Build Your Author Platform. Carole Jelen

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Build Your Author Platform - Carole Jelen

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Create Your Book Site in WordPress

       How to Create Your Press Room and Other Pages

       Adding a Navigation Menu

       Linking to Booksellers

       Checklist, Step 11: Book Website

       Success Spotlight: Waterside Client Tee Morris

       Chapter 12:—Your Author Toolbox and World’s Largest Online Bookstore

       Reasons Readers Flock to Amazon

       Reasons to Use Amazon Author Central

       Create Your Author Central Page

       Adding Site Updates and Twitter Feeds to Your Author Page

       Maintaining Your Author Page

       Editing Book Details and Adding New Books

       Link Your Author Website to Author Central

       Amazon Book Reviews

       Managing Amazon Reviews

       Connecting Your Site to Amazon

       Signing Up with Amazon Associates

       Adding Associate Links on Your Site

       Amazon Strategy #1: Connect with Your Readers on Your Author Page

       Author Page Discussions

       Join Amazon Customer Communities

       Amazon Strategy #2: Create Listmania Lists

       How to Create a Listmania List

       Look Into Your Sales

       Amazon Sales Rank

       Join Search Inside the Book

       Amazon Bestseller Campaign

       More Tools

       Checklist, Step 12: Amazon’s Author Toolbox

       Success Spotlight: Waterside Client John C. Havens

       Chapter 13: Motivate Your Audience to Talk About You: Book Reviews

       Why Reviews Are Critical

       How to Ensure Reviews: Build Your Audience in Advance

       Motivating Readers to Talk About Your Book

       Strategy for Managing Negative Reviews

       Best Practices for Getting Reviews

       Avoid Fake Reviews

       Send Out Free Copies

       Contact Everyone Who Is a Potential Reviewer for Your Book

       Other Online Book Review Sites


       Signing Up for the Goodreads Author Program

       Your Author Dashboard

       Adding Images and Videos

       Connecting with Your Website and Blog

       Connecting with Facebook

       Participating in Groups



       Connecting Shelfari to Amazon

       Your Shelfari Author Page

       Connecting with Your Website and Other Networks

       Participating in Groups and Other Community Activities


       Becoming a LibraryThing Author

       Connecting with Your Website and Other Networks

       Groups on LibraryThing


       Red Room

       Becoming a Red Room Author

       Completing Your Red Room Profile

       Connect with Your Website and Blog

       Connect with Facebook and Twitter

       Create and Manage Content on Red Room

       Review Others’ Books

       Incorporate Reviews Into Your Author Platform

       Checklist, Step 13: Reviews

       Success Spotlight: Waterside Client David Busch

       Chapter 14: The Celebration Announcement: Launch Parties and Virtual Tours

       Advantages to Holding Your Book Launch Party

       Live Book Launch Party Strategy

       Steps to Prepare Your Live Book Launch Party

       A Simple One-Hour Book Launch Party Format

       The Virtual Book Launch Tour

       Advantages of a Virtual Book Launch “Tour”

       Strategy for Virtual Book Launch


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