Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Becoming Masters of Light - Darrin William Owens

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rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">• Prayer for Perfect Energetic Balance

       7: Spiritual Healing

       8: The Healing Formulas

       • Healing Formula for the Physical Body

       • Healing Formula for the Mental Body

       • Healing Formula for the Emotional Body

       • Healing Formula for the Spiritual Body

       • Healing Formula for Lack and Scarcity

       • Healing Formula for Safety and Security

       • Healing Formula for Loss and Grief

       • Healing Formula for Addiction

       • Healing Formula for Co-Dependency

       9: The Invocations

       • Invocation for Spiritual Cleansing and Protection

       • Invocation for Golden Age Awareness

       • Invocation of the Holy Spirit

       • Invocation of the Christ Consciousness

       • Invocation for Health and Well-Being

       • Invocation for Healthy Relationships

       • Invocation for Financial Blessings

       • Invocation of the Divine Archetypes

       • Invocation for Psychic Intuitive Power

       • An Edgar Cayce Invocation

       10: The Reset Button: The Original Intention of Good

       • Prayer to Reset Ourselves to the Creator’s Original Intention of Good





      I give all my love and thanks to my soul sister, Jennie Taylor Martin, and the A.R.E. for making a dream come true. To the wonderfully gifted Mary Warren Pinnell for her editing magic and new friendship.

      To my family: Carol, Helen, Karen, and Scott. Thank you for the support and the love.

      To Carol Pate: Thank you for helping me discover my destiny and for teaching me truth from the very beginning. Your wisdom continues to inspire me.

      To H.A.L.: Thank you for your presence and insight, my spirit brother.

      Deepest thanks and love to my spirit directors, Master Ron Roth and Her Divine Majesty, Gloriana; you fill my heart and soul with pure wisdom.

      Introduction: The Reluctant Psychic, No More

      Since the publication in 2006 of my book, Reader of Hearts: The Life and Teachings of a Reluctant Psychic, my life began to take on many forms. I became a published author, a renowned lecturer and spiritual teacher, as well as a celebrity, to some degree. I accepted the majority of the roles I needed to step into, but fame did not sit well with me at all. How could a spiritual teacher be a celebrity? At book signings, I met people from all over the country who had read my book and were literally changed by what they had read in its pages. Helping people was my intent. What was not my intention was the “guru” façade that I felt was manifesting itself at every public appearance I made.

      People wanted their pictures taken with me, my autograph, and just to be near me. My concern was that they were seeing me as the source of the message and not just the messenger. I was not the Divine; I was merely delivering the Divine’s message. I had a taste of what a true mystic like Edgar Cayce must have experienced in his time—to be not only a deliverer of blessings but also to be looked upon as the blessing itself. I had worked with many “famous” psychics and spiritual teachers during this period and was hoping to find someone with the same challenge I was experiencing. Instead, I found a “Spiritual Hollywood” type of atmosphere. Colleagues who had been my friends prior to my writing the Reader of Hearts book were no longer my friends once I became a published author. I was now their competition. To say that I experienced a shock to my system was an understatement. I had the perception that all of us “spiritual celebs” were on the same team and had the same mission: to inspire, to educate, and to heal the planet.

      With this new world of “spiritual celebrity showdowns” at my doorstep, I felt pretty much alone in my professional world. I did have the blessing of a few friends in the business, but all in all, it was not a business I felt very inspired by.

      Messiah complexes were running rampant. When did the spiritual and self-help “movement” become “Spiritual Hollywood”? I could see that the true soul of a very powerful movement was in jeopardy of losing its purpose. Sadly, in my opinion, the movement was not so much about healing any more as it was about “star gazing.” After about two years of pushing my book, giving interviews, and lecturing, I burned out. I stopped. I was experiencing my own personal issues at home dealing with a sour relationship and personal feelings of inadequacy. Yes, even we psychics and spiritual teachers have our issues. I needed a break from my own spotlight. I had to get back to what was real. It was time to re-balance my life and gain a clear perspective on my affairs. I left the psycho-spiritual rat race and stepped into my own cocoon in order to heal. A bitter, unhappy spiritual teacher is a bore. I don’t like to be a bore.

      What was to be a yearlong hiatus became a three-year retirement. I

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