Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Becoming Masters of Light - Darrin William Owens

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picture of the resources within you. I teach that we are all psychic intuitives because all of us carry both senses. Some folks think that people are endowed with either one or the other of these spiritual powers or that psychic power is better or stronger than intuition. Let me dispel some of that confusion.

      There are two questions I am most often asked by students during my workshops.

      1. Am I a psychic or an intuitive?

      2. Is there a difference between the two terms?

      My answer to both questions is a definitive yes. Yes, you are both psychic and intuitive, and yes, there is a huge difference between the two terms. They do, however, work hand in hand with each other.

      Think of the term psychic as being an extended level of intuition. Intuition is like an energy language of the soul. It is an extra sense that is more personal in nature for an individual. It’s a whisper from your higher self. Think of intuition as information that is directed internally. Intuition fuels many spiritual tools such as energy healing, hunches, gut feelings, meditative awareness, and creativity.

      Subtle power is the nature of intuition. Intuition always directs us back to ourselves. It also gives us helpful information for our life’s path. The psychic nature is more extroverted and impersonal in its energetic intelligence. It is a magnification of intuitive awareness in the process of accessing energy from others and the environment. Psychic power is the ability to access information from energy and intelligences outside of one’s inner personal dynamics. Psychic ability encompasses the gifts of reading others intuitively, communicating with the dead, accessing potential future realities, and having medical clairvoyance. These are all psychic powers, just to name a few.

      Intuition is more personal while psychic ability is more impersonal in accessing energetic information. You can also think of psychic ability as the expanded mind that accesses energetic information, whereas intuition is the key used in the clear and accurate interpretation of the energetic information. When I conduct my healing sessions, I’ll see a vision or get an impression of my client, psychically. Then I run it through my intuition by asking: what does this information mean for my client? By simply asking a question, I have given my intuition permission to access the personal results of the psychic vision. That’s why many people have visions or psychic flashes about something but never think to ask their intuition for its clarity about them. They are so hung up on the “glamour” of the vision that they have forgotten to ask their intuition for its meaning and direction. I see many psychic people out there who talk to the dead or psychically tap into people with great accuracy, but they are missing one thing. They lack a spiritual connection to their intuitive voice. Remember, intuition is your direct communication link from your higher self. So many people who are psychic are truly talented, but their information has no sustenance at all because they are not asking for the deeper meanings. Some, mostly healers and counselors, are highly intuitive about feeling people’s emotions and their pain. By asking your psychic self to elaborate, you can receive the actual visions of the situations in that person’s life that may have caused the “dis-eased” feelings. I hope you can now understand the essential union of both psychic and intuitive powers. You can see a great example of the union of psychic intuition with medical intuitives. They’re able to psychically see the diseased area of the body, and through their intuitive connection, they are able to get information about why the diseased organ has manifested in the body. Like I always say, trying to be “psychic” without a strong spiritual and intuitive foundation is like living in Wisconsin with a lactose intolerance problem. Enough said!

      Let’s begin with an evolutionary scale of spiritual power from its prophetic nature in the biblical Old Testament to its renewed force as a healing agent today. I believe we are presently realizing the true source of psychic intuition as an expanded sense for healing and well-being. I’m using the time scale according to the Bible because I believe these scriptures have demonstrated an incredible account of psychic power through the ages right up to the embodiment of the Christ when psychic ability became conscious as a spiritual element to be awakened within every soul. I’ll overlay the evolution of spiritual power via the chakra system, as well.

      The chakra system, or our energy anatomy, cycles and recycles energy throughout our body. It is also an historical account of our psychic growth throughout time. Just as the rings of a tree indicate its history and growth, so does our energy system reflect the same for us.

      Our energy system is an incredible textbook of inner knowledge of the origin and even the destiny of our soul’s growth.

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