The Emperor's Ride. Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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The Emperor's Ride - Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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whatever you want; you'll never top this one,” she told me.

      “When I give you an orgasm that tops this one, I want you to do something special,” I told her.

      “If you top this one I'll do absolutely anything you want me to do,” she replied. The look in her eyes told me that she was ready for some heavy duty kissing and cuddling. I was happy to oblige.

      That night lying in bed with Aleaha, I thought about what I would need to do. I needed rope and spring clamps for this one. I knew she would be happy when I was done. I hoped she would be happy when I was done. The women who tutored me seemed to enjoy it a great deal. I enjoyed it when they had used the male version on me.

      We were only two days away from her destination. I couldn't imagine not having Aleaha by my side. Noble women occasionally would marry wealthy men who hadn't any noble blood. The trip on the luxury transport was totally paid for by the Imperial Treasury. It didn't cost me anything. Even so I had managed to access the price of the voyage. This upper crust vacation cost easily the value of my estate on Cocuru. My commendation gave me limited access to the Imperial Treasury, but I would need to have a great deal more money to satisfy a noble woman’s family. The Emperor had said ask me anything and if I can grant it I will. Could I exchange that anything into enough of an estate that a noble woman's family might look at me favorably as a son-in-law? I know that Aleaha loves me. I can feel it in her touch, see it in her eyes, but I know she would need her family's permission to marry me. I folded up that hope, put it in a box and closed the lid.

      After Aleaha left the transport at the planet Kaska I would continue on to the planet Market to check in and get my physical evaluation. Then I would take the next available courier ship back to the Empire to see the Emperor. After that I would ask Aleaha to let me put her first in my heart and we would see what we would see. In the meantime I really wanted to blow Aleaha's head off sexually. Give her something to remember me by.

      It was a somber breakfast. Aleaha would leave the star transport tomorrow at Kaska and I would continue on to Market. We had not talked about what we would do afterward. Did Aleaha want me to come back to the Empire to see her again? Would Aleaha come to my estate on Cocuru to see me, would we meet somewhere between our two worlds? I think neither of us could come to grips with not having the other one there. I had to concentrate on the task at hand. The procedure went better when performed on the recipient’s home ground.

      “Aleaha, I was wondering if we could spend one day in your cabin.”

      “It'll be pretty crowded. I have quite a few maids,” Aleaha said.

      “Let them spend the day in my cabin,” I replied.

      Aleaha sent for her maids. When I opened the door I felt overwhelmed by a small ocean of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. As her maids went past they went out of their way to rub against me. They went past as a group, turned and looked back at us. Aleaha looked resigned.

      “I could have them all strip naked for you. They'd be happy to do it,” she said.

      I could see from their eyes that the maids would be happy to do it. The mental picture of them standing there naked and of me removing my clothes to wallow in all that beauty swept into my mind. I swept that picture out by thinking about giving Aleaha the best orgasm she had ever had. “Thank you. I would love to another time, but Aleaha and I have to go.”

      Aleaha asked me about the rope and the spring clamps I was carrying. Trying to look guileless, I told her I was going to build something....something she would enjoy. The ornaments in the ceiling of her quarters looked sturdy and deeply set. I threw one end of the rope through one side and one end of the rope through the other. Then I attached the ends to door handles on either side of the room.

      “I need your help Aleaha. Stand right there with your arms outstretched.”

      I put a small pile of rope on one hand and ran the rope behind Aleaha. Then I put another pile of rope on the other hand. I took some of the rope from each hand and twirled it several times around each of her wrists. I pulled the rope tight and hitched the rope again on the door handles.

      “Bob I'm caught.”

      I ignored her. I twirled the rope around each ankle and again pulled the rope taught. Aleaha was off the floor except for the balls of her feet. She was pulled in a taught X shape.

      “Bob get me out of this it hurts.”

      I pulled down her slacks and gave Aleaha's naked butt a hard slap. She gave me a look of absolute disbelief. I ripped the rest of Aleaha's clothes off. I had so much adrenaline pumping that I tore through them like they were made of tissue paper.

      “Bob you don't have to do that. When have I ever objected to you taking off my clothes?”

      “You need to be naked and to take your clothes off without ripping them I would have to untie you and I am not untying you until we're done. Now shut up!”

      I slapped her on the butt, hard as I could this time.

      “Bob, that really hurt.”

      I hitched the rope again pulling her even tighter. Then, a smile on my face, I moved in close as if to kiss her. I bit Aleaha on her upper lip...hard...leaving teeth marks, but not drawing blood.

      “Bob, have you gone insane?”

      “Shut up!”

      I slapped her butt twice; they were beginning to turn a nice cherry red. Aleaha started to say something and I raised my hand to strike her. She snapped her mouth shut with a plop. I hitched her tighter. I got the spring clamps out and one by one attached them to Aleaha's vagina. The pain must have been excruciating. Her whole body was quivering with the pain. In a low, soft, calm voice Aleaha said my name. “Bob, when you got the Emperor out of Lindle 4 you prevented a war that would have cost billions of lives. If you need to take my life now you are welcome to it.”

      Aleaha's eyes were brimming with tears. I couldn't help but grin. “This isn't about hurting you, it's about sexual pleasure.”

      “Sexual pleasure?” Aleaha said as she looked at me with horror.

      “Pleasure and pain are two horns on the same goat. Sometimes you have to be gored by one horn to really enjoy the other,” I told her.

      “If this is about sex, I am asking you to let me go. It's not worth it!”

      “Do you remember the last time we had sex. You said it couldn't possibly get any better. This is better.”

      “I want you to let me go!”

      “Do you remember that you gave me permission to do whatever I needed to do? At that point you lost the right to say no.”

      Aleaha's eyes were brimming with tears again.

      “Aleaha, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, the sexiest, the most interesting. I would not do anything to damage our relationship. When we are done you will see the pleasure was more than worth the pain. Trust me.”

      In a very small voice Aleaha said, “Okay.”

      I took the last two spring clamps, opened them full width and let them snap shut, first on one nipple, then on the other. Aleaha's eyes widened with the pain, but she said nothing.


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