Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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you turn your attention to your solar plexus to feel, to the temporal lobes above your ears to hear, to your third eye to see, and to the crown of your head to know, you are tuning in to the spiritual matrix of your brain and body.

      The ability to concentrate the mind is essential to the psychic, due to the fact that intuitive impressions usually stream into the senses very fast. Blink and you miss them. The remedy is to keep your mind as calm as a glassy lake—a lesson taught by nature.

      Everything on earth contains the potential to lift the ordinary senses into the psychic awareness of the higher mind—from nature, animals, and people to inspiring art, music, and literature. Nature, creativity, and anything else that stirs the senses and opens the heart lifts the mind into the soul’s sixth sense: “ . . . a faculty of the soul-body itself . . . ,” said Cayce. (5754-2)

      Inner Paths to the Sixth Sense

      While earthly pleasure is the outer path to the sixth sense, according to Edgar Cayce, the inner path consists of meditation, dream study, and inspired writing. These practices create a sensory bridge to the subconscious mind, where the soul’s higher awareness resides.

      Extraordinary results occur during meditation, dream study, and inspired writing. When we focus our attention and awareness on a spiritual ideal, the kundalini life force coiled in the lower body rises up through seven major chakra centers and concentrates its high-frequency energies in the crown of the head and third eye.

      This shift in consciousness from lower to higher vibrations enables the soul to calibrate the body-mind to the superconscious realm in which its sixth sense communes with its godlike, angelic nature (the higher self, or oversoul) that is “ . . . builded by the entity through its experiences as a whole in the material and cosmic world . . . ,” according to the Cayce readings. (5754-2) The godlike, angelic self is “ . . . ever on guard before the throne of the Creator itself . . . ” (5754-1)

      Contact with these superconscious energies “spiritualizes” the body-mind and rewires it to a higher vibration that can sustain high-sense perception in ordinary life.

      Superconscious Awareness

      The Cayce readings traced the effect of the rising kundalini and its activation of high-sense perception for a group of people who met with him in 1931 to ask how they might become more spiritual and psychic. To answer this request, Cayce gave 130 psychic readings that became the basis of the two volumes titled A Search for God, which were compiled and used as texts by this original study group of thirteen people. Today, more than five hundred active study groups in the United States and thirty-three other countries meet weekly to discuss the readings in the text, meditate, and practice lessons that invariably amplify the members’ spiritual attunement and psychic powers.

      The Meditation chapter, which opens the first book, states on page 11 that people “who by constant introspection are able to bring to the surface their experiences as a whole are called ‘sages’ or ‘lamas.’” When this spiritual ability is made practical, the person becomes a master.

      The chapter also traces the upward movement and effects of the kundalini force, a powerful reservoir of physical and spiritual energy, as it rises up through the spinning wheels of light known as the chakras.

      A sensation experienced in the eyes indicates a healing vibration, according to the Cayce readings on page 13 in that Meditation chapter. If energy runs up through the body and ends in sensations of fullness in the head, pulling these vibrations down to the “disseminating center”—the spiritual third eye in the forehead—enables the meditator to heal others magnetically through the laying-on of hands.

      Hearing an inner voice signifies an awakening to God. This awakening stimulates other faculties until we pass “into the presence of that which may materialize in voice, feeling, sight, and a consciousness of oneness with the Whole,” said Cayce’s Source. (p. 13)

      Meditation consistently and reliably develops psychic abilities over time. When we purify with water, sanctify with incense and candles, relax the body, and quiet the mind, we find in the stillness of meditation a sense of inner unity and a thirst for the presence of the infinite. Meditation, dreaming, and inspired writing deepen the mind into the light-filled awareness of the multisensory soul which lifts us into the superconscious realm of the divine.

      (See the chapter entitled “The Light of Consciousness” to learn more about the chakras and kundalini life force.)

      The Sources of Psychic Information

      With a spiritual intention, a subject treated in the next chapter, those who believe in their intuition can read someone else’s mind—called telepathy—or preferably, their own soul and the souls of others. Everything has a soul—an energetic template that gives rise to physical forms—from people and animals, to plants, minerals, and stars, as well as “light beings” in dimensions beyond the earth.

      Setting a spiritual intention establishes this higher connection and provides access to the Akashic Library, a record “written on the skein of time and space,” (1574-1, et al.) as Cayce described it. The Akashic Record is a symbolic representation of the superconscious, a quantum sea of light that contains every intention, thought, feeling, word, and deed that has ever occurred or ever will.

      Kevin J. Todeschi, author of Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life, describes the Akashic Library as a storehouse of information —an infinite, interactive “database”—that contains the history of every soul and connects us to one another.

      Connecting with the soul and the Akasha—meaning “boundless space”—enables us to be guided by the possibilities and potentialities in the Divine Mind to the future that is our highest destiny.

      The highest destiny of the soul, as mystics have known since the beginning of time, is to grow in spiritual awareness and serve others. Motivated accordingly, psychic abilities naturally awaken.

      The Thousand Names of God

      When I joined an Edgar Cayce study group in 1993, I was relieved and encouraged to find in the Search for God texts an energetic concept of God that transcends religious distinctions. Cayce was deeply religious and devoted to the God of the Judeo-Christian Bible and the Christ pattern attained and lived by the man, Jesus. Yet in psychic trance, below everyday awareness, he perceived God as the love and light vibrating in waves of energy through all of reality. His psychic information came out of those waves of light in Universal Consciousness.

      Scientists working with the Institute of HeartMath and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, two leading organizations in research on intuition, have unwittingly confirmed Cayce’s view of God in new theories that the source of psychic information is a quantum sea of light in which waves of energy encode and carry information. This quantum energy field is the chi (or qi), pranic life force, and biblical light out of which everything emanates.

      Many people have been hurt by their experiences with narrowminded religions and consequently want nothing to do with spirituality. If these are your feelings, then you may wish to think of your soul’s source as your Higher Power, Peace, Love, Essence, Pure Spirit, or one of Edgar Cayce’s names for God: Universal Consciousness, Universal Mind, and the Creative Forces, to name a few.

      Whatever you call it, the “Field” out of which everything arises intuitively informs and evolves human consciousness. There is nothing more freeing than the realization that some benevolent force, in the

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