Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington

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Your Psychic Soul - Judith Pennington

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clairaudients to self-reflect. One day, while standing in my clothes closet looking for something to wear, I caught myself humming the beautiful theme from the movie “Titanic.” Wondering why, I remembered that I’d just been balancing my checkbook! While I wasn’t sinking financially, I realized that I must need to address childhood-related issues about money. (Otherwise I might get stuck in that old rhythm and blues song, “You Really Got a Hold on Me.”)

      The clairaudient involved in a tempestuous love affair might hear “Stormy Weather,” or, if the relationship has run its course, “Stop Dragging My Heart Around” or “The Thrill is Gone.”

      The still, small jukebox of the unconscious mind, while amusing at times, is plugged in to the higher self. Its music calls the clairaudient to listen deeply in order to search the soul for truth and guidance.

      Best of all, clairaudients need not insert quarters to hear the inner jukebox. It’s free and it’s always turned on.

      Simply close your eyes and play a song in your mind to determine whether you are primarily clairaudient. If this channel is wide open, the music will sing out and you will hear it.

      Separating the Signal from the Noise

      Clairaudients face unique challenges. Sanders points out that because clairaudients are logical, systematic, and skeptical by nature, they tend to doubt the existence of a psychic inner voice since the only voice they hear is their own. The clairaudient’s verbal brain constantly names, discusses, and edits, so psychic information can easily slip into this stream of dialogue without making much of a splash. (Did you hear that image or see it, or both?)

      Even more challenging is the clairaudient’s self-doubt. Here are two ways to distinguish inner dialogue from a psychic insight. If your conscious mind is inactive, as in daydreaming or meditating, the words flowing into your mind may be clairaudient insights. You can also tell the difference by reviewing the quality of the message. Is it random mind chatter or more information than you knew before?

      Psychic information is super-ordinary and more than we knew before. The audient can best hear it with a quiet, clear mind that is able to listen deeply.

      The Clairaudient Cat

      Easily the strangest story of clairaudience that I’ve ever heard involves telepathic communication with an elderly tabby cat, Richie, who was dying from a large, malignant tumor that had formed between his eyes. Richie’s owner took him to a holistic veterinarian who performed acupuncture on him, but the treatments did nothing until they were used to attune the cat to the higher consciousness of the cosmos. Intrigued by this concept, Richie’s owner called in an animal communicator who psychically taught the cat to visualize that his tumor was shrinking. One week later the tumor began to shrink, and the next week, it disappeared.

      I might have doubted this story—a clairaudient cat that heals himself?—except that it was too bizarre to have been fabricated. Several years later I traveled across the state to present an all-day seminar. That evening I wired my EEG biofeedback device (called the Mind Mirror) to a woman who said she wanted to communicate with her recently deceased cat. She did talk with her departed cat during the session, and afterward she told me the cat’s story, which sounded eerily familiar. I knew that cat! It was Richie, who had eventually died of old age. What were the chances? I’d written about him in my online newsletter. Richie’s clairaudient owner confirmed every detail of the story I’d heard and reported. (Now, that’s synchronicity!)

      True synchronicity, defined as a meaningful coincidence of inner and outer events, provides meaningful lessons. I was recently plagued by three unsightly moles (not the animal) that took up residence on the sides of my knee and face. I must have unconsciously remembered Richie’s story. Not wanting to cut off the moles, I asked them to go away. Believe it or not, they disappeared within days and in one case, sloughed off within hours! I was astonished and from this experience learned that everything has ears to hear.

      If a part of your body needs attention, sit quietly in a meditative state and dialogue with it. Listen to what comes into your mind, and if the insights make any sense at all, honor them.

      Deer That Hear

      You will see in upcoming chapters how everything on earth is connected on an unconscious level. I experienced direct proof of this idea late one afternoon while racing a truck for lead position just before a slow crawl up a long, steep, two-lane road. Just as I won the sprint, I heard an inner voice say, “Oh great, now I’m going to be the one to hit the deer.” I was startled by these words, which rippled into my mind out of the blue so that when I approached a deer crossing, I slowed down and extended my peripheral vision. When the huge, antlered buck leapt out of the field onto the road in front of me, I was able to stop the car a few feet short of him. We stared at each other for about fifteen seconds until he jumped back into the field. I drove away feeling like we’d had a friendly conversation.

      Clairaudience increases quickly when we listen all the time. I developed my inner hearing through inspired writing, the subject of a later chapter. Perhaps you will try this way of listening, too. It is very freeing to know that you can connect at any time with an inner voice that exists to offer guiding insights, solutions, comfort, and assurance.

      The “Gut Instinct” of Clairsentience

      Clairsentience is a holdover from prehistoric times, when “gut instinct” taught people to dodge dinosaurs and forage for edible food in a world without grocery stores.

      Then and now, the psychic reception area for clairsentience is the solar plexus, extending from the base of the ribcage to just below the navel. This area, densely packed with nerves, is the perfect location for psychic feeling, which you may have experienced as the “butterflies” of excitement or stage fright. When endangered, cave people felt the unconscious mind’s powerful warning signals: the gut spasms, a gasp of fear, or the surge of adrenaline that speeds up the heartbeat to rapidly push more blood and oxygen to the extremities. Clairsentience was and still is the perfect evolutionary mechanism, as proved by the fact that we are not extinct.

      Who is clairsentient? Everyone is. Clairsentience is the only psychic sense shared by humans and animals—and the plant kingdom as well, according to The Secret Life of Plants, a remarkable book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird that chronicles the clairsentient ESP of the plant kingdom. I always talk to my plants, and they love it.

      The Sentient’s Psychic Field

      You may be clairsentient if you walk into a busy department store during the holidays and suddenly feel dazed and confused. Psychic feelers “pick up” the energies of people around them and very often cannot tell the difference between other people’s thoughts and feelings and their own. This ability is especially true of people who have been traumatized in childhood and consequently develop a clairsentient radar for hypervigilance that guards and protects them. The “psychic empath,” whose radar is extended out too far, feels the thoughts and emotions of other people, which can be chaotic, upsetting, and even painful.

      Clairsentients live by their feelings about people, places, and things. Cluttered places and chaotic people and locales make them feel very uncomfortable, Sanders points out. You are not likely to find a chaotic mess on the clairsentient’s desk. Confusion of any kind feels too painful.

      Clairsentience enables us to “feel out” the past, present, and future of people, places, and the environment. Because retrocognition and precognition (psychically reading

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