Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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imagine what it would be like to close your eyes, rest in the loving embrace of your psychic soul, and see, hear, sense, and know how to create and enjoy a happy, productive life that serves you and everyone else. What would it be like to go through each and every day so attuned to your psychic senses that you know what to do in every moment and the best way to do it?

      Life can be just this smooth, easy, and free of distraction. While there will still be bumps on the road (unless you are perfect), you will psychically sense how to go over or around them. As a master and servant of the inner light of intuition, you hold a lantern that illuminates inner and outer worlds for the good of all.

      Opening the Doors of Perception

      The purpose of this book is to teach you to receive not just occasional intuitive insights but instead a steady stream of psychic information that enlightens you and lights up the world. In truth, you are already enlightened—on the level of your pure spirit—and it has already awakened you to the beauty of spiritual and psychic realities beyond the physical world.

      . . . Or you wouldn’t be reading this book.

      Can you recall one or more intuitive events that may have led to your interest in intuition? If so, you may wish to jot these examples down in a journal that you reserve for this specific use. The writing hand links to the unconscious mind, so you may receive information as you write. Be sure to note what type of intuition you experienced. Was it a dream, a waking vision, a voice, an inner sense of knowing, or a synchronicity involving people or events?

      Replaying intuitive memories in your mind—if they are pleasant, of course—reconstructs the feeling of the state of consciousness and reawakens it. If you do not remember an intuitive event in your past, then simply draw your attention to your heart and state clearly and firmly that you are open to soul guidance. Clarifying such an intention, without reservation, attunes the levels of your mind to each other for intuitive success.

      Hopeful expectation opens the doors of psychic perception and the infinite dimensions lying beyond them. Soon you will see just how psychic you are!


      The Soul’s Psychic Senses and Infinite Source

      “I do not ask to see. I do not ask to know. I only ask to be used.”— Sufi prayer

      Everyone—and everything—is a soul. Sometimes we humans are aware of our soul. Most of the time, absorbed as we are in the life of the mind, we forget that we have an essential being. Consequently, the soul must guide us back to the higher awareness in ourselves and in all else. The soul speaks to us in the languages of waking life, nature, psychic inquiry, meditation, dreams, inspired writing, and life’s synchronicities.

      Soul messages travel through every channel in the sensory system, lifting the physical senses into a high-sense perception that enables us to intuitively hear an inner voice, have a vision, feel a gut instinct, or know things in a flash.

      Just imagine that you are a soul—which you are!—with a message to send your conscious mind. Which channels would you use? Obviously, the ones that best fit the need. If the conscious mind needs a picture, the soul sends a vision; if it needs to taste, smell, and feel something, the soul sends a multisensory message through those several psychic channels.

      The soul can use every sensory channel, or just one, to shout out a warning that keeps us safe; and when it does this, the message is always loud and clear. Otherwise, the subconscious soul whispers its messages through the one or two organs of perception that we use most in waking life and thus are wide open.

      For example, writers and musicians attuned to words and sounds are well-developed aurally—their psychic sense is clairaudience, meaning clear hearing. People with a great deal of empathy who relate to others through emotional feelings receive intuitive messages via clairsentience, meaning clear feeling. Artists, architects, and airplane pilots with keen vision are usually clairvoyant, while high-powered intellectuals who think and move rapidly, receive lightning-quick flashes of prophetic knowing.

      When the conscious mind’s ego is attuned to inner awareness, the voice and languages of the multisensory soul are much more easily heard. Soul attunement evolves the mind’s consciousness faster than anything else, since impressions streaming into the psychic senses unite the conscious and subconscious and thus awaken the mind to its spirit and source. This self-integration is the sole purpose of our slow voyage through the psychic waters of this fantastic planet.

      Since we value the conscious mind’s intellect and want it to cooperate with the soul, this chapter features a wealth of scientific research on four psychic reception areas and the personality traits associated with each, courtesy of Pete A. Sanders, Jr., author of the intuitive person’s bible, You Are Psychic! Sanders, who learned to see auras as a child, used an MIT laboratory and scientific methods to conduct intuitive experiments on himself, other students, and professional psychics in the Boston area. His research proved so valid that he passed up a scholarship to Harvard Medical School in order to open a psychic training school, Free Soul, write his You Are Psychic! book and train thousands of people to develop their intuitive abilities.

      If you are an amateur or a professional intuitive, you know it’s not necessary to understand how high-sense perception works. It just does! We were made for this awareness. Still, most readers will find the information very useful. Identifying our natural psychic senses gives us the confidence to open up all the way to the voice and languages of the soul.

      The Inner Vision of Clairvoyance

      Clairvoyance is likely your primary psychic sense if you think in pictures and experience life visually. The psychic reception area for clairvoyants is in the “third eye” of the forehead, in front of the frontal cortex of the brain, which also processes ordinary vision, sleeping dreams, and daydreams.

      Identified by Eastern mystics as the fifth chakra, a spinning wheel of light in the body’s subtle energy system, the psychic third eye turns inward to look into itself and turns outward to see into other people. To tap into this psychic center, close your physical eyes and relax them; otherwise, you will stimulate busy thoughts that will distract you or block your psychic vision.

      Once your eyes are completely relaxed, lift them slightly to the third eye area of your forehead just between your eyebrows. Then, mentally walk through a room in your house. Notice each item of furniture, the quality of light, the colors, textures, shapes, forms, and patterns in the room. Are the images sharp and clear, or vague and indistinct? If they are sharp and clear, then you are probably a psychic visionary with the gift of clairvoyance.

      Sanders found that the visual clairvoyant who needs to see the “whole picture” seeks out open horizons and scenic views, enjoys reading maps, and may enjoy photography or art. In restaurants, offices, and living spaces, this person probably grabs the seat with the best view and the most light.

      What If I Can’t See?

      Even if you are not primarily clairvoyant, you may see meaningful visual imagery when you ask yourself a question or give a psychic reading to someone else. Students in my intuition development classes worry that they might not see imagery, but most people do—if not right away, then

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