The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death - Michael G. Reccia

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to – other, similar bands of energy. This is not a judgement, it is a magnetic attraction, so if your thoughts on the whole have been uplifting, have been spiritual, have been enlightened, have been giving, then the quality of your band of energy or current of the soul is Light, and is (in metaphysical terms) something that will take flight, that will raise you up and you will be destined, via that band of energy, to link with similar bands of energy at an elevated level.

      If your thoughts have been mundane, if they have been thoughts of simply existing where you have had no particular viewpoint on life (except that it is something you are passing through that you have never thought about), if you are neither positive nor negative in your approach, then this equilibrium of thought will automatically connect you to a field of energy containing souls whose current of vibration is similar to yours.

      Here is a sobering thought and something that I want you to open your eyes to – to consider completely the ramifications of what I am saying: if your thoughts and your actions whilst you were on Earth have been dark (and by dark I am not necessarily talking about depression – I mean dark with regard to others); if you have observed others from a violent viewpoint, or from a selfish viewpoint, or from a corrupt viewpoint, or from a depraved viewpoint; if you have desired the flesh in unspeakable ways; if you have desired control over people; if you have lusted after violence; if you have wanted to manipulate people in a big way in order to bend them to your will, then all these things are contained within the history program of your life, that current of your soul, and automatically that current of your soul, that energy-burst, will seek out and will connect to similar signatures… and you will find yourself with people who are just like you.

      How frightening is that: to find yourself with people who are just like you!

      And when you find yourself with these people, if you have been a spiritual person you will rejoice and be extremely happy. If you have been a neutral person you will find that your life, initially, on the spirit side of life continues in much the same vein. If you have been of low thought and of low intent then the people that are around you will be just like you. If you seek perversion and violence, is it not true that you want to do this to other people but would not like this done to you? But by the law of attraction you would find yourself with people who are as violent, as depraved, as angry and as manipulative as you are.

      This is not God’s judgement, I hasten to add; it is simply a mechanism. The original purpose of the burst of energy or current of the soul was to allow that soul (once it had returned home in full consciousness of who it was) to replay its actions whilst incarnated in a physical body and to make decisions regarding its own perception of itself and where it wanted to go next, based on what it had just done whilst in physicality. Not a judgement but a tool or aid to spiritual progression that became polluted and clouded by the actions of mankind – not as you know mankind, but of mankind many millennia ago.

      My preamble talking about the currents of the soul is leading you into one of the places that is often mentioned in spiritual books, in churches, in circles and in meetings of those who purport to know about the spiritual realms; it is leading you to the doorway of the Astral Realm. In a future chapter we shall consider how souls are collected but today I wanted to bring you to the astral level.

      The Lower Astral

      Much is spoken glibly about the astral or the ‘Lower Astral’ as you call it – ‘I am being affected by souls from the Lower Astral’ or ‘My thoughts are being invaded by thoughts from the Lower Astral.’ Souls gather together in clusters of similar vibration and, in the case of the Lower Astral, you can apply the image of Marley’s ghost, dragging behind it the chains and the chests of heaviness from its past life, to the vibrational quality of the soul’s current of energy, in that that current of energy (because of the soul’s perception of life and reaction to life whilst in a physical body) has weighed it down. The soul is surrounded by its own misadventures, and those misadventures drag it like a chain around its neck into a realm that is composed of similar vibrations. It is a field (as everything is a field) of reality but it is a field of low reality, and within that field of low reality are contained the souls of those who have not striven to elevate their vibrations above the base during their incarnation or incarnations.

      There is no place on a higher level, for example, for a murderer who loves the violence that he or she has done – that is not a judgement but is a statement of fact. There is no place because the vibration of that person is too low to exist within a lighter, less dense realm at this point (and another thing we will touch upon is reaction to souls and how souls are helped out of their vibrational pockets but, for now, I want to take you on a journey through the Lower Astral).

      The quality of light in the Lower Astral is very poor because the spirit atoms do not vibrate at a sufficient rate to show that purity of light, that luminescence that exists on the higher levels. This is because the atoms are coated with the heaviness of thought of the area that they exist in, so the Lower Astral is grey to black because the Lower Astral segregates itself into layers, as do the other spirit levels.

      So the concept of the Lower Astral contains within it a number of levels and at the lowest you would say that souls exist in a soup of blackness where there is so little light that they cannot see. Then there are various levels or grades above that where, for example, perhaps the souls on a level are not as violent as those below them, and they can see and there is a greyness about them. They live in very impoverished conditions, or very impoverished projections of reality; you would describe them as ‘slums’ and this is because their creative process or ability to think higher thoughts has not been stimulated, so all they are capable of creating around themselves is the depravity that they are used to (depravity in the sense of lack) and so the houses and dwellings are poor. Then, above that level, you will find that there is a little more light and the people are in less crowded conditions – the lower you get on the Lower Astral, the less personal space there is between souls because the almost-physical attraction of their soul-currents binds them one to another. The magnetic charge is so great, with the violence attracting violence and the depravity attracting depravity, that they are stuck together like glue.

      Of course, this set of conditions is not permanent and for each soul in the Lower Astral there is salvation. Full stop! …Not the ‘hope’ of salvation but salvation (eventual or current, in the next hour or in the next millennium, but there is salvation) and I shall talk about how salvation occurs and the mechanisms that allow it to occur in future parts of the book.

      The Lower Astral, quite rightly it is said, has an effect on the physical world, on the earth-field. It does so because its charge or vibrational signature is very similar to the vibrational signature of the Earth at this time. The two are only a hair’s breadth apart and your dominant vibration on Earth – being one of violence, greed and depravity – sets up (because you are souls now with that current of the soul around you collecting, minute by minute, a record of what you have done) a resonance that is very similar to the currents of the souls that exist in the Lower Astral. Through magnetic attraction one attracts the other and you could say that souls from the Lower Astral are attracted to the Earth, but equally you could say that souls from the Earth are attracted to the attractions of the Lower Astral.

      So much of the violence you encounter at the moment on Earth is stimulated, enhanced and magnified by the violence that exists in the Lower Astral. The solution is quite simple. The solution is to raise your vibrations, which is, of course, why we come back to you to show you a way out of this cycle of lower thinking and base vibrations.

      Should you pray for the souls who are existing in the Lower Astral? You can, of course, but in doing so you hardly help them because your Light does not penetrate the density of those levels of existence – because those levels of existence cling on to their vibrational quality. They do not wish to change, so all the Light in the world directed into the Lower Astral will not, of itself, raise those souls. The souls have to wish to raise themselves, have to wish to change, have to wish to change their magnetic attractive-frequency…

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