The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death - Michael G. Reccia

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is a question of vibration, and a soul that is still in a physical body can more easily reach a soul who may have made the transition but is still within a reality-bubble that is close in vibration to the vibration of the physical Field. Do you understand this?

      David: Oh, yes. I thought it might be of interest to the readers.

      Joseph: I am hopeful [laughing] that everything will be of interest to the readers!

      I must not diversify too much but you can say that the books are rescue vehicles or ‘rescue souls’ because the books are preparing people for transitions – both at the point of death and also on a daily basis. That is the point of the books: to give this information in a way that is not lecturing and in a way that is interesting to get people to let down those barriers so that our job is made easier at the point of transition, but also easier during their lives in Earth in that, as guides, we can reach them more easily through their intuition and effect the change that must come about within the physical Field. The physical Field is a trap – so much of a trap on so many levels: on an emotional level, on a material level… even on a spiritual level, because so many of your religions are spiritual traps (‘spiritual’ is the wrong word – they purport to be spiritual but are traps). They trap people in bubbles of perceived reality that are nothing to do with the greater reality. We have to tear these barriers down and it is hoped that the books will do this.

      Who would ask a question?

      Jane: If we create our own individual realities, in the case of a religious fanatic (and there have been many examples throughout history) who persecuted people and committed terrible atrocities in their belief that it was in the name of God and that they would be rewarded in Heaven, what is to stop that person living in a ‘heaven’ of their own creation and being perfectly happy there when they pass over?

      Joseph: Many do but only for a time because within the layers of consciousness that make up that soul there is the God-point, and the God-point will always manifest itself eventually. This may take a great deal of time; it may take thousands of years but eventually the conscience (you call it conscience but it is really divine consciousness) must manifest itself. In an ideal world (and we are working towards an ideal world) this is something that is the property of each soul. In an ideal world you would not need guides; in an ideal world you would not need the advice of others but you have not reached that point yet and so we have to send people in to suggest and to say, ‘I have found this way and you can too.’

      I understand what you are saying and it expands on what I was saying about traps. One of the greatest traps is to say, ‘I am in Heaven and I have my reward’ but eventually that view of Heaven and that reward become boring because there is nothing else; there is nothing outside that limited view of what Heaven or the reward will be like. There is no influence from another soul saying, ‘Yes, I agree with you, you are in Heaven.’ How can there be? Outside that bubble there are souls who are saying, ‘For goodness sake, come to your senses because we need you to move on!’ So the sweetest ‘heaven’ and the sweetest reward (as created by an individual soul) has to eventually dim and, as a soul lives within its own reality, if that reality is based on the lower molecules of the Earth Field then there has to come a time when that energy runs out and the soul finds itself in the limbo that I have been taking about. At that point it can either decide to retreat within itself or it can listen to the souls who come to talk to it and try to move it on.

      We will talk about realities as we progress through the spheres but we are talking today about those temporary realities that souls place around themselves, and extensions of those ‘realities’. (You understand now why this book is going to be so complex and so big because there are roots off that all need to be examined.) So, yes, there are people who think that they are in bliss. They will also create visions of great souls around them who they think are real but those souls are created from the psyche or from the perceptions of the soul that has placed itself in a temporary heaven; they do not really exist but they have sentience for a while because the soul has given them permission to have sentience – but eventually it will see through its mistaken thinking. Such thinking has built into it a ‘timescale’, whether that timescale is a year or a thousand years (not a million years – that is too long), and a decay rate, and within the most entrenched soul there is the need (not the will, but the need) to return to God. Everything that the soul puts around it is (either correctly or mistakenly) an expression of that need to return to God and that need has to eventually become stronger than the requirement to be in an illusion of Heaven and at that point we can get in. Remember, too, that the soul is expecting things from Heaven: is expecting bliss, is expecting comfort, and is expecting fulfilment and no construct of an imagined heaven can maintain the levels of comfort and expectation that the soul needs on a God-level. So the ‘heaven’ begins to fragment and to break down until the soul realises that it has, in effect, been placing itself in a play, in a film, in an illusion. At that point we can get in and there is work to do to re-educate that soul, to free that soul (always with love) from the confines that it has placed itself in… and move it onwards.

      Is your question answered?

      Jane: But if that soul has to go via the Lower Astral in order for it to progress, wouldn’t it be reluctant to do that?

      Joseph: I do not understand.

      Jane: If it was somebody who had been very cruel and had mistreated people (so they should have naturally gone to the Lower Astral if they hadn’t have created a temporary individual heaven for a while), when their illusion of that false heaven is shattered, am I right in supposing that they would have to go through the Lower Astral first?

      Joseph: We are talking about vibrational resonances. The soul will always attract to itself more of the same and the soul will always have to raise its vibration through experience before it can experience, if you like, true Heaven – although true Heaven is a moving point. Built into each soul (and it may seem a strange word to use) is ‘dissatisfaction’ – dissatisfaction with the physical, dissatisfaction with concepts, dissatisfaction with religious beliefs because, only in becoming dissatisfied with one set of circumstances can it move on to another.

      There is, at each point in a soul’s progression, help and advice to move that soul onwards. If you are asking: will a soul break down its view of Heaven to find that it is perhaps in a far darker place – the answer is ‘yes’ because there are consequences to actions and consequences that the soul has brought to itself (no one else has placed them on that soul). So, yes, sometimes the heaven breaks down to reveal (in physical terms) a hell but that, too, is temporary and there is help at that point to move the soul onwards. But that realisation that it is not in Heaven inevitably has to come, otherwise that soul is stuck and that soul cannot progress; it cannot go back to the Earth through volition; it cannot move onwards through volition. It has placed itself in amber and there has to be a process of breaking down that perceived reality, then the process of acclimatising the soul to where it really is and then the process of educating the soul so that it can move on. Do you see?

      Jane: Yes, thank you.

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