The Emperor's Ride. Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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The Emperor's Ride - Tom Ph.D. Anderson

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You will have a great time. I contacted the Grand Hospital on Market. They agreed to let me give you your check in physical. Then after we are done I am going to show you the best sexual exhaustion technique I have ever performed.”

      “Couldn't you stay for a little while? Dr Carroll I've never even seen you naked.”

      “There isn't time for that now. You have a busy day ahead of you, and I have to go.”

      “Could you at least tell me your first name? Surely your parents didn't call you Dr Carroll when you were a little girl?”

      “My parents called me Lily. When someone calls me Lily it makes me feel like a little girl. When I was a little girl, I didn't like boys.”

      “Dr Carroll it is. You will be there to give me my check in physical on Market?”

      “You better believe it. Bob if I didn't think they would take good care of you I wouldn't leave.”

      “I love you Dr Carroll.”

      “I love you too Bob. I'll see you on Market.”


      Dr Carroll was not a citizen of the Empire. She did know enough about the Empire to know that it was a bad idea to get between a Royal and the object of their desire. Dr Carroll had also sexually exhausted the Emperor, a condition which required several weeks of complete rest. The Emperor was being pumped full of stimulants so that he could officiate at Bob's commendation ceremony. Dr Carroll knew that this also was a bad idea. Getting out of the Empire as quickly as possible seemed prudent. Bob would be alright. Princess Lindwella would play with Bob for awhile and let him go. The event recorders would tire of Bob and move on to the next big story. Bob would be alright and after things calmed down Dr Carroll would give him the best sexual exhaustion technique she had ever preformed. Not only once, but every time he was healthy enough for the rest of his life. Bob would be alright.

      Now Dr Carroll just needed to avoid the event recorders until her Lindle 4 museum was ready. Her event recorder interviews could be part of the publicity for the museum's grand opening. Bob would be alright. He had to be alright. Dr Carroll would never forgive herself if something happened to him. Bob would be alright.

      ◊Tirius-bey had the distinction of being the last Emperor of the second Empire and first Emperor of the third Empire. He was fondly remembered for bringing naked noblewomen to the Royal Court.

      At the breakup of the second Empire most of the nobility of the Lan-Thu was left behind in the Baronies. Tirius had a relatively large number of single noblemen and single noblewomen, but he had only a handful of married nobles. Tirus told the unmarried nobles it was their duty to marry and begin raising children. Tirius-bey needed noble children. Tirius decreed unmarried childless adults were not allowed to wear clothing to sessions of the Royal Court. Some nobles did their duty to the new empire and married. The unmarried noblemen stopped going to the Royal Court. Many of the noblewomen saw this as an opportunity to display their birthday suit glory without fear of reproach. Noblewomen took control of the balcony over the audience chamber. Sessions of the Royal Court became so packed that the chairs were removed to provide more room. People on the main floor were forbidden to look at the naked noblewomen in the balcony. Everyone looked at the naked noblewomen from the corners of their eyes. Teams of stylists began to occupy rooms just off the balcony to make certain the naked noblewomen looked their best. Sessions of the Royal Court became much more festive events. The prohibition against unmarried childless men wearing clothing at the Royal Court was quietly forgotten.


      CHAPTER 3


      Princess Aleaha first saw Nesslun as he walked down the main aisle of the Royal Court towards the throne. She was standing on the second floor balcony. The second floor balcony was reserved for adult unmarried women, both royal and noble, who were of child bearing age, yet had never born a child.

      If you were an adult unmarried woman of child bearing years who had not had children, out of respect for the Emperor, you were expected to wear no clothing at functions of the Royal Court. As a practical matter the only adult unmarried childless women who came to the Royal Court were royal or noble and they were up in the balcony away from the general crowd. No one was supposed to look. The men who attended the Royal Court grew proficient in being very observant out of the corners of their eyes.

      Mr. Nesslun gawked at them. You would think he had never seen a naked girl before. His escort eventually had a word with him and he stopped looking directly at them. Still, you could tell he was much more interested in looking out of the corner of his eyes then straight ahead. No one minded. The recording of Nesslun jumping out of the courier ship and running into the mine and the recording of Nesslun coming out behind the Emperor, blood spattered and looking infinitely tired, was played over and over in the popular media.

      The royal daughters [Aleaha included] were subjected to endless stories about how Nesslun protected the Emperor and the men with him on that long walk out of the mine. How Nesslun would confront one of the snarling monsters, tap it a few times, and the monster would fall down. Then Nesslun would run through the group to confront one on the other side and in spite of all the constant fighting, he still kept the little group moving toward the surface.

      It was no surprise when the Emperor said he was going to give an Emperor’s Commendation to Nesslun. No one had been given an Emperor’s Commendation since the Barony wars. Aleaha agreed it was an appropriate reward. After the presentation ceremony there would be parties, festivals, picnics, and socials of all kinds. There would be many chances for royals and nobles to meet this man, to thank him, and in the case of the younger females, a chance to get Nesslun between their legs. All the young female Royals and most of the young female Royals by marriage or position, expected to have a sexual encounter with him, Princess Lindwella especially. Lindwella was actually on Lindle 4 with the Emperor and expected to thank Nesslun sexually within minutes of him leaving the mine.

      When it was learned that Nesslun was to immediately board a luxury star transport to take him back to the planet of Market, everyone was shocked. Then everyone was told that they were not to book passage on that star transport. Nesslun was to be left alone.

      The Emperor had forgotten that Aleaha already had a cabin on that luxury star transport. Her diplomatic mission to the planet Kaska had been planned and the reservations on the same luxury star transport made while the Lindle 4 expedition was still being considered. Aleaha loved the green eyed stares when everyone (but the Emperor) found out she would have Nesslun all to herself. Aleaha had to call in a good many favors, but she arranged to have Mr. Nesslun's troupe of highly skilled courtesan's miss their connection. They would not get to the star transport in time for departure. She made certain the star transport would leave on time.

      Aleaha didn't feel bad about this. After she had...made his day...she would have half her maids move into Nesslun’s cabin. He would be happy. Aleaha's maids were acknowledged to be among the most beautiful women in the Empire. What they might be lacking in sexual skills they would more than make up for with their beauty and charm.

      Most of the Royals preferred maids who were slightly less attractive than they were. To be the bright star surrounded by slightly lesser magnitude stars. Aleaha on the other hand would always pick the most beautiful women for her maids. She did not mind being a bright star surrounded by stars as bright or brighter. She was the star that was circled. Aleaha was the eldest daughter of the Emperor. If you want to spend time with one of Aleaha's stars you should expect to be given a hands on royal physical.

      Aleaha loved men.

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