Mindwalking. Nancy Eubel

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Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel

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see here that in current times these two were playing out a reversal of roles in a way that allowed for a higher learning.

      Imprisoned in this room, she felt sad and alone. We used the technique of looking at this situation from above, and she was easily able to understand that it was not her fault that she was born. By learning this, Stacey recognized on a deeper level that food cannot make you feel better. With probing, she acknowledged that she was holding anger in her stomach, just below the heart area and all the way down to the intestines. The color of this energy was black. (Black or gray energy often indicates a dark energy of some kind and is sometimes not our own. Also energetic blockage of the intestines could easily cause an accumulation of weight in the physical body.) We identified it as belonging to her older sister’s/grandmother’s energy and did a clearing to remove it. Stacey also recognized that she was holding her own anger, red in color in her heart. (Red energy held in the body or aura frequently represents anger.) Her energy was sent into the Light for purification so that she will be able to reclaim it in current time.

      She was, then, able to understand at a soul level that her family needed this outlet to make them feel better, although she did not condone the way in which they chose to do it. Stacey completed the work by doing the necessary forgiveness—forgiving the members of her family and herself.

      As a result of the regression, Stacey said that she no longer needs the weight for protection and plans to make appropriate changes in the amount and type of food that she eats.


      Jacquelyn is an ordained minister and lineage holder of the First Church of the Angels established by Dorie and Andre D’Angelo. Since the founders have passed, she has been continuing their Angel work. She is a certified yoga teacher, Breath Facilitator, Reiki Master, Japanese flower arranger/exhibitor, and a sacred dancer. Jacquelyn, an A.R.E. member, has led what were formerly called Venture Inward Angel Healing groups for years.

      During the past several years Jacquelyn has had serious health issues which began with gallbladder problems that were corrected by surgery and has suffered several other illnesses since. Just before she came to see me, she twisted her ankle. These health issues, combined with a generational pattern of getting sick and staying sick, were her motivation for this past-life regression.

      As further background information, Jacquelyn is part of a group of volunteers who have learned traditional Tibetan Tara dances so that this culture might be preserved. (The Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara is based on Tibetan texts and has been blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.) The dance helps to empower all beings and especially brings a sense of acceptance and love of being in a female form. It is believed that all who witness the dances are blessed by the experience. In 2001 she was part of a group of seventy-six women from twenty-three countries who danced in India and Nepal. While performing this dance in public for the Tibetan and other communities there, these performers which included Tibetan nuns gained acceptance and approval to once again dance the prayers. These dances were viewed not only by those in the communities and pilgrims but also by important Tibetan spiritual teachers such as the Karmapa, the head of one of the four major Tibetan Buddhist lineages. As you read about her regression, dancing prayers in public, especially as a woman, has great significance in relation to her health challenges.

      We began by focusing on the ankle and some of her other health problems. Jacquelyn quickly recognized that the gall-bladder had a different cause from this group and instead was part of the generational pattern. Therefore, we chose to address the gallbladder only after identifying the cause of the ankle injury. Having done this type of work before, Jacquelyn was easily able to access more than one lifetime at a time. In regressing to the creation of the ankle injury imprint, she remembered being a temple dancer and also recalled having been a dancer in many other lives. However, the life related to her hurting her ankle was one in France in the 1400’s. By concentrating on that one she immediately began reliving that life and the experience of being tortured. Both of her ankles were broken by a fanatical church group because she was dancing prayers and was a free spirit. They broke her bones as punishment for dancing. It was not acceptable to them, even though no one was required to watch.

      Looking at this life from a higher perspective, Jacquelyn learned that to heal the pattern of wounding her ankles she needed first to detach from judgment and then to create the wisdom that it is okay to dance the prayers in public. It was not necessary for her to forgive any of those who tortured her as she had never blamed them. Instead, she had turned on herself thinking that she had done something wrong. Therefore, she needed to forgive herself, which she did. “It is okay to make mistakes,” she said. Then she flashed on a later life in colonial times when she was training as an understudy in classical dance. Something happened to the main star prior to a performance, and she filled in. While dancing she reached an ecstatic state—becoming one with the Divine. Her dancing has always provided the opportunity to merge with the Divine and send the energy out. That is how she embodies God or the Divine Light.

      In order to heal the pattern of hurting her ankles, she must become more fully embodied in the physical. The difficulties Jacquelyn has been experiencing originated when she entered into a body and disconnected from the God source. Something happened to her when she came into the Earth in this lifetime that caused her to enter into her body only down to just above the knees. In order for that to heal, her spirit must fully merge into the physical and not be afraid of being hurt. It is also important for her to become more aware of her movements. She understood that not being fully in the body is causing her to get hurt, and she recognized this pattern as a distortion and released it. That finally allowed her spirit to enter completely. She said it felt good to connect her feet with the spirit of Mother Earth. Instantly she became aware of another energetic distortion that caused her to create illness so that she might rest. As soon as the recognition of the impulse came to her consciousness, she committed to finding a way to do so without becoming sick or hurting herself. Next, she agreed that it is okay to take care of herself and understood that being healthy will assist her in caring for others. The idea that she created illness to rest was a big surprise to her. She never imagined that she held an unconscious motivating factor for getting hurt or being ill.

      Jacquelyn next recalled having lived when Christ did and training in the Essene community. Christ became a powerful teacher for her. This session helped to reestablish her connection with Christ, and she saw Christ wrapping her ankles on the spiritual level. He said to her, “You can heal yourself.” Jacquelyn said, “We hear that all the time.” However, she had not yet fully embraced it, and experiencing this vision of Christ was an important message for her not to doubt her abilities to heal herself. We all have the power to reverse the process of injuries and pain and she embraced that knowledge.

      I, then, guided her to change the focus, and we moved to the gallbladder. First, she saw a vision of her mother and recognized the victim consciousness her mother had portrayed during her life. The pattern was created by Jacquelyn’s great-grandmother, even though her great-grandmother did not have physical difficulties while she was alive. Looking at this from the astral plane, Jacquelyn was able to see the maternal lineage, which was Hungarian gypsy. The women were disempowered and not able to speak about how they were treated or about such things as arranged marriages. They were not courageous enough to stand up for themselves. The pattern went very deep. Her great-grandmother’s marriage had been arranged, and her feelings about this created a female lineage thought form of victim consciousness. This was addressed as the regression proceeded.

      The past-life in which the gallbladder illness originated was in China during the Tang Dynasty. Jacquelyn’s first view of that life showed a man wearing robes inside a room where he was obsessively writing and studying. He was a high-level healer who was experiencing excruciating pains resulting from guilt. As a healer he had failed to cure a boy in the royal family, and the boy died. Nothing worked, and he felt terrible. His punishment was banishment,

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