Born-Again Marriage. Dr. Bonnie Psy.D. Libhart

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Born-Again Marriage - Dr. Bonnie Psy.D. Libhart

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      If all my efforts (sincere ones) had failed to produce any peace, was it even possible for me to find a valid place to invest my efforts? Judging from the RESULTS of my search, I wondered what parts of it might have been misdirected. Could God have been guiding any part of my life? Which portions?

      Was it possible that power, position, and prestige really were Poverty P's? Was I on skid row emotionally, mentally, and intellectually when I felt the "P's" would make me happy?

      Poverty is the state of being below comfortable living, as when one is sunk in depression and unhappiness. Was poverty really the lack of a Supreme Being living inside of me?

      No! People admire cars, furs, and diamonds! That's for ME!

      But, I first evaluated and listed the Poverty P's in my own life. What really made me happy?


      From my experience chasing power, position and prestige, I learned that it was possible to have all three, and still not be happy. Poverty, I found out, was anything that did not bring the happiness and satisfaction, the love, joy and peace that I would have so like to have had and felt.

      But what are the poverty producers in your life?

      •Is it watching soap operas and other T.V. shows?

      •Is it making a beautiful dessert for the bridge club?

      •Being president of clubs?

      •Winning sales awards?

      •Do the things you spend time and effort on take time away from your family?

      •Do you have things scheduled each night that have nothing to do with your mate or children?

      •Do seemingly “good” projects like counseling in church or serving on boards for juvenile delinquents rob your family of time that really belongs to them?

      Use the following chart to write all your time use down. Evaluate what might be changed—even list new activities, ones centered around your family. You may get a surprise. You may find a new set of “P”s to replace the old ones. You may find the prestige of having your mate love and respect you, the kids proud they are yours. Power? What more power is there than to have fruitful control of your time!

      (see chart below)

6 a.m.
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
9 a.m.
10 a.m.
11 a.m.
12 p.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
8 p.m.
9 p.m.
10 p.m.
11 p.m.

      List some possible Poverty P’s in your life…

      Write out your goals…

      What could you change?

      We had learned these techniques in a management class I had in college. I kept wondering: Was it worth it to me? Did it actually bring me happiness? Maybe I should just follow the crowd. It seemed all they talked about was what they’d bought new since the last time we’d seen them or what they planned to buy. Maybe possessions were the answer to my happiness!


      Chapter Four

      I Search for Happiness In Possessions

      There was a knock at the door. We climbed out of bed, weaved our way through the boxes, and got to the front door. As we opened the door, there were our friends, Joyce and Doug Partin, with their beautiful Winnebago parked at the curb.

      "We've brought breakfast to you for the first morning in your new home." Big smiles were on their faces as they stood there with a tray of bacon, eggs, juice, and coffee. They had brought their microwave oven in their luxury motor home and had prepared a complete meal. They even supplied the napkins and silverware.

      We cleared away a place on our dining table and had breakfast the first morning in our new home. I thought, “How beautiful it is to have friends like these!”

       I glanced out the window at the Winnebago and thought of all the fine things in our world. Joyce was talking, and the conversation led to one of our friends who had recently come back from a trip to Europe.

      "Did you see her diamonds? They must have weighed ten carats! And some of the clothes she brought back from Spain are gorgeous."

      Some of our other friends had gone and brought back paintings, antiques, and gold boxes. "They say the little gold jewel boxes can be easily stored or hidden," Joyce continued. "The markets for them have been absolutely terrific this year. It's a good investment, better than certificates of deposit or savings accounts."

      I thought of all the things we have here in America and of how we, as well as people all over the world, are collecting and looking for happiness in these "things." We continued to talk about our mutual acquaintances.

      "She has all

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