The Emperor's Ride. Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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The Emperor's Ride - Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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piece of clothing off and I was waiting for some sort of signal that she was done and I could begin. She told me to lay back and let her do everything. Her fingers were very experienced and her lips soft and sensuous. She was moving me towards what I was certain would be a very satisfying orgasm, but it was the passionless sexual skill of a prostitute eager to satisfy your body’s needs, collect her fee, and move on to the next customer. I wanted more. I needed more.

      I flipped her over. I knew that I was vulnerable to her. She was certainly strong enough to deal me a blow that would send me to the floor in agony. I knew she wouldn't do it. Her fee was to be able to tell her upper class, noble friends, how she had bedded the man who had saved the Emperor's life. If she was going to have a tale to tell, I wanted this rich bitch, whose name was Aleaha, to have a good one. I was going to get an orgasm out of her. Feel it coursing through her body. Watch it flash through her eyes. I wanted to experience that pleasure with her. Aleaha struggled against me as I used only my fingers, lips, and tongue. I felt that she had a small orgasm because Aleaha settled down more content to lay back and let me do what I wanted.

      Mostly using my fingers, I knew I was starting her towards a huge orgasm. Aleaha had a look of disbelief on her face that I loved. As the orgasm built, she twisted like a woman whose mind wants to avoid something that her body really, really, wants. As the orgasm approached its peak I needed to look in Aleaha’s eyes. I told her how lovely her eyes were. In most women an almost involuntary response makes a women show them to you. Aleaha didn't. She felt the orgasm coming and she didn't want to share it with me. I bit her on the nose. She turned to glare at me. Our eyes locked. Aleaha could no more have looked away than she could have jumped off a building and stopped falling in mid air.

      As the orgasm passed through Aleaha’s eyes I had never felt so much emotion in a woman. Helplessness, vulnerability, it was as if I had seen a glimpse of her naked soul. I felt honored to be with her. It was as though it had been her first time. When I had entered Aleaha I hadn't had to breakthrough a hymen. Her vagina was experienced, snug, warm, and inviting. I settled into the practiced rhythm that would eventually bring my own orgasm. She laid back, interested only in kissing, cuddling, and being held. Aleaha knew I had not relieved myself and she was willing to let me do what I needed to do to achieve that release.

      I wasn't done with her yet. I wanted to see that spark again. Aleaha realized what I was doing when the second orgasm began to grow. I could feel the adrenaline in her. She was going to participate this time. Her hands and lips began to work their magic and in spite of myself my orgasm began to build much faster than I had intended. I tried to hurry Aleaha’s orgasm along. She caught and held my eyes. I couldn't have looked away if I had wanted to. Aleaha’s orgasm crested, I could hold mine no longer. I caught and held the spark in Aleaha’s eyes; Aleaha caught and held the spark in mine.

      Such a thing had never happened to me before, though god knows my tutors and I had tried. To tune such things so perfectly was a rare gift. I had never felt so close to a woman, so joined to a woman. I collapsed on top of Aleaha. My skin touching hers head to toe, feeling Aleaha’s breath on my skin. I felt Aleaha’s heart beating against mine. I could have laid there forever. Still a man knows his duty. This woman needed to be kissed and cuddled, not to mention be able to breathe.

      I pushed myself up and started in. I was sucking on one of her nipples when Aleaha grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head up so that my eyes were level with hers. In an incredibly regal tone she asked “Exactly how long do you need to rest before we can do that again?” I smiled, kissed the end of her nose and said “you have to feed me first”

      Just for a moment she looked at me as though she had been slapped. Then she looked in my eyes and realized I wasn’t being disrespectful, I was just hungry. Aleaha smiled. “I think we can handle that,” she said.

      Aleaha was by far the most amazing woman I had ever made love to. I really like women. I like the way they look. I like the way they smell. I like the way they feel. I love to watch them remove their clothes. I love to help them remove their clothes. I have no problem expressing the pleasure that a women is giving me. When I would give a woman an orgasm and see that orgasm flash through her eyes, it would give me as much pleasure as my own orgasm would give me.

      Aleaha was as beautiful as any women I had ever met. A very pleasant face, long well cared for hair, large perfectly formed breasts, a magnificently toned almost muscular physique. Physically, Aleaha was the most ideal lover you could ever find

      Before I boarded the star transport I was given a presentation on all the wonderful amenities it provided. The luxury star transport had the finest restaurants, incredibly inviting lounges with the most unbelievably talented bar tenders, areas for dancing, listening to concerts, theaters featuring the finest entertainers from all the three spheres.

      By far the best show was going on in my cabin with the participants the only audience. We ate all our meals in my cabin. Aleaha slept with me in my cabin and when she occasionally went back to her own cabin, she arranged for me to have a personal trainer [always a man] to help me learn exercises to make me more limber. I knew Aleaha had maids in her cabin because when she had something delivered to my cabin, as Aleaha turned; a very pretty head would peak around her to get a look at me before the door closed.

      Our days were mostly spent making love, but there was more. I was constantly trying new foods. Foods I had never heard of, some of which were quite good. We even found a few foods from my home planet Cocuru that Aleaha had never tried. We listened to songs that Aleaha liked, songs that I liked, and even found a few songs we both liked. We danced, we laughed, we made love.

      Every night we slept together naked like two spoons with my arms around Aleaha. Softly talking to each other before sleep came, Aleaha would tell me about places she had gone, people she had met, the endless round of parties, and balls, and formal events of which her life was made. I told Aleaha about the places I had gone, the people I had met, and the creatures I had done battle with. Eventually I would realize I was talking to a woman who was asleep. I would let myself fall asleep to the rhythm of her breathing, thinking I was living in a dream. I felt that we were two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly. Aleaha made me whole when I had never before known I was incomplete. For the first time in my life I had fallen in love.

      I never wondered why I could never take Aleaha out of the cabin. Never take her to a restaurant or a theater or out to dance. For a noble woman to take a commoner to her bed was accepted. To be seen with him in public, that just didn't happen.

      I cherished my days with Aleaha. I knew they would end all too soon. Eventually we had tried every sexual position I ever heard about or could think up. Sex became a hunt for a bigger, better orgasm. Over the years I had developed a respectable repertoire of sexual tricks and techniques. I tried to start out on the low end and slowly work my way up to the better ones leaving the very best for last. Eventually the day came when I used my last one, the very best. It went well. Aleaha had a huge, groggy smile on her face.

      “You almost blew my head off with that one,” she told me. “Every time we do this I think the orgasms can't get any better, and the next time you do something different and the orgasm is better. Next time you won't be able to. You'll never top this one.”

      I looked at Aleaha condescendingly, but she was right. I had used every trick I knew. There was nothing left to try. “I don't care what you do you'll never top this one,” she said. Aleaha was baiting me. I had always been able to ratchet up the orgasms a notch or two each time. This time I had no clue what to do next. Then I remembered something the older women who tutored me had done to me and had encouraged me to do to them.

      Older women, the oldest had been 19. How the years change your perspective. I had never used it on a woman without her permission, but I was told it was at its very best when a woman doesn't know that it is coming.


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