Mindwalking. Nancy Eubel

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Mindwalking - Nancy Eubel

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. . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . 11 . . . 12 . . . 13 . . . 14 . . . 15 . . . resting peacefully . . . Now remembering something from your early childhood . . . a pleasant memory . . . one that you had forgotten . . . perhaps something that only you knew about, a secret memory of something that made you happy . . . If none comes to mind, create your own happy memory . . . and this memory makes you smile.

      The gentle, soothing rocking allows you to drift back past this time . . . even further back . . . back . . . back to the time when you were just a baby . . . too young even to talk . . . a time when your connection to Spirit was very strong . . . and you knew that your true essence was that of a spiritual being . . . Go back to that time now . . . and feel the connection you had with Spirit when you were a baby . . . Open up your senses . . . smell, touch, taste, hearing, seeing . . . Inhale all the aspects of Spirit through your senses . . . Let yourself be filled with Spirit from your head to your toes and throughout your aura . . . You feel the soft whisper of Spirit’s breath upon your cheeks . . . You are tranquil . . . and totally at peace.

      As you luxuriate in the rocking . . . you experience yourself being lifted into the Light with Spirit’s arms safely around you . . . and you find yourself going up . . . up . . . up . . . as you go deeper and deeper into relaxation.

      On the count of 3 you will be there . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . In the Light now . . . Again feel that total connection with Spirit . . . knowing the nature of your true self . . . and all that you are . . . From here you are able to look down into the physical realm and see all your lifetimes stretching out as far back as you can see and also in front of you . . . not in a linear fashion . . . but somehow all interacting with each other at the same time . . . understanding that changing one of them changes them all . . . just as a moving, shimmering hologram adjusts all it aspects as changes are made to it.

      Knowing now, at a soul level, that by releasing the negative energy of the original cause of your weight issue or physical difficulties . . . this challenge that originated in one of these lives you see below . . . you change them all . . . and you transform the present as well . . . empowering you so that you are easily able to attain and maintain your ideal weight and size or heal the cause of your physical problem.

      Before you visit this past-life . . . you activate all the benefits of your happy life by touching your hand to your heart . . . Re-experience that feeling in all the cells of your body . . . filling your body and mind with the sense of well-being, love, and joy . . . providing you with the spiritual armor that will now replace physical armor of any kind that you have surrounded yourself with.

      Now, as you are preparing to venture to the past-life that holds the key to understanding the physical issues you are having in your current life . . . invoke the assistance of your Higher Self . . . and your Higher Self joins you . . . You know that you can ask for its help and guidance any time you desire or have a need . . .

      It is time . . . From this vantage point you will be able to acquire an understanding at a soul level without reliving the physical and emotional circumstances that surround that life . . . easily able to make the changes that will transform the pattern created then to a more positive one which will filter through all your lives from the past to the current and into the future . . . Again, set your intention to explore the life that was the original cause of your weight challenge or physical condition in this one.

      Look down from the Light at all the lives of your past, present, and future . . . Viewing all these lives from the protection of the Light of Spirit, one life lights up . . . The image expands . . . becoming bigger and brighter until you are able to clearly become aware of all of its details . . . Focus first on a neutral or positive experience so you are informed of who you were and the important circumstances of that life . . . Remember, your Higher Self is here to support you . . . When you are ready, you are shown the nature of the original cause of your weight or physical issues . . . This is revealed in a way that provides you with the information necessary to take whatever spiritual actions are needed to correct it . . . Allow those details to be brought to your consciousness . . . When that is complete, ask your Higher Self to help you know what you need to do . . . and then, with your Higher Self assisting you, do whatever needs to be done now . . . When that is complete, commit to changing anything necessary in your current life to release this pattern, whether it is your actions, thoughts, or speech . . . promising yourself to do whatever is required to free yourself of any physical manifestation that has not benefited you . . . replacing it now with spiritual armor that works only for your highest benefit. When your work is done . . . the image of this life begins to shrink and takes its place in the stream of lives . . . past, present, and future . . . Looking down at these lives, notice how they have all changed somehow . . . appearing brighter and more inviting . . . You feel a sense of peace knowing that you have done what you came here to do.

      Before leaving the Light, ask that these changes be made easily and gently and that your physical body and your aura be filled with golden-white healing light . . . that the circulation of the body be so equalized as to remove pressure from all parts of the body and that the oneness of Spirit flows in.

      It is time to return . . . Thank your Higher Self and bid goodbye for now . . . and you once again feel the arms of Spirit cradling you . . . soothingly returning you to current time . . . Your energies aligned and balanced . . . and you are protected by your spiritual armor . . . as you slowly open your eyes.

       Regressions Addressing Physical Past-Life Issues

      The information received in a past-life regression is not always monumental but even so can still be of benefit. An example of this was provided during one of my own regressions led by another hypnotherapist at the A.R.E. Health Spa in Virginia Beach, Virginia. As she was directing me to move from one past-life to another, I became aware of the need to retrieve a piece of information from the life I was leaving and told the hypnotherapist to delay moving to another life. I returned to a time living on a Polynesian island as a male, who was very much in tune with all aspects of nature. He informed me that I should take papaya enzymes to assist in the digestive process—something I would never have thought to do. Although this seems like a small bit of knowledge, these digestive enzymes continue to be of benefit to me today. In the physical regressions that are reported here, what the participants learned had far greater significance in their lives.


      In the past several years Marilyn has had some very serious health issues which resulted in four major surgeries. These four, however, seemed minor after she was forced to undergo the removal of part of her colon, her appendix, a mass the size of a softball, a partial hysterectomy, and a colostomy (an incision made in the colon to create an artificial opening that is attached to the surface of the abdomen, providing a new path for waste products to leave the body and empty into an attached bag), all in one operation. According to Marilyn, the connection between the colon and the outside of the abdomen could not or was not made, as is normally done. This necessitated the gluing of the bag to the open hole in her side. A reversal of the colostomy was planned to take place a short time later after she had healed. This was not to be, at least in the time frame she had envisioned, because of numerous infections and an episode in which she almost died after eating corn. It took seven months before the surgeon was finally able to reverse the colostomy. When we did the regression, the reversal had recently taken place and Marilyn was on the mend, but she did want to understand the cause of these serious illnesses and do what was necessary to heal it.

      Marilyn has done much hypnosis work over the years to help her change behavioral habits so she immediately slipped into a deep trance. As we began the process, an early childhood memory came to mind of her grandfather putting oranges in his pocket for his grandchildren to take. This made her smile, and the oranges were to have some relevance in

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