Becoming Masters of Light. Darrin William Owens

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Becoming Masters of Light - Darrin William Owens

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from all of us that are heeding the call to heal our planet.

      This is a book is for the conscious soul. It’s a primer on the spiritual powers available to us as master co-creators with the Divine. Along with a retrospective on the evolution of our soul’s progression insofar as psychic power and spiritual healing, it also covers a wide range of subjects formulated to enhance the spiritual resources within you. My goal for this work is to help you strengthen your inner foundation with the Mother/Father God, the Source of all things. As we have crossed the threshold past the year 2012 into the New Golden Age, it’s imperative that we be as internally vibrant as possible to represent Mother/Father God on Earth. Instead of looking to others we think are “spiritually special” to be our voices for God on Earth, we must now step into the role of using our own voice of God for ourselves and others. Being a Master of Light means that we are ready and able to be authentic channels of healing and balance. When we master that potential in our own lives, we are better equipped to co-create with the Divine. Is this not the goal of any spiritual journey?

      I believe that there is a threefold process to our soul’s evolution, in this most sacred timeframe. First, we must awaken to our spiritual selves. Second, we need to allow the awakening of the spiritual reality within to transform us. Third, from that transformation, we will magnify our spiritual foundation as children of the most high. For the conscious soul, it’s a time of magnification—to live the spiritual life not as a hobby, but as a lifestyle.

      This book is not intended to be a scholarly work on metaphysics or spiritual healing. It’s simply a primer, an expansion from my work in Reader of Hearts. It’s a guide for those who have awakened and transformed and are ready to progress even further into spiritual humanitarianism. From that awareness, we will go a step further into the magnification of our spiritual power. I will present the many mystical and spiritual principles that I have discovered along the way in my professional career as a psychic healer, as well as in my own personal growth. We are lights among the world; and as lights, we must take the responsibility of being co-creators with the source to the fullest degree. From that powerful responsibility, we will learn how to use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of conscious evolution and total well-being for our planet. I know that these are bold statements from an author, but I write these powerful words because I know them to represent truth. Each of you reading this book at this very moment knows there is something more for you to do as a co-creator with God. This book will be your guide to enhance your spiritual self-esteem and reinforce your foundation as an expression of divinity—as a master of light!

      “I want to do more!” I hear this call from many of my clients and students, so it is my hope that this book will be an answer to your request. I’m not here to tell you how to get a cool, new age job or how to become a world sensation as a spiritual guru. I’m here to give you information about how to empower yourself and be the best at what you’re doing right now. When you feel you are in sync with yourself and the Divine, you are more apt to be open to the living guidance God offers you. You are also—by sensing your own inner security—more open to help and guide others who are currently struggling with their faith and place in the universe. Like moths to a flame, people who are lost in their own unconsciousness will be attracted to your light. You will help others find their own glimmer of truth. Is that not the reason we started our spiritual journeys: not only for our own well-being but also for the well-being of others? The Master Jesus knew early on what his mission was. He did not study with the mystics of his time purely for his own benefit. He studied to strengthen his connection to the Father/Mother God and to prepare his inner dynamics for the responsibility of bringing truth to the masses. As Jesus expressed, as He could do, so can you.

      This book will cover many of the spiritual resources we have at hand. I will put my own spin on some subjects with the hope that it will help you to grow even closer to alignment with your spiritual power. I’ll refer to master teachers and healers such as Ron Roth, Edgar Cayce, and of course, Jesus. I’ll also include the importance of the role of the Divine Feminine, which I lovingly call the Holy Spirit. Another important goal of this work is to understand the evolutionary process of psychic power.

      Many of us have become caught in a psychic web, sustaining a sense of desperation to know what’s going to happen in our lives or what’s around the next corner. There is power and faith in the mystery. Being able to have faith in mystery creates a wellspring of freedom that is our sustenance in remaining connected to the Divine. This ego mind with its fear of the “unknown” has kept many of us away from our ability to be co-creators.

      Over many years of working with clients and students (and myself!), I’ve seen a common pattern of spiritual development. Many people go through particular stages in a certain order. Learning the lessons of one stage is what prepares you to advance to the next stage. Once you have downloaded one piece of divine inspiration, you are ready for the next.

      The common pattern is to pass through seven different stages, which can be called spiritual awakening, divine darkness, interior power, inner attunement, conscious creation, holistic living, and divine oneness.

      Each of these seven levels of spiritual awareness formulates a progressive expansion for your soul to maintain and magnify its inner awareness as a child of God. It is important be aware of these levels in our lives, and the awareness builds a stronger relationship with the Divine. Even for the conscious soul, these levels of awareness make their presence known in our lives as reminders of our spiritual power. You don’t graduate after you experience their lessons—instead, you liberate your soul by the pervasive, ongoing awareness in your life.


      Spiritual awakening is the beginning of the journey of self-discovery. It happens when you begin to see a sliver of the Divine in your life. It’s as if your spiritual eyes begin to open from a deep sleep, just enough to see the new morning light. When the awakening process is complete and your spiritual eyes are fully open, you are conscious of your divine nature. You know that there is a divine purpose in everything.


      Once awakening sheds light on what needs to change in your life, you are ready for divine darkness or “the dark night of the soul” to help you make those changes. If awakening happens when you open your spiritual eyes, then divine darkness occurs when you wipe the “sleep” from them. It happens when you begin to cleanse those crusty, irritating habits, illusions, and thoughts that previously glued together your spiritual eyelids. This is the stage of growth that prepares the way for you to clear out anything that keeps you from remembering your true divinity.


      Once you have cleansed your soul of the illusions that have limited you, you are ready to ascend out of the darkness. Now that you understand the source of divinity, you can move toward the light by learning how to access the energy of the Divine. This energy is all around us, vibrating through our bodies and all matter. You simply have to become more aware of it as you understand how to use it in your spiritual development.


      You’ve probably heard the statement the kingdom of heaven is within. In this level, you acquire the skills that make this statement a reality in your life. You create a peaceful “inner heaven” by working with the divine energy flowing throughout your body—the energy you discovered from the previous level of awareness. You control, balance, and tune this energy to bring clarity, calm, and a heart-centered focus. This process of inner attunement allows you to maintain your interior power, strengthen your connection to the Divine, and continue on the path

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