The Emperor's Ride. Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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The Emperor's Ride - Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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As the afterglow started Aleaha only wanted to lie still for awhile and to be kissed and cuddled and held. Bob wasn't done. He hadn't ejaculated. Hadn't had his orgasm. She let him continue to pump. As she lay there, Aleaha decided that her maids would have to wait at least one more day to get their hands on this man.

      When the next orgasm started it was beyond belief. It started from Aleaha's toes and from her fingertips. She knew this could be done with a careful combination of sexual drugs at almost lethal doses. One half went fingertips, wrists, arms, shoulders, and upper chest. The other half went toes, feet, ankles, and calves. As the orgasm traveled down from her lower abdomen and up from her upper thighs Bob was pumping as fast as he could.

      Aleaha felt that peculiar quiver that meant he was about to have his orgasm as well. She caught and held his eyes. Bob reluctantly let her. It was as if he was surprised that she was interested in looking into his eyes. If Bob had looked away Aleaha was prepared to bite his nose completely off to regain eye contact.

      As her orgasm crested Aleaha could feel the force of his ejaculation deep inside her. Their eyes locked. Each of them could see the spark fly through the other's eyes. It was as if their naked souls had jumped out for a moment to fondle each other. It was magic.

      Bob collapsed on top of Aleaha and she could barely breathe. That was okay, everything was wonderful. Bob pushed himself off Aleaha, smiled, and pushed her mouth open with his tongue to caress her tongue with his own. Then he started sucking on one of her nipples. Aleaha had a life where she had always gotten what she wanted, when she wanted it. Aleaha wanted to do this again. She knew it was the wrong thing to do. But she used her very best, most authoritative imperial voice. With this voice she had made grown women burst into tears. With this voice she had made seasoned fighting men turn white as a sheet. Everyone, absolutely everyone, would jump to run and do her bidding when she used this voice. Aleaha had not wanted to use it, but it came out anyway. Aleaha took a fistful of Bob’s hair and pulled his head up so his eyes were looking directly into her eyes. She said in her most imperial voice.

      “Exactly how long do you need to rest before we can do that again?”

      Bob smiled, kissed Aleaha on the tip of her nose and said, “You have to feed me first.”

      Aleaha decided that no other woman was going to touch this man until she got off the transport at the planet Kaska. What would happen after that she wasn't sure.

      “I understand there are some amazing restaurants on this star transport,” Bob said.

      “I hope you don't mind. I ordered a meal to be delivered.” Aleaha disliked restaurants. At home, in her quarters in the Royal Compound, she had her own chief. His food was exquisite, but he didn't travel well. Aleaha had baskets packed with her favorite treats. Meats, cheeses, breads, pastries, wines and liquors time three. Aleaha never ate alone and almost always ate with a lover. She knew some of the foods were quite pungent and took some getting used to. She thought they were all wonderful. Her companions always ate everything in sight proclaiming how wonderful it was. Aleaha suspected that they would eat cardboard pastries filled with mud with the same gusto, proclaiming how wonderful it was. Aleaha didn't care.

      This time she did. It had never occurred to Aleaha before to give her companion a say in the food selection. Bob tried almost everything. Some things he tried carefully and then ate with gusto. Some things he tried a small bite of and then set aside never to be touched again. One particular pastry, one that Aleaha dearly loved, Bob didn't even try. She admitted it looked unappealing and smelled even worse, but once in your mouth it was absolute heaven. Aleaha picked one up and broke it in half. “These are really very good,” Aleaha said as she put half in her mouth. Her smile was half a genuine response to how good the pastry tasted. The other half of her smile was a desire to have him at least try it.

      Bob took it from Aleaha with a smile of his own and kissed the fingertips that had held the pastry. With a surprised smile he licked the last crumbs off her fingertips and then threw the pastry in his mouth. He took another and threw that pastry in his mouth as well. After Bob chewed and swallowed he had a strange expression on his face. He took a third pastry and handed it to Aleaha.

      “Take a small bite, but don't swallow it. Keep the piece on your tongue.”

      When Aleaha had done so, Bob pulled her close, used his tongue to open her mouth, then to sweep the piece of pastry into his own mouth, where he chewed and swallowed it.

      “They taste much better with a little Aleaha on them,” he said with a grin.

      The meal continued. They talked and laughed and tried various combinations of foods and drink. She couldn't remember the last time a meal was so much fun. During the evening Aleaha made a decision. She would have Bob thrown into the deepest, darkest, most secret dungeon in all the Empire. Of course it would be a very nice dungeon and Aleaha would visit him a lot.

      ◊When I had been escorted to my quarters on the luxury star transport, I was told I had one of the largest, most luxurious accommodations on the ship. I was also told that the women who were to share my rooms would arrive shortly. The cabin was huge and I was still alone when the star transport left orbit. My first thought was to go to the nearest lounge and talk some lovely young woman into coming back to my cabin. My sexual situation was very close to desperate. I hadn't had sex since well before Lindle 4.

      I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it there stood this absolutely gorgeous woman wearing a tight neck to below the knees coat. To be able to meet another woman anywhere near as beautiful on this transport was very doubtful. I couldn't lose her. I was new to the Empire and I didn't know the rules. If ever there were a daughter of the Empire, this was her. She had that patrician look of unbelievable competence. She was used to being obeyed. Used to getting here own way, exactly and immediately. She was almost certainly a noble, slumming with the hero/celebrity of the day.

      She wanted me. I desperately didn't want her to stop wanting me, to change her mind. Not at least until I had satisfied my body’s needs. I had an erection that threatened to rip its way out of my pants and say hello on its own. That face. I had seen that face before at the Royal Court. She was one of the women on the balcony. The ones that were completely naked out of respect for the Emperor. The ones I wasn't suppose to look at, but that I could stop looking at after I had seen them. The apology/excuse slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. I was losing her. I had to get her into the lounge. To get a few drinks into her. I always looked better to a woman after I had gotten a few drinks into her. I found it easier to talk to a woman after I had gotten a few drinks into me.

      She agreed, but I had done something wrong. She was going back to her cabin to change clothes first. She would meet me at the lounge. I could see in her face she wasn't coming back. I wanted her so badly. I took her hand and asked her to come as she was. I gave her what I hoped was my most adorable smile. I said “please.”

      She couldn’t come to the lounge because the lounge was designed to have people sit and she couldn't sit while she was wearing that coat. She couldn't remove that coat in public because she was wearing nothing on underneath. She had noticed me noticing her at the Royal Court. If I hadn’t remembered her face she would have removed her coat to see if I remembered her body. If I had kept my mouth shut this unbelievably beautiful woman would be standing before me completely naked. I came very close to ripping the coat off her by brute force. I tried to stay calm.

      I carefully asked her into my cabin for a drink. She said “yes.” The smile she gave me warmed me through and through. She made me promise not to do anything until she had completely removed all of my clothing. This was not a problem. Being undressed by a beautiful naked woman is a wonderful thing. The important part was, riding or being ridden, front, back, or in her mouth, my penis was going to get what it needed.


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