Mindwalking. Nancy Eubel

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Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel

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learned that it was an index, not of all of her lives, but of various events from those lives. However, when she looked for the event that caused her current physical difficulties, it was not on the index. As it was just a reference and not going to be of benefit in this particular quest, she put it back on a shelf in the library of the Akashic Records. This may very well have been a blockage of some type, even though Dawn was not able to identify it as such at the time.

      What followed was very sketchy, but as you read what occurred, you will understand why. Returning to that prior life, Dawn entered into the body of a very young girl, wandering alone in a garden that seemed very green to her. Unexpectedly, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen—but not in the location of either of her surgeries. In order to understand what had happened, it was necessary for her to view it from an observation deck above the scene. During questioning she learned that she was in the house of people whom she and her parents were visiting. It was their garden in which she had been wandering.

      From this vantage point as she looked around the house, she noticed big pieces of broken glass and realized that she had been pushed into the window. At first it was unclear who pushed her. By turning around she saw that kids were playing and that they had accidentally pushed her. When they did, the window broke. The children were standing at the window, staring in shock because the glass had gone straight through her. This very young, small girl then wandered out into the garden bleeding and finally sat down as the kids were screaming. Her parents seemed to be nowhere around. As she sat there, she began getting warm. Her vision faded until she could not see anyone any longer. Then the pain went away; it just stopped. It was apparent that she was no longer in the body, although the little girl was not aware of it. I took her back to the time just before she left the body. This was to ascertain if she had made any pre-death vows or agreements or had any highly charged thoughts around the event. She hadn’t.

      She just let the body go, and her spirit went into the Light where it felt warm and comforting. Dawn handed the glass in her abdomen to God and the pain went away. The energy of the glass piece that had been held in her body from that lifetime was released.

      It was clear by this point that Dawn had just been a toddler, probably no older than two, when she was impaled by the shard of glass and therefore, did not have much emotion or energy tied up in this death. However, her cellular memory held the energy of the trauma and of the glass itself and she did need to forgive the ones who shoved her into the window, which she did. [Dawn did not recognize any of these children as being in her life this time.] That was all the forgiveness necessary. The little girl wondered why the others had pushed her. A dialogue ensued between the young child and Dawn to help her understand what had happened. Finally, the toddler realized that it was an accident, and the other children were just playing. Dawn was able to invite the healed girl back into her life.

      After having identified the initial cause of her physical challenges, we asked what Dawn’s body needed. The answer was rest. That is all that is needed now, because she is in the process of healing. She understood and agreed to give her body the rest it requires. The body needed to know that before it could relax, which it then did. As we concluded, Dawn was able to visualize her body being totally healed, and this will aid the process as she can now allow herself to rest.

      In the regressions you have just read, you learned how prior life causes can result in current life ailments. Learning the nature of the originating event was the opening these people needed to make necessary corrections as they re-scripted or changed the dynamic of their past-life scenarios. They can now take these new understandings and ways of responding into their current lives and into the future to reap the full benefit of their work. Forgiveness, as you read, was a key part of their healing process and enabled them to release negative energies and emotions held in their bodies, sometimes through many lifetimes. We have the ability to do the same.

      3J. Everett Irion, “The 40-Day Prayer,” Venture Inward (September/October 1985): 8–9.

      Chapter 3


      image We are the designers of our own reality through our thoughts. That reality can either take us to a new level of soul development, or it can entrench us even more deeply in our negative ways of thinking. Edgar Cayce encouraged us to take responsibility for our own creations, mental and physical, when he said that mind is the builder. Now quantum physics is proving that our mind does indeed shape the thing that it perceives and that positive thoughts are one hundred times more powerful than negative ones. Our individual experience of the external world is, indeed, dependent upon how we look at it through our mind. Imagine the power of that knowledge! This means that we have the ability to change our thoughts to transform our obstacles and to reshape the lives we lead.

      Many of our thoughts are fear based, and this hinders us in our approach to life. Limitations of family upbringing, school, peers, and our own perceptions construct the filters through which we view and judge all of life’s events. We may believe that if only someone will do or say something or if something happens, our lives will suddenly be better, not recognizing that change must come from within. It is possible to consciously alter the direction of our thoughts so that they no longer think us. Once we begin to study our patterns of thinking, we allow the emergence of other ways of interpreting a situation that can make our view of life a happier one. The way to transform our habitually limited thoughts is to first recognize them, go to their original source(s), and then convert them to thoughts that are more beneficial. We can gather clues to aid us in our further discovery of cause through past-life regression by first paying attention to the words and phrases we use daily that are not serving us. Also, noting the event or thought that triggered a negative response, the emotional state it evokes, any senses involved, and any physical reactions experienced are additional pieces of information that are helpful to take into a past-life regression to make it more productive.

       Thoughts ARE Things

      Our thoughts and mental focus have far greater power and consequences than we typically think. Cayce often mentioned that “thoughts are things.” (105–2) Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar’s son, would pick up a chair at conferences when he spoke about “thoughts are things” and tell the audience, “Your thoughts are as real as this chair.” Edgar and Hugh Lynn were telling us something quite profound, perhaps a deeper meaning than we first understand when we read those words. They were talking about what our thoughts create on the energetic level. What the “thing” was they said we created with our thoughts was made crystal clear by a clairvoyant and intuitive who, with intention, concentrated his thought and energy on a spot next to his head. When he felt it was focused enough, he asked that a picture be taken. The photograph, which is included in the book The Orb Project, shows a bright violet orb of light with a circular band of white in it next to his head, right where he had focused his energy. This was a clear demonstration of the true meaning of “thoughts are things,” and he did it in just a few minutes’ time.

      This is not a new concept, although it is for many of us. Alexandra David-Neel, French explorer of sorts, spent most of her life (1868–1969) on a religious and philosophical quest. Her travels and studies took her to Tibet, which at that time was a country closed to foreigners. During her time there she observed what she called phantoms or magic formations and which the Tibetans called tulpas. Through intense concentration she witnessed thought forms generated taking on the shape of humans, deities, and anything else that was being visualized. With enough energy, the tulpas not only materialized but also existed independently from the originator, not always with good intention.

       Thought Forms


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