Cut Throat Mafia. Derrick Johnson

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Cut Throat Mafia - Derrick Johnson

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car and started walking towards the living corridors but paused because he saw that shit looked a bit strange. He pulled out both of his 357’s and started to look around. He chose not to yell her name and give up his whereabouts just in case nigga’s were in the apartment.

      The living area was fucked up and shit was thrown all over the place. He couldn’t find Pink anywhere and he even went behind the Japanese divider that separated the living area from the king size bed she had sitting in the center of the area. But what caught his eye was that the safe was opened and there was nothing in it that’s what concerned him. He made his move to the bathroom, which was the only spot with three walls connecting. When he opened the door he saw something that would fuck the average person up. Blood was all over the walls, toilet, and even the tub. Pink had been beaten up real bad because both of her eyes were shut and her nose looked like it was broke. The crazy part was she was butt naked laid out in the middle of the floor with both of her breasts cut off. What type of sick maniac would do some shit like that?

      Pink laid on the bloody bathroom with a breast in each of her opened hands. Splif stood there just looking at the girl he used to toss around like a sack of potatoes. He couldn’t believe someone could do this to a pretty young girl but better, her than him, he thought. He looked down at both of the pistols in his hands and held the metal even tighter. He walked back to the car at a fast pace watching over every inch of the apartment hoping nothing jumped out at him. He made it to the streets and flew down Prospect and told Stomach on the phone what he came across but he would be back to the spot with the money. He hung up and couldn’t shake the images of what he had just seen. He just shook his head because he couldn’t think of who would do something like that. He just shifted gears and sped on to another stash spot he had.


      SHELL WAS ON St. Clair getting her hair and nails done with some of her girls. She was one of those girls who played the streets hard and if a nigga wasn’t a real street nigga, then he would see she wasn’t the one to be playing with. She loved playing the shy role right along with the innocent role, that way she could do the controlling and leave a nigga off balance.

      “Shell wzup with that nigga Splif out of your crew? That niggas, getting it and he be staying fly. I tried to throw this pussy at him and he straight up just dissed me.” Shell was laughing right along with her other girl. She was there with Na Na and Mia, who were her girls from when she first moved to Cleveland from New York. Na Na worked at the University Hospital and loved to play the clubs on the weekend. She wasn’t that attractive but she had a body on her that kept some of the nigga’s fishing at her. She figured since she wasn’t all that cute, then she’d work her body to the fullest to get the nigga she was after. Mia was real cute and went to Cleveland State taking some courses in Criminal Justice. She wanted to become some social worker type shit working with kids. She really didn’t like the club scene because she wasn’t really used to that type of lifestyle. She grew up in a very religious household and just got loose since leaving the house. All the dope boys were at her because she was a ten all day long.

      Mia said, “Na, you always trying to get at these nigga’s and be getting no play. You need to let those nigga’s come to you instead of trying to throw that nasty ass pussy at ‘em.”

      Shell said, “Yeah! If I was a guy, I would think you had something and was trying to give it to me.”

       Shell and Mia were cracking up and even the girls, doing their hair were laughing. “Fuck y’all, y’all ain't shit. You two bitches just hating on a bitch.”

      After the girls had finished getting their hair done, they decided to go get something to eat. They rode in Shell's Benz to Tower City to go to the food court and do a little shopping after they were done. By time they did all the shit they had to do, they were on their way to the garage heading towards Shell’s car.

       Na Na said, “I can’t believe I just bought all this shit and I got to pay my damn bills next week.”

      Mia said, “Girl it’s too late to be thinking all that. You had your chance to say, naw before the shit got rung up.”

       Since Shell was the one with all the money, she said, “If you need some money for your bills, you know I got you but don’t make this no fucken habit. I refuse to let a nigga pimp me and I damn sure ain’t bout to let no bitch pimp me.”

      The girls continued to laugh and joke on their way to the car. Shell noticed two fellas walking their way and she thought they both were cute and dressed real thug the way she liked ‘em.

      As Shell and her girls got closer to the car, she noticed the fellas were coming towards them. One of the nigga’s said “Excuse me. Can you please call the towing company for me? My tire blew out and my phone needs to be recharged.”

      Na Na jumped to do it and the nigga wasn’t even talking to her. She said, “Oh! I got you baby. Hold on a second.”

      She went reaching into her Coach purse to retrieve her phone, while steadily looking at the men trying to be sexy. She was tossing all types of shit on the hood of the car because she couldn’t find the little phone in all the bullshit she kept in her purse. Shell and Mia were eying the two cuties down and Shell kept thinking she had seen the one with gold in his mouth before. Her street senses told her that something was wrong but she just couldn’t put her finger on it till the nigga pulled the Calico out.

      “Okay bitches time to take a trip with me and my boy. Let me get this shit.” He snatched the purse from Na Na and she went straight at the nigga not knowing that the nigga had pulled out a gun. From there everything went slow motion like life just stood still.

      “Don’t you snatch shit from me.” That was the last thing Na Na got to say before she felt the sharp pain up against her head.

      Shell saw the flash come out of the barrel and watched her friend blink while the slug caught her right in the head. The bullet blew Na Na’s hair back as if she was sitting in front of a big fan. With the wind in her hair came the wetness of blood that shot through the air.

      Mia screamed and went into panic mode not knowing what to do but Shell pulled out the 44 Bulldog right when the nigga shot Na Na. She knew she was too late for Na Na but it wasn’t too late for her and Mia. Shell pointed the gun at the other nigga and squeezed off two shots. POP! POP! She hit the other thug in the eye and it knocked him to the left. Before he could scream or even think another bullet caught his chin, blowing it straight off. Blood shot over to his friend, who jumped at the two sounds of the gun. He went to point the gun at Shell but had to duck because Shell got her squeeze off first. The bullet bounced off of the car hood the nigga was hiding behind and landed somewhere else in the garage. He ran on to the other side of the car, while Shell just started busting and pushing Mia to the ground.

      “Bitch get down and stay there.”

      All you could hear between the shooting and loud echoes of the gun was the feet of the nigga running away. There was nothing but silence for the next couple of seconds and when Shell looked up the nigga was gone, while Na Na’s purse laid by a car a few feet from them.

      Mia was holding Na Na who was bleeding from the head and mouth uncontrollably. When Shell came over to see her friend dead on the ground it hurt her bad. She couldn’t believe that this shit had just happened to her and her friends. Mia wasn’t used to this street shit and all the crime that the urban city had to give to those who lived here. She never witnessed anything like this and she was tripping. “Shell, that nigga killed Na Na. What are we supposed to do? We got to call the police.”

      Shell grabbed Mia by her jacket and lifted her up from the ground saying, “Mia! We can’t call

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