Cut Throat Mafia. Derrick Johnson

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Cut Throat Mafia - Derrick Johnson

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young kid looked at the girls who were on him like a young rap star and said, “Why don’t you girls go over there and get back with me in a few. Come on School, get in and let’s ride.”

      “My name is Tuffy,” and stuck his hand out for a grip. I took his hand and told him my name. Tuffy said, “You know where Harmony Dwellings is at right?”

      I said, “Yeah the projects down by the tracks.”

      Tuffy said, “Yeah! Well, this nigga who they say did it runs in those projects and he has some guys who run with him. They push dope out of there and they wild down there. They were saying Daisy was down on 2nd and the nigga was trying to push up on her, but she wasn’t having it. The nigga felt he was being played in front of his crew and you know how that turned out.” Tuffy looked at DJ and saw the anger in his face and death in his eyes. They rolled up to 7th Avenue and Tuffy stopped at a small store. “Hold up, let me grab a juice and a pack of squares.”

      DJ had his mind already together and he was ready to act on it. DJ said, “Before you leave, what’s the name of the nigga?”

      Tuffy had the door opened and was about to close it before he stuck his head back in and said, “His name is Billy Blonco.” He closed the door and ran into the store without a second thought. When Tuffy came back to the car, DJ was nowhere to be found. The car was empty and Tuffy knew from the look on his face that it was on.

      DJ walked to the Salvation Army and purchased the items that he needed and made it back to the motel in no time. He sat on the lopsided bed and did his ritual as he did before he killed in the field of battle. He always cleared his mind and let all his emotions seep out of his mouth as he did his breathing techniques. You had to have a cold heart to do what he did and you could never work on emotions because it’d cause you to make mistakes and mistakes caused you to get fucked up. That’s why nigga’s get caught lying on their backs because they wanted to play but never wanted to follow the rules.

      DJ put on the black clothes he bought and the used boots he found in the store. He grabbed all his knives he would need for the night and made his way to the Harmony projects. He knew about the projects and out of the five in the city, this was the worse one. That meant nothing to him and somebody was going to get fucked up tonight. He could see the cars pulling in and out of the projects as he approached. Young nigga’s were all over the place and the face that DJ wore, told everyone a story they didn’t want to hear. There were three entrances into the spot and he chose to go right down the middle.

      He spotted some young girls and they also spotted him. For being 42, DJ looked in his late 20’s early 30’s because of the way he stayed in shape. He was a very handsome dark skinned man and the young girls liked what they saw.

      “Damn! You fine as fuck,” one girl just blurted out, which caught DJ’s attention. “Who you looking for chocolate?”

      DJ said, “I’m looking for Billy Blonco. Do you know where I can find him? I would really appreciate it.”

       The girls were looking at him like a piece of raw meat and he could feel their eyes burning through his clothes with nothing but lust. One of the girls said, “He’s over in the playground with his boys. What you want with him? You can come over here and play with us.”

      He just ignored the rest of the shit they were saying and headed to the destination he was searching for. He wanted to get at this nigga and make him feel all the pain and hurt he gave him. Plus he would give him some extra.

      As he walked into the field leading to the playground, he saw about five nigga’s by the swings drinking. His target had to be one of them and he would kill all five to make sure he got the right one. He pulled out one of the daggers and four of the Chinese stars before they even seen him walking towards them.

      One of the thugs saw the big shadow approaching and said, “Yo Homie, we don’t got no action, so you can walk the other way.”

      DJ guessed they were talking about dope, but he kept coming and right when he was getting close, he asked who Billy Blonco was.

      Three of the five rose up and were trying to figure out who was asking the questions. Once the figure started getting bigger with each step, they went right for their shit. One went into his pants and nervously dropped whatever he was trying to pull out. When the kid bent down, DJ fired off one of the stars that caught the young boy in the middle of his head. The force DJ threw with it caused him to fall right on his ass. The swift piece of metal went through the boy’s skin, which penetrated his skull and brain. The others looked in disbelief by the time they turned around the other two standing up got the same in return. A tall kid was going inside his jacket but got hit in the throat and found himself gagging trying to get the strange object out that left a burning sensation. He staggered back and fell to the ground with blood pumping out of his mouth. He was looking at the sky and the stars as they faded away. The third one had his gun out but before he could pull the trigger he seen something coming right at him. He never had the chance to get out of the way and was caught right in the eye with the flying object. Blood jumped out his face with the quickness of a wild cat, which froze the other two boys.

      DJ made his way to the two boys and said one more time, “Who is Billy Blonco?”

      No one said shit because they were still fucked up by what they just witnessed. DJ had the daggers in his hand and the size of his mitts hid the small sword. DJ went for the closest one to him and grabbed the hair of the young man and was ready to stick the dagger in his throat, but the kid spoke up.

      “He’s Billy right there. Please don’t kill me. Please Mister.”

       The coward pissed in his pants and was crying, DJ had seen this plenty of times. The other kid got up and started running for the basketball court where some other people were. Before he could make it to the basketball court, DJ fired the dagger and watched it as it tumbled in the air finding its target. The dagger hit Billy right in the back of his thigh, which caused him to fall and scream at the same time. DJ walked with style to the screaming kid because nothing had mattered to him but getting the one who took his baby away.

      DJ pulled out the other remaining dagger he had, plus a thin piece of wire that had two hard plastic ends on it. He walked to the crawling boy as a crowd of people drew closer to the screams.

      “What do you want with me? Why are you doing this to me, you bitch ass nigga.”

      DJ ignored the crowd of people gathering and the small statement of him being some type of bitch and went to finish the job he started. “You killed my daughter and now you're about to pay with your life.”

       The boy was lying on his side and said, “Wait! Who the fuck you talking about? I aint killed no one.”

      DJ said, “Daisy, you little punk. You took all I had left in this world and now I’m going to take something from you.”

      Billy was stuck for a minute and didn’t know what to do, so he got fly since he knew he was about to die.

      “Yeah! I killed the little bitch, she should have played her position, but she refused so I.....” Before he could get the rest of the sentence out of his mouth, he was stopped by the cold metal he felt go down his windpipe. As Billy was talking and saying the things that hurt DJ’s ears, he threw the dagger right in Billy’s mouth. Blood was bubbling and oozing out of the corner of Billy’s mouth as he tried to grab hold of the handle and pull the dagger out. DJ flipped the wounded young kid over to his stomach and put the thin wire around the squirming kid’s neck and with a quick tug the crowd of people all screamed. The thin wire went through

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