Mindwalking. Nancy Eubel

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Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel

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I am praying to you. Thank you, Mary, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, Mary, for doing all that I have done to you.”

      This idea of thanking her for everything came out of the simple concept that we should be thankful for everything that happens to us. Years ago I had read in The A.R.E. Journal an article by a man in the diplomatic service who had adopted the practice of saying, “Thank You, Father,” for everything that happened to him, whether it was painful or pleasurable. I have often done this in the belief that whatever happens to us is for the good.

      Next, I told the man who wanted to make amends, to say the prayer to himself—to his inner self, his unconscious as follows:

      “John, I am praying to you. Thank you, John, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, John, for doing all that I have done to you.”

      I asked the man to use this two-pronged prayer once a day for a week. As we talked further, he told me that there were other people he had had problems with. He wondered whether he could use this prayer to reconcile those relationships. I said he could use it for anyone he had problems with. He left shortly thereafter, seemingly in much better spirits.

      I heard nothing from him until I received a letter a year later. “I want to thank you for healing me,” he wrote, “From the moment I left your office I have had no more pain. The doctors tell me I am completely healed. I have felt better this past year than ever before—it has been the best year of my life.”

      I had nothing to do with this man being healed, but I’m sure his prayers did. So I thought others might benefit from using that simple prayer. My decision to offer it to them grew out of the problems that people brought to me. As people responded, I somehow connected the prayer to the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, the forty years Moses took to reach the Promised Land, and another forty years wandering around, and finally, to the forty days and nights of the flood. I suggested that the prayer be used for forty days in succession.

      During the years since, as many have used this prayer, I’ve learned some do’s and don’ts for the results to be helpful. They are:

      • After doing the prayer each day, put it out of mind so that the prayer can do its work undisturbed by our wishes and expectations. The best thing is not to expect any results, as the prayer will do its work only if undisturbed by the person doing the praying. Don’t tell the person to whom you are praying. Talking about it disturbs the operation of the unconscious at a very deep level.

      • Keep track of the forty days on a calendar. If you forget and miss a day, start at the beginning of the forty-day cycle again. Remember Moses made a mistake getting to the Promised Land and had to start all over again.

      • In a crisis, the prayer can be used over a shorter period of time. Instead of forty days, use forty hours. Instead of seven days, use seven hours or seven minutes, repeating the prayer accordingly.

      • If you need help in diverting attention from the prayer and any possible results, try saying, “Thank you, Father,” as often as necessary. This can be said hundreds of times a day if you like.

      Some people have to dare themselves to try using this prayer because it says “thank you” to someone we’ve found difficult or even thought of as an enemy, and it asks forgiveness when the person doing the praying may feel he or she is the one who has been wronged. But many people have reported remarkable results when they dared to try . . . I dare you to try it.3


      Remember that you are praying to the Higher Selves.

      “____________ (person’s name), I am praying to you. Thank you,

      ____________ , for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me,

      ____________ , for doing all that I have done to you.

      “____________ (your name), I am praying to you. Thank you,

      ____________ , for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me,

      ____________ , for doing all that I have done to you.”

       Finding the Original Cause

      What we hold as our intention and build with the energy of our thoughts will manifest at some point in the physical. This is one of the universal laws often repeated in the Cayce readings. The intensity and frequency of the thought determines how quickly it is attracted into our lives and exhibits itself in our physical conditions. Spirit, mind, and body all work together, and what we build as a result depends upon, first and foremost, the nature of our spiritual intention. That is why we must address all three aspects of our being in order to correct a physical problem. When we identify its cause or its origin, we can change the distorted energetic pattern and activate whatever healing is appropriate at this time—at the soul level, the mental, and perhaps even at a body level. Past-life regressions are an excellent way to accomplish this.

       Past-Life Regression to Address the Physical

      Weight issues often represent a multiplicity of causes, usually related in some way. Addressing them can sometimes be done in one session but frequently require several, each one stripping away another level of obstruction as the person is ready to release it. Because weight is currently such a major problem in our society, the following regression script is intended to address excess weight. If you would like to use it for other physical conditions or illnesses, simply replace the word “weight” with the appropriate words. It is important to know that you will be viewing this prior life from the vantage point of the soul so that you do not have to feel any of the physical sensations or emotions attached to this experience. This regression allows you to feel the loving arms of Spirit around you as it protects you during your search for and release of the originating cause of your weight concern.

       Releasing Weight/Physical Issues Script

      Inhale . . . and exhale . . . Again inhale and close your eyes as you exhale . . . Centering your attention in your body . . . Feeling your body . . . all parts of it, from your head to your toes . . . Shrugging your shoulders . . . and relaxing as you drop them . . . Focusing now on your third eye, above the bridge of the nose . . . between the eyebrows . . . Relaxing more and more . . . Breathing in slowly—1,2,3,4,5—until your lungs are full . . . holding for the count of five—1,2,3,4,5 . . . and breathing out—1,2,3,4,5.

      Surround yourself with the energy of love and light . . . Feel yourself being cradled in this energetic security blanket . . . feeling so calm, so peaceful, so at ease . . . totally safe and protected . . . Setting your intention to revisit the past-life that was the original cause of your current weight issue or other physical difficulties . . . Re-experiencing it in a way that you are able to observe or know the details at a soul level without feeling the emotions and without your physical body having any degree of discomfort.

      Feel or sense the arms of Spirit holding you in this blanket of love and light . . . Now imagine or experience yourself being gently rocked by these loving arms . . . Hear the voice of Spirit singing a lullaby to you . . . As you are being rocked back and forth . . . you feel or experience yourself becoming younger and younger . . . feeling more and more like the younger you . . . Numbers begin to appear in your mind’s eye and you go deeper and deeper into relaxation with each number

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