Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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university professor, and author of eleven books, is a classic prophetic, and I mildly envy him. While I, as a clairaudient, tend to question my psychic insights, Steve just knows the truth of his. Prophetics have the wonderful ability to trust and act on their knowing without the slightest doubt. And they are usually right. Sanders notes that the life of the prophetic is not always rosy. Prophetics can be impatient with people who talk or walk slowly, because, after all, they have things to do and places to go. They tend to interrupt other people’s conversations with a “Yes, I know,” because they do know what the person is going to say. Prophetics think and talk so quickly that their words jumble together. Because they are moving so fast, certain details may be ignored or pushed aside in favor of more important projects.

      Prophetics may be overwhelmed by the sheer number of thoughts in their minds and the unlimited number of things that are possible for them to do; consequently, some prophetics do not accomplish much of anything. The saving grace for the “ideaphoric” prophetic is a creative project or a contemplative activity that quiets the mind. These calming activities allow this kind of person to sort things out and make a sensible plan to follow from beginning to end.

      One of my favorite modern-day prophets is spiritual leader, James Twyman, who acts without hesitation on his psychic knowing. In 1995, Twyman, a former Catholic monk, dreamed about the biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. He awakened with a clear vision of a project that he knew would make a difference in the world.

      Being a meditator and contemplative by nature, Twyman was able to follow through with his vision. Using email blasts and the broadcast media, he asked individuals and spiritual communities throughout the world to donate swatches of material that contained vibrations of love and the intention of world peace. He received tens of thousands of colorful patches of material which, when sewn together, extended for more than a mile. He and a group of volunteers wrapped this “multicolored dream coat”—the Cloth of Many Colors—around United Nations buildings and the base of the US Capitol and Pentagon, and then transported it to countries in conflict or at war to seed peace in the world. Today, the Cloth of Many Colors project has involved hundreds of thousands of people and more than fifty countries.

      Twyman prophetically knew that this project would touch the minds and hearts of peace-seekers everywhere. Because he followed through on his dream inspiration and his waking sense of prophetic knowing, individuals, churches, and government officials in the United Nations and their many countries opened to the prospect of world peace through prayer.

      How can you tell if you are a psychic “knower”? You already know it.

      Multisensory Remote Viewing

      Although remote viewing, the art of mind travel, is typically associated with clairvoyance, it is actually a multisensory experience that relies on all of the psychic senses. The most convincing demonstration of remote viewing that I have ever seen—or even thought possible—took place in November 2003 during an historic conference, Remote Viewing: Beyond Time and Space, hosted by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, VA. Stephan A. Schwartz, anthropologist, author, and remote-viewing pioneer, convened the scientific and military founders of remote viewing and opened the event with an experiment for the three hundred scientists and healers in attendance. (See Resources at the end of this chapter.)

      Schwartz introduced two people who would serve as monitors and asked them to draw a number from the basket of a random number generator. The number drawn by the monitors directed them to one of four locations within a twenty-minute drive of the A.R.E. Schwartz led a discussion on remote viewing until the monitors phoned to let him know of their arrival at the target location. At that point he asked us to close our eyes, relax, and draw our attention to the target. “Sketch what immediately comes to mind,” he instructed.

      I drew a tall, narrow, vertical object rising out of a round base and to the right of it, little peaks of water. Next, Schwartz asked us to imagine ourselves as being “life-size” at the site. Standing there, what were our sensory impressions?

      I wrote the words: blue skies, surf, asphalt, grass, birds, and the sounds of people on a boardwalk. This gave way to clear visions of two places in Virginia Beach that I had visited: a museum related to boats and the sea, and the city’s contemporary arts center and museum.

      When the two monitors returned with digital photos of a historic lighthouse on Cape Henry Beach, a collective gasp of surprise rolled like a wave through the auditorium. I wasn’t the only one who had tuned in to the target: ninety percent of the people in the audience—some 270 people—had drawn and verbally described the tall lighthouse in striking detail.

      The compelling story of remote viewing held the audience spellbound for four days. During a follow-up intensive workshop, Schwartz asked the hundred or so people attending to remote-view the location of Saddam Hussein. Several months later, Schwartz reported that the vast majority of trainees, with me included, had closely described the underground hiding place, nearby structures, and bedraggled condition of the newly captured Iraqi dictator.

      The Inner Certainty of Higher Awareness

      Practice develops the psychic senses more than anything else, as remote-viewing studies have shown and Edgar Cayce discovered over the forty-three years he gave readings. What also helps is the inner certainty of higher awareness that comes from deep within and feels “realer than real.” This sentience is what propelled Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, and many other great seers to stand by their prophetic knowing, sometimes at the risk of death.

      The prophetic person’s quick and sure sense of conviction comes naturally, while the rest of us must listen, see, and feel the information until the sensed knowledge of higher awareness builds to inner certainty.

      When soul messages are vitally important, they flash through any and every available channel. If you want to open up channels that you seldom use, the meditation and psychic inquiry techniques provided in upcoming chapters will show you how to do that. Simply quieting thoughts to access the deeper awareness of the psychic soul stimulates inner imagery that will give you the answers to everything you want and need to know.

      The Soul’s Essence and Source

      Although we use terms like “higher consciousness” to describe levels of awareness that exist beyond ordinary states of mind, in actuality we are this eternal higher consciousness living in a temporary physical body, as described so beautifully by the Cayce readings on page 9 of the Meditation chapter that opens the first book of A Search for God:

      It is through meditation that we may become aware of the existence of the spiritual forces within, that we unlock the door between our physical and spiritual bodies. Through this door come impulses from the soul, seeking expression in the physical.

      Our souls are endowed with many faculties that are limited and bound by our impressions in the physical. The soul is always present, always willing to express its true purpose, its true relationship with the Creator. Through meditation we make this possible; we open the way.

      Some say that we are not conscious of possessing a soul. We should know that each of us is a soul. This body in which we live is only our house for the moment, and then out of it we go on to other states of consciousness and other experiences.

      Understanding the nature of the soul is central to intuitive development. Your psychic senses are not “out there” or “in another realm”; they exist in your spirit, which interpenetrates your physical body and is in and with you always.

      We can say something more: your spirit, simultaneously existing

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