The World According to Gogglebox. Gogglebox

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The World According to Gogglebox - Gogglebox

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Images STEPH: Basil Brush made me laugh. And Frank Spencer. Images DOM: The Goodies. The Banana Splits. ‘One banana, two banana, three banana, four …’ Images STEPH: ‘La la la …’ I’m there now. Images DOM: And On the Buses. Images STEPH: On the Buses? Are you mad? Images DOM: No. Not On the Buses. The kids’ programme, The Double Deckers. Images STEPH: I liked The Herbs. Images DOM: The Magic Roundabout. Dylan was always … Images STEPH: Off his tits. But Sooty and all that lot? No. Oh, and Rainbow? Forget it. Zippy. Christ. Zip it up and throw it away. Images DOM: Batman. Pow and kazam! And Hartley Hare from Pipkins was OK when I was ill. Images STEPH: When you put your thermometer on the radiator. Do you remember that? ‘A temperature of 120?’ ‘I’m really ill! I really am!’ ‘Yep, you’re dead.’ Images Images STEPHEN & CHRIS, BRIGHTON Images CHRIS: Blind Date. Surprise Surprise. Images STEPHEN: We were allowed to stay up late to watch Dallas. But back then, we didn’t have a pot to piss in and we had a TV that had a pay box on it. And you used to put 50p in it and wind it on, and that would give you four hours’ worth of viewing. And you’d get a collection of 50ps in the box. The man would come and empty it once a month, take out the rental (because we rented the TV), take a bit out for the licence fee, and what was left you got back. Dallas went out on a Wednesday night at eight. So, we were allowed to stay up for that. But sometimes we didn’t have another 50p, so we’d miss the end of Dallas. And if Mum had no more money, to entertain us she used to take her teeth out and gurn. And we would all roll about laughing and then go to bed. When I was very young, I watched Magic Roundabout, Rainbow, the man that used to go in the cupboard in the fancy dress shop … Mr Benn. Loved that. Images CHRIS: Because I’m five years younger than you it was all Phillip Schofield, you know, in the broom cupboard. images STEPHEN: See, I was out joyriding by then. Images THE MICHAELS, BRIGHTON Images ANDREW: Watch with Mother – that I did actually used to watch with my mother. Images CAROLYNE: So did I. Images ANDREW: My favourite one was The Flowerpot Men. And my second favourite was Andy Pandy. And as a five-year-old, I actually used to look forward to the bit where he gets in the basket at the end with Looby Loo, because I knew there was something going on. Images CAROLYNE: In the basket. Images ANDREW: I didn’t know what it was at five, but I was bloody sure there was something going on. Images CAROLYNE: When we first met, that was our frame of reference, wasn’t it? You were Andy Pandy and I was Looby Loo. Images ANDREW: Do you remember the Jaguar XJS? I used to get the Looby Loo that was you and hang it up in the XJS. But in addition to the two that I’ve just mentioned, Stingray, Joe 90, Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds, Lost in Space and Star Trek. Images CAROLYNE: I used to look forward to watching Top of the Pops, because that was the only time we’d ever get to see any groups, wasn’t it?

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