Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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report that one-half to two-thirds of any population is primarily visual because, in sighted persons, this physical sense is active throughout the day. Vision is processed in the visual cortex, which resembles a “projection screen” in the back of the head. Images travel from the visual cortex to the frontal cortex for processing in the front of the brain behind the forehead, the location of the psychic third eye.

      When the eyes of a sighted person are open, this brain circuitry is always at work. When the eyes are closed, the frontal cortex processes daydreams, sleeping dreams, and psychic visions.

      To sharpen your psychic vision, notice colors, textures, shapes, forms, shadows, and light. Looking deeply into the natural world will sharpen your outer vision so that your inner imagery is vivid and clear. Ask your soul to help with your clairvoyance. It will show you ways to strengthen this psychic sense, as its deepest desire is to open every possible line of communication with your conscious mind.

      The Eyes of the Soul

      The eyes of the soul are able to see into the past, present, and future. Perhaps you have had this experience: while shopping for groceries, a book, or hardware item, your eyes unexpectedly dart, seemingly of their own accord, to a particular item. If you buy it, later that day or the next you discover that it’s exactly what you need to have on hand for an unexpected guest, free time, or a house repair.

      Once, during meditation, I asked for an inspiring idea to use as the basis of a Sunday talk to be given in a church. Nothing arose, but when I opened my eyes, they darted to a book I didn’t remember buying or placing on the shelf. I felt that it was the answer to my need. Sure enough, it fell open to a scholarly study on the stages of enlightenment, which I have since taught in dozens of classes and publications.

      Your soul eyes will also guide you to safety. Some years ago, I flew with my young grandson from the East Coast to Los Angeles, California, rented a car, and started out on a long drive to Arizona. Exhausted and dazed from the long flight, I drove into rush-hour traffic in L.A. with no map, no GPS, and only a list of the names of highways leading to my destination. Seeing an interminable line of cars ahead of me, I pulled over, closed my eyes, and asked for help. In lightning-quick time, a simple line drawing of a map flashed into my mind’s eye: I saw a road running from the freeway to a right-hand exit in the shape of a fish hook.

      “But how far ahead is the road?” I asked, knowing that I was tired and could easily miss the turn. I heard and saw the number “40,” but could not get any elaboration. Edging into the bumper-to-bumper traffic, I found myself driving at close to 40 miles per hour. Some 40 miles and 40 minutes later I reached the fish-hook exit leading to Arizona! I arrived at my destination with the understanding that there’s more than one kind of map.

      Clairvoyance is usually associated with precognition, or future seeing. It is actually much more than that. You can use your psychic vision to see distant people and places in real time, as in remote viewing, and in dreams wherein the soul is free to soar. Robert Monroe, the 1950s consciousness explorer who projected his spirit out of his body while asleep, visited many other dimensions around and beyond the earth during astral travel.

      Edgar Cayce was a prolific dreamer in the sleep state and a powerful clairvoyant during unconscious trance. The most compelling stories of clairvoyance that I’ve ever heard are recorded in the transcribed readings given by Mr. Cayce, America’s best known psychic and the father of holistic healing.

      In giving a physical reading, Cayce suggested that the sick person use a certain medicine, but the person’s family was unable to find it in drug stores. In a follow-up reading, Cayce’s psychic eyes spotted a dusty bottle of this out-of-production medicine on the back shelf of a pharmacy in another state. He gave the client the address of the drug store, but the pharmacists employed there could not find it. In the third reading, Cayce, by then losing patience, told the family to tell the pharmacists to look on the back of that dusty shelf, and sure enough, that’s exactly where they found it. (294-1, Report #4)

      Of course, Cayce’s clairvoyance is unparalleled. Lying down, loosening his tie, relaxing, and then tuning in to the client’s name and address, the “sleeping prophet” could describe in fine detail what the client was wearing and the contents of the room. On several occasions, he even commented on the progress of the bus transporting the tardy client to his residence.

      A classic remote viewer, Cayce was best known for his psychic ability to look into people’s bodies, describe the status of internal organs, see the cause of illness, and suggest explicit remedies for people who were often beyond medical help. Physicians marveled at his knowledge, which could not have come from medical books, as Cayce attended school through only the eighth grade in rural Kentucky.

      While you may not yet be as psychic as Edgar Cayce, whose clairvoyance was so finely tuned that he could see the body’s energy field, the aura, as well as nature spirits and the spirits of the departed, you can certainly develop the natural clairvoyance of your soul. Today, many medical intuitives are able to look at the body’s subtle energy system and diagnose illnesses and cures, even before diseases manifest.

      Seeing is believing, and believing is seeing. Belief in the existence of this psychic channel is what allows it to open.

      Clairaudience: The Still, Small Voice

      In 800 BCE, Jezebel’s Baal priests chased the Hebrew prophet Elijah across ancient Palestine until he took refuge in a cave where he prayed for an end to his life, as he felt that he had failed his God. In the Judeo-Christian Bible, 1 Kings 19:11-13 states that the wind rent the mountains and then came an earthquake and fire. But the voice of God was not found in these forces of nature, as Elijah realized for the first time in Jewish history: God speaks in a “voice of gentle stillness” heard from within, in the silence of loving contemplation.

      Elijah’s epiphany marked a radical shift in human consciousness, yet nearly three thousand years later, people are still struggling to believe in the psychic soul that so readily speaks when we slow our thoughts and listen. Believers know that this deeper voice often helps us make positive choices in our lives or protects us from harm.

      If you listen to and heed the voice of your soul, its guidance will never fail you or falter. You will find this still, small voice to be your wisest teacher, most loving parent, and dearest friend.

      Gifts of Clairaudience

      You are primarily clairaudient, or clear hearing, if you process conversations in your head and admire the intricacies of language and music. Preoccupied with language, clairaudients practice conversations that they expect or hope to have with other people; edit their internal dialogue to crystallize what they mean to say; and, due to their love affair with words, gravitate to careers as writers, journalists, and musicians. Their psychic reception center is just above the ears in the temporal lobes that process sound, speech, and various aspects of memory.

      When musically inclined, and that is almost always, audients are greatly entertained by an “inner jukebox” which cues up the appropriate song for the moment. From listening to my inner jukebox day and night, I know that it is incredibly original and at times comedic.

      For example, I awakened one morning in a bad mood about having been too cold throughout the night. Before I could open my eyes, I heard the sixties’ folk musician Donovan singing, “I’m so mad about Saffron/She’s so mad about me.” I wondered why this song was coming up, when I heard the refrain: “They call her Mellow Yellow.” I got the message. Everything made me laugh that day, which no doubt was my soul’s purpose in selecting that song.

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