The World According to Gogglebox. Gogglebox

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The World According to Gogglebox - Gogglebox

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first audition with one particular Liverpudlian family. The family consisted of Mum, Dad and two grown-up twentysomething children still living at home. Talking to them in their living room, while they watched telly, a producer asked them what they thought the BBC stood for – as in its values. The following conversation unfolded, unprompted …

      DAUGHTER (25): Er, B … B … C … Well, it stands for British Broadcasting … er … Company. Doesn’t it?

      SON (29): No … British … Broad … casting … Corporation.

      DAUGHTER: NO! That’s not right, ’cause then it would be BBCC!

      The son rolled his eyes.

      DAUGHTER: So what does ITV stand for then? Inter … national Television?

      DAD (employing a slightly weary tone): No, you div, Independent Television.

      The daughter looked down, and paused momentarily. Then, as if a light bulb had just been switched on in her head, she looked up and with a huge smile gleefully announced …

      ‘Oh, that’s brilliant, that is … so those mings at Channel 4 … they couldn’t even be arsed coming up with a mammogram!’

      Cue further rolling of eyes and groaning from parents and brother alike.

      It was this moment when we knew that Gogglebox would work. Not just because of the unintentional humour involved, but because of the remarkable interaction that occurs when we sit down with the people we love to watch television.

      Sadly, the family mentioned elected not to take part in the series, and I often wonder what they make of it. Then again, the current cast of Gogglebox have delighted us week in, week out with far more priceless gems of genuine wit, wisdom and heartfelt humanity, so much more than I could ever have imagined.

      For me, Gogglebox belongs to each and every one of them, and so does this book.

       Tania AlexanderExecutive Producer of Channel 4’s Gogglebox

images JOSH: Do you think Japanese people will become extinct?
images BILL: Snakes have two penises, don’t they?
images LEON: They’re all strange, people who do allotments.
images STEPHEN: If they’re going to make mannequins more realistic, give them bingo wings.
images SANDRA: What’s inside a penis? Meat?
images JUNE: You shouldn’t split things with a swear word, Leon.
images DOM: I very nearly got my nipple pierced in Ireland on my stag weekend. Thank God it was shut.
images STEPHEN: Well, that’s bored the shit out of me arse.
images SCARLETT: He is beautiful, isn’t he? His face looks like it’s been carved by angels.
images BAASIT: Do you know that a beaver can kill a man? It chomps down on you and can cut the femoral artery.
images JUNE: Do you remember the time when we were invited out and you threw up on somebody’s carpet?
images LEON: Yes. He’s dead now, isn’t he?
images LINDA: How do they know what’s going to be the weather? Do they measure something?
images DOM: ‘What did you do in the office today, darling?’ ‘I wanked a walrus.’

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