Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Becoming Masters of Light - Darrin William Owens

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to be preoccupied with creation on a material level.

      “Dear God: I want a car, a house, a lover, and a good job.”

      Don’t get me wrong, these requests are just fine. God is glad to provide us with all we desire, but there is a need for balance. I began to feel that we were using our creative energy more to obtain “stuff” and less for the true purpose of co-creation as examples of spiritual humanitarians. We got into this same trouble eons ago when we separated ourselves from the Source and decided to create without the Creator. So entered the great fall of man from God. I write more about that idea later in the book.

      I listened as I heard students and clients struggle with manifestation.

      “I say my affirmations for a new love twenty times a day, and nothing happens.” “Why can’t I get a new job? I’m so unhappy; when I put my intention out, there is dead silence.”

      Honestly, folks, If I were God and I had to hear all of your “I want, I want, I wants,” I would take the phone off the hook, too. Think of it this way. You’re in your car driving down the highway of life. God is driving and you are the passenger. Remember, you are a co-creator. God knows your direction, knows the turns, and knows the way.

      You, on the other hand, like a spoiled child, keep bugging the driver with, “Are we there yet, are we there yet?” “I’m bored, can we pull over?” “Let me drive, let me drive. You’re not going fast enough!”

      You know how annoying that can be. So, the universe will keep taking you to your destination, but you have missed the mark for your journey. You are so worried about getting there, and having what you want when you want it, that you have lost the true meaning of what it is to be a co-creator with the Divine.

      God knows our needs and desires. The true art of manifestation is to set our intentions with God and let everything else go. There is no need for a reminder. In the meantime, we must step into a higher place of co-creating as Masters of Light. It sounds simple, because it is. God is simple. When our lives feel chaotic, we often remove our focus from our co-creative power. Instead, we put our focus on our ego, consisting of fear and attachment. Remember, it’s time to move beyond me to us.

      As we step into the role of a Master of Light, we move into the most powerful level of co-creation. We have set our intentions for a healthy life, full of abundance, and now we must place that life with the Source. The power of surrender is the key. We set our sights on becoming an embodiment of light. We are living in a timeframe where many are still trying to catch up with their own spiritual selves. As burning examples of God’s light, we can be there for the handoff. We become extensions of God’s divine love and are able to help guide others to their own truth and well-being. All that “stuff” we want comes with ease when we let go of our attachment to it. Beware of new age thought that believes in order to create, you have to attach. Some call it focus; I call it obsessive-compulsive behavior. When you are saying twenty affirmations a day and have poster boards all over your room that reflect the lifestyles of the rich and famous, you’re attached instead of creating. You don’t need any of that nonsense. God knows your desires before you can even utter them. Proclaim them once to the universe and then let it go. You have bigger fish to fry out in the world as a Master of Light!

      A Master of Light is an embodiment of God’s pure, divine love on earth. You will also become conscious of the spiritual power running through your being. Remember that. When you truly live by charity, faith, and peaceful action, you are going to shift the actions of many folks around you. You don’t need to stand on a corner and shout that you have the truth and the way. God will send you the people and resources you need to be a light for the world. Just as we have had that same blessing in our own life (of meeting the right person at the right time), we now have to be the right person for someone else. This book will cover many subjects to help you open to your Master of Light role. You are ready to take action now, and it is my hope that this little primer will support a deepening of this holy experience.

      Remember that our thoughts are things. If we set our thoughts on God, surrendering our desires and needs in order to receive from the Source, we cannot go wrong. We need to keep our mind on our responsibilities as light bearers, and then everything else will be laid before us. Think of surrendering to God as the best type of job with the best insurance available in the universe. The job perks are limitless.

      Allow yourself to relax. Take three deep breaths: one for the mind, one for the body, and one for the spirit. Feel your tensions wash away with each breath. Now, just breathe deeply and easily. Still relaxing, let the intake and out breath create a peaceful center within you. Relax. Relax more.

      Within your mind, imagine a tiny ball of white light. Allow the light to expand, like a sunrise over the mountaintops. The light becomes larger and larger, and it completely embraces your entire body. You feel the warmth and comfort from this shining white light. Every cell, organ, and bone is bathed completely—refreshed and renewed. The light begins to magnify even more, stretching itself outward from your physical body. Rays of white light expand and grow in every direction. You begin to feel at one with everything and everyone around you. A ray of light directed from your very being reaches out and touches the heart of every individual you come into contact with. You are a lighthouse, a guide for all who see your shining brilliance. You are a Master of Light.

      As you take a few more deep breaths, you allow the light rays to play their part in your life. Bring your attention back to your inner self—you are still fully relaxed and still breathing. Take another deep breath and allow yourself to come back to the space where you are. Open your eyes.

      Now you can take this inner light out into your day, every day, and embrace the role of being a Master of Light.


      Psychic Intuition: The Evolutionary Power of Our Spiritual Gifts

      Over the years, I have written and talked about the essential aspects of psychic power and intuition. First, both of these aspects of our spiritual power work hand in hand. Since we as a global consciousness have evolved and opened more fully to our inner resources, these abilities have become even more magnified within our psyches. I have seen an interesting shift in the perception of what being psychic means to my students and clients. My instruction of psychic power as a spiritual attribute is finally making it into people’s belief systems, even though it has been a standard truth for many years. I have always been an advocate of teaching that psychic power is a spiritual gift of the soul and not a circus sideshow. Sadly, through the years, there has been a bad reputation spun around anything that is psychic or intuitive in nature. Back in my hometown, in the Ozarks of Arkansas, it was believed by most people that any psychic subject had been spawned by Satan. Another major misguided point of view was the perception of “psychic” as merely a gypsy fortune-telling trade. This misperception is largely due to bad, B-rated films, the television, phone psychic trade, and other media’s reactions to misguided attempts from celebrity psychics looking to shine in the spotlight with their magic powers.

      “The psychic, then, is of the soul . . .” (Edgar Cayce reading 5752-1) The Edgar Cayce readings stated it very clearly, and I as a psychic healer have always based my teachings on this simple but powerful truth: being psychic belongs to the soul. Since we are all souls, then we are all endowed with psychic potential. Being psychic is not a “special” gift given to only a few, therefore; it is part of the spiritual makeup of every soul. As our soul evolves, our psychic potential evolves, and we are becoming vastly multidimensional. This evolution is for the conscious soul that has become aware of its spiritual power. He or she asks the question that I hear so often now:

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