Cut Throat Mafia. Derrick Johnson

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Cut Throat Mafia - Derrick Johnson

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      Once I got in, I was greeted by Blacc who was my other nigga who was on that kill and ask questions later shit. He started to lock the door back up as I looked around at the operation I had put together. I bought all the apartments on the top floor and knocked out all the walls, so the rooms would be all connected to one. I had bitches at tables with computers keeping tabs on the money and the dope whereabouts. I had all that shit on file just in case we had to pack up and go. I walked through with Blacc to the back of the room where nigga’s were at in boxer shorts cutting and baggin up that work. I had four big tables back there and six expensive scales for these nigga’s to do what they did. There should only be six nigga’s total back here but there was eight in here.

      “Why the fuck is the count up in this bitch?” I turned to Blacc and said, “Who aint suppose to be up in here?” He looked around and pointed out two nigga’s, which I’d never seen before. The two nigga’s were scared to death and had good reason to be. One thing I couldn’t stand was a fucken thief. “What y’all doing up in here? Where y’all suppose to be at?” I already had the gun in my hand and both nigga’s eyes were glued to it.

       One dude said, “We suppose to be patrolling the hallways.” I guess that’s why little Shawn was out in the hallway getting his freak on. Blacc said, “Who the fuck told you to come in here?”

      One of the out of place nigga’s said, “The little nigga did. He said, to come in here because he had something to do.” They were shaking but I had no reason to serve them because they did what they were told.

       I said, “Go get your clothes on and go back to the hallway. Blacc, go get Shawn and take him to the basement. I’ll be down there in a second.” I called Splif on his phone, “Wzup where you at nigga?”

      Splif said, “I’m over in the Compound checking on this money. Why? Is there something wrong over there?”

      I said, “Naw, shits cool over here but when you get done come over here so we can talk. I think I got something for us. Call Shell and tell her to get down here. Peace.” I got down to the basement and there was nothing pretty down there at all. There was nothing but hot water tanks and pipes that ran from here to who knows where.

      On my way down to the basement I could hear little Shawn talking. “Yo! I’m about to move up in the business, Huh?” Blacc said nothing because he’d been through this plenty of times and knew the youngster would change his mind and use his head next time.

      Once I got down there I saw Shawn sitting in the chair sucking on some type of sucker. “Yo! Stomach, what’s the deal? I knew you would be calling for me to start doing some other shit than play that block.”

      I smiled as he continued to talk and pulled my chair right in front of his. After I was tired of hearing his mouth, I said, “Shut the fuck up, nigga.”

      He got quiet and seen shit changed up real quick. He pulled out his sucker when he seen the seriousness on my face.

      “I run a business that keeps all our pockets fat, right?” Shawn was just sitting there looking at me and I had to scream it at him again. “Right” Shawn still didn’t say shit but shook his head in agreement.

      I said, “Let me see your pockets Blacc.” Blacc pulled out a knot that had to be about four stacks. “Now pull out yours.” Shawn pulled out about twelve hundred and just stared at me. I pulled out about five stacks and threw it on the floor. “You think this shits easy to get and this shit just drops out the sky like bird shit?”

      Shawn was looking up at me as I stood and said, “Naw! Stomach, Wzup, what I do?”

      I walked around him just looking at the young dude and said, “You don’t make no damn calls up in here, nigga. You jeopardized my business by getting your little dick sucked by some trick. And with that you got to pay up. You lucky it’s not with your life.”

      The little nigga was scared and knew he was about to witness some shit he only heard about. I walked over to one of the hot water tanks and grabbed a case I kept down there and pulled out the wire cutters. I walked back over to the nigga as he sat in his chair scared to death. I went and sat back in my chair still facing little Shawn, who looked like he was ready to run. “I’m going to cut two of your fingers off for your stupidity and next time, it’ll be your head. Grab this nigga.” The nigga was crying and squirming and shit, but Blacc had a nice grip on the nigga.

      I placed the wire cutter between his, index finger and snapped. “Awwwww oh god” His finger fell to the ground and blood flew everywhere. You could hear the cutters’ crunch the bone and rip straight through the skin. I grabbed his middle finger and did the same thing. I heard nothing from the little nigga because he passed out.

      Once his fingers were on the ground, I told Blacc to clean the shit up and give Shawn back his fingers as a reminder after he patched the youngster up. “Let that nigga see this aint no fucken joke and we take shit serious.” I picked up my money and walked back up the old stairs that looked like they could fall in at any given moment.


      DJ MADE IT back to his room and just sat there looking at the doll that he had as a reminder of Daisy. He would find out what happened to his daughter and whoever did it will feel pain they thought only hell could give out.

      DJ never used guns at all. He played with knives and stars and shit like that. He was on some other shit that nigga’s wasn’t even on or even thought about. He was a true killing machine and was taught to do this type of skill and was very good. He pulled out his bag and laid all the contents on the bed. He had all types of knives and he even had a sword. He thought he would never have to kill again, but he was wrong and just starred at all the knives on the bed. He grabbed the two daggers, the Morning star, eight Chinese stars, and his Tanto sword, which was one to two feet long. He had to go find some new clothes and knew where the Salvation Army was located. But he needed to find out who knew his daughter and what the word was on the street. He put all the knives up that he would be taking with him that night. That’s the only time he worked and that was the best time to kill.

      He made his way outside where all the young guys were at doing what they did best. DJ wanted to talk to someone, but he didn’t know who would point him in the right direction.

      He stood there just looking and heard some say, “Old school! What’s up?” One of the young playa’s who saw DJ in action earlier called to him. He was leaning against a Cadillac that kept giving off different colors and DJ was tripping off of it.

       DJ went over to the young cat and looked at the girls with him. He hoped his Daisy wasn’t out here in the streets like these young girls. Their asses were hanging out from under the small shorts they had on and their breasts were pressed against the tight shirts they rocked.

      “You said you were looking for your daughter? Well, who is she? As you can see I’m pretty good with the ladies around here.”

      Looking at the young nigga then back at the young girls made DJ angry. He hoped and prayed his daughter wasn’t in the streets like this and said “Did you know Daisy Johnson?”

      The boy took the blunt out of his mouth and looked at DJ then said, “Yeah! I knew her. That’s fucked up what happened to her. Don’t tell me that she was your daughter.”

      DJ didn’t answer the question, he just said, “Point me in the right direction and you won’t have to worry about me saying shit about you.” The girls were looking at the 6’7'' man and were scared

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