Cut Throat Mafia. Derrick Johnson

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Cut Throat Mafia - Derrick Johnson

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and walked past the crowd of people who were still in shock, but DJ didn’t care nothing about that. He had to get his things and get out of town. He headed back to the motel with something on his face that only occurred twice and that was, another smile.


      SPLIF CAME WALKING into the private room where me and the crew met up at to discuss business. I was sitting in a big leather chair behind a red oak desk while Blacc sat on the couch drinking on an orange juice. Turtle was sitting next to Blacc who was from the same projects as Blacc. He was a thug and liked to go off the end on everything and that’s where we were headed. Alfonso and his people were from Mendoza, Argentina south of Chile and he was the son of a major drug family who supported most of the West Coast and some of the South. We had some other options to fuck with, but those nigga’s were trying to get my business too much and I didn’t like that one bit. Nigga’s might have been trying to set me up or tie me up but no matter what the case was I wasn’t fucking with it.

      Me and Splif sat together, while Shell and Blacc sat together. “Stomach, what you think about fucken with these nigga’s out here?”

      I was trying to open up one of those bags of peanuts you get on the flight and it was hard as hell. I looked over at Splif and said, “I’m on whatever my nigga. That’s why we’re making this flight. I’m hoping everything comes out good. If not, then we’re on another flight to Atlanta.”

      I turned back around and continued to open up the bag of nuts that was giving me a lot of trouble. I tugged, pulled, and even bit down on the bag to try to get to its hidden treasures. “Fuck this shit.” I threw the bag in the middle walkway and Splif laughed at what I did or maybe because I couldn’t open the stupid bag.

      When we got off the flight, we went straight for the front doors where Fonso said someone would be waiting on us. When we got outside, there was a big white man standing next to a black Suburban, that could have took a washing before coming to pick us up. But we weren’t there for that, we were there to make a deal go down and that’s it.

      We rode for about a half hour until we were in some desert atmosphere, where there was nothing but sand, cactus, and dry heat. This was strange because it was different than where I was from. Don’t get me wrong, it was beautiful without a doubt. It's just crazy how beautiful the world is and how God constructed it. I was snapped back into reality when we started to pull into the courtyard connected to a big home. The truck had made its final stop and the doors were opened by another big man, this time the same color as me and the crew. We all jumped out of the truck and were greeted by Fonso, who was dressed in white silk matching his white teeth.

      “Hello my good friend. I see you brought your friends just as you said.” He greeted all of them with a warm smile and a firm hand shake. He looked at Shell like he wanted to eat her and she felt it too, but she was use to that look and ignored it with a smile. “Let’s go in and see what kind of car I can sell you and your friends.”

      Once in the house, I was taken aback by the statues and waterfall he had in the center of the house. There were marble floors and paintings that looked like they cost more than some of the houses in my area. A small lady came in with a tray of drinks in her left hand offering them to us. I chose to not accept because I wasn’t so big on drinking and on top of that, I wasn’t drinking something I never seen get poured. I saw the smile on Fonso’s face after I didn't accept the drink and he must have read my mind. “Jamel, why don’t you come with me, while your friends relax in here?”

      I looked back at my crew who were standing with their drinks and Splif gave me the okay.

      Fonso spun back around and said, “Me casa es su casa.” I don’t know if they knew what he was saying but it seemed they didn’t really care.

      Fonso took me down a hallway that had pictures of his family from way back when against every inch of the walls we walked pass. We turned into his office and sat down to take care of this business I came here for. “Do you want a drink my good friend?”

      I turned down the drink and said, “I’m just here to take care of what I came here for. I thank you for the hospitality and all but let’s do this because money is to be made.”

      Fonso sat in his leather chair just smiling and laughing at me. “Patience my good friend everything has time and if we rush, then we end up some place we were never trying to end up at.”

       I really wasn’t trying to hear none of the shit he was talking about but he did have a big nice home and all the money he wanted. But still, I wasn’t trying to hear that shit. “I hear you, Fonso let’s get to what we both met up for.”

       Fonso put down the bottle of dark liquor and wrote something on some paper. He pushed it to me in a very convincing way, like a convincing man would do. I looked at it, then at him and pushed it back in a very convincing way. He gave me a strange look, then smiled and went back to writing something else down. He pushed it back to me and stood up to take the dark liquor back to its place in the cupboard. I looked at the writing on the paper and a smile came across my face because we were back in business. It was something that I could deal with and make a good profit off. It was a bit more than my last connect but this was a fresh relationship and me dealing with relationships, I knew with trust and time, things would open up fast. “I can do this, Fonso. I think we done struck a deal my good friend.”

      On the plane ride back to the city, I explained to everyone about the deal and the drop offs that he had offered me. He said that he would fly the product in to us if I took care of the rest. I couldn’t beat that and I was willing to do my part of the deal. All we had to do was get the money together and that was no problem. Fonso wanted fifteen per kilo and I was going to get twenty of them off the rip. If it was straight butter the way he said it was, I know Splif would get some of the cookers to blow some of the shit up. He’d figure he can step on it one time since the coke was straight off the plane. I didn’t care as long as the money was right in the end.

      Me and Splif sat in my office getting the money together and he had to make a quick run to one of his stash houses and grab $120,000 more because I only had $180,000 in the safe. I always kept a little money in my spot on Unwin because I had nigga’s up here with mad heat to protect the finances. So, I wasn’t worried about anyone trying to run up in here. Run up in this bitch and you were going to get your issue for sure. I said, “We need $120,000 more and that will put us at what we need.”

      Splif said, “I’ll go pick the shit up. I got a nice little stash up in Pink’s apartment and I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.”

      After Splif left and I began to calculate what the profits would be if everything went the way it was supposed to go. I’ll sell this shit for twenty three to twenty four thousand and make either a half a million or just below that. Then we’d step the game up and cop thirty to forty next time.

      Splif jumped in his Ferrari and shot downtown to Pink's apartment. She lived in the Warehouse District and had a nice studio apartment. Splif knocked her off at a party down in the flats and it’s been on since then. Pink fucked with those checks on some heavy shit. She’d go all over the country fucken up people’s lives with that shit but it paid her bills, and she had no problem with it. Pink was a light skinned bowlegged girl who had a lot of style and polish about herself. She had one of those asses that would make a nigga stop and say, “DAAMMMNN!” Feel me? And she knew how to work it real good, make a nigga forget all his problems.

      Splif made it to the garage and pressed the button for the elevator to come down. He drove his car onto the platform and pushed the button to go up top. She had one of those studio apartments that you could, park a car in and have a couple of bikes up in there with you.

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