. Put simply, what’s the point of not being healthy and fit? Of not being mentally sharp? Why would any of us not want to fulfil our potential?

      I believe that the five Fs—Fitness, Family, Faith, Finances and FUN—are the cor-nerstones of happiness. And of course we all want to be happy! The trouble crops up when we focus on short-term goals rather than thinking about life as a whole. We get lost in dealing with our day-to-day schedules, chasing immediate gratification, or just reacting to whatever life is throwing at us in any given moment. But once you start to widen your focus to your whole life, those walls and roof all start to matter a lot more.

      If you have kids in your life, watching them grow up can be a powerful reminder of how fast time ticks by. When we’re just dealing with our own lives day in, day out, we don’t notice the passage of time so much, but there’s nothing like the wonderful wake-up call of witnessing your children develop new skills and learn new things. Who wants to look back five years down the road and suddenly say, “Hey, what the heck did I do with that half decade of my life?”

      Having a passion, or a deep-rooted sense of purpose, helps to guide the choices you make. Even big decisions become much easier to navigate, eventually becoming more consistent with the plan you have for your life overall. Time still passes, of course, but you won’t suddenly wonder where it all went.

      Of course, you have to have flexibility and be prepared to adjust your plan from time to time. Things change along the path of any journey, and we all have to re-route when we run up against roadblocks (or speed bumps, as I prefer to think of them). But even course-correction is much easier to deal with


      CHAPTER 2

      I plan to be fit to play at any age.


      Dai Manuel’s Whole Life Fitness Manifesto

      when we’re in line with our purpose, passion, or beliefs, and when we have a clear sense of our direction.

      In the end, it’s about being intentional about what you want to get out of your life. What are the experiences you’re creating for yourself right now that will become the stories you’ll tell later? Will they be stories you’re proud of? If your life experiences are ones that you’re truly happy to shout about, and can look back on with pride and satisfaction, they add up to a life well lived.

      My Why

      My personal why is all about connecting with people, whether it is my family, my friends, or my tribe. This drive for connection to others underscores my very being. It’s a vital, addictive source of enjoyment in my life. I get a huge kick out of being able to help others become healthier and happier; this gives me my joie de vivre that makes me jump out of bed every morning. The more people I reach, the greater the impact on my online community, as other leaders invariably emerge to carry forward this fitness movement, like ripples on a pond.

      For the past several years, my whole family has come to the gym with me bright and early on Sunday mornings to teach an awesome group of people keen to learn the Whole Life Fitness Manifesto way of being. Hundreds of people have attended these Sunday Funday events, helping me to realize my goal of improving the lives of as many people as possible. These weekly events are like little beacons of light that remind me of my purpose.

      My personal why can be boiled down to: I’m here to help people live happy, healthier, more active lifestyles while developing richer, deeper and more meaningful personal rela-tionships with themselves, and their friends, families, and communities.

      How It All Started

      My own personal why is deeply rooted in my past as a morbidly obese teenager.

      When I was nine, my parents announced they were divorc-ing

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