The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death - Michael G. Reccia

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‘friendship’ is perhaps not the right term. ‘Attraction’ is the term and they will find themselves with others. Remember they are not yet at a level where they show much in the way of compassion or love for others, or consideration for others. They have to grow into that and so, as always, God uses the circumstances to teach them by allowing them to see themselves in others; by allowing them to see themselves and say, ‘This is not who I wish to be’ and then by allowing them to move on by changing their core thoughts and elevating themselves above the darkness.

      They are never alone but, again, this is something we will go into in depth at a later stage and will be quite an extensive section of this book. Remember we have only just begun and I have dealt with the Lower Astral before dealing with ‘arrival’. Now arrival, I suggest, should be my next chapter, that touches on what is waiting for a soul upon death and how the transition is made from the point of death on a physical level to the vibration at which that soul has earned the right to exist – be that the lowest astral level or one of the high spiritual planes.

      So, unless I change my mind… it is very difficult, you see, to become linear with you. It is very difficult to link to you at points during your time perception because, for me, the book is already here and I am drawing on certain aspects of it that I hope to present to you in a time-frame that makes sense to you. But I also have to link up with you at points in your lives that, to you, seem to follow on from the last time we have spoken. But you sit here on a number of occasions all at once, so I have to remind myself where your perception is with regards to me giving you the communication that is taking place continuously until we have finished the book. It becomes easier to speak to you of these things as Michael becomes more comfortable (and of more use to us) with the notion of trance, because I can transmit more of an image of my realm to you than I could when you started the first book. The downside of that is that you are operating more on my terms of communication than on yours, and I have to remember that to make everything fit in in the correct order for you. There is something to think about!

      I will invite one more question. I could talk all day and would be happy to talk all day but I do not feel that Michael would appreciate this or be of any use to himself for several days. However, the corridor of availability is expanding as you can see and (with what I have just said to you) there are points in the future where we do sit for considerably longer than we do at present and I can see these because they are all taking place simultaneously with me – but not with you. But for today and at this point, if I have got the calculations right, which I have (I am only joking with you), I will invite one more question.

      David: It seems as though most people just don’t even consider death – probably because they fear it, I suppose. Would it be possible at some point in this book to give them some meditations towards preparing themselves for death?

      Joseph: The ironic thing is that daily they prepare themselves for death – they are just not aware of what they are putting into the equation.

      The problem with giving a meditation on death is that you could conceivably release some of those souls from their physical bonds. With me communicating with you [reference to David and Jane] you have knowledge that you have gained during your lives, which means that you are not shocked when I say something to you because your souls increasingly remember that what I am saying resonates truly within you. We have to prepare people through the written word initially and so I would prefer to shock them ‘at a distance’ rather than reaching into their souls (I mean that on a dynamic level, not on a level of knowledge) because that is a dangerous thing to do with those who are not able, in many cases, to meditate on a light level.

      By the end of the book there should be enough knowledge to ‘take the reader away’ so that we can work on their intuition whilst they are reading the book. We said in the first book that the book was aimed to shock but this book will shock at a deeper level. Some of the concepts we will talk about are frightening and they should be in the public knowledge; some of them are uplifting and take souls to places beyond physical description in terms of beauty and love and ecstasy. We have to tread a careful path but the book will give people (Please God!) a better grounding on the subject of death and the afterlife than has been given before in many books. That is the intention – to provide a manual, if you like (and it is amusing): ‘The A to Z of Death and What Comes Next’. It is a manual they can look at that will prepare them, perhaps not so much for the next life as for this life, which is what you are saying, David.

      David: Yes, it’s just the stream of personal history that they can tag behind them, which they don’t even examine, in many cases, whilst they are incarnate.

      Joseph: That is our purpose in communicating: to make them aware (to make those who are ready aware) and to leave behind this communication so that there will always be availability to the level of soul-consciousness that is ready for this information. We cannot place this book in front of a soul that is not ready, just as I have said today that we cannot influence souls on the lowest levels of the astral (in fact, on any level of the astral) until they are ready to be influenced and ready to be helped. The truth that this book contains will always slide off the minds and the hearts of those that are not ready for it, but will speak to the hearts and the minds of those who are ready for it and in doing so, through capillary action, will draw up the next level of souls.

      That is all we can hope to do but there are many, many souls at this point who are ready for the information we are bringing through. Many, many souls – millions of souls! The Earth is not the ignorant Field it appears to be at this time. There are those who are turning their back on the violence, the hatred, the manipulation and the materialism but they have no food for their souls. They know they need something more but they don’t know what it is or where it comes from. We are providing food for those souls. We cannot reach the lowest levels but we can reach those who are ready and, in elevating them, we elevate the souls beneath them and they become ready, which is why it is so important that the information we bring through is perpetuated and we are working to perpetuate it.

      I have done my best now to make sure that Michael’s day is one of half waking and half sleeping. I will now withdraw from his aura, although it becomes very comfortable to speak to you in this manner but I do not think he would thank me for suggesting that I inhabit his body for increasing amounts of time… and I would not do that.

      Chapter Three

      Transition through the Buffer Zone to the Arrival Point

      Joseph: [addressing those present in the circle] I come, first of all, in laughter and good humour to raise the vibrations this morning, because during the week you have had times that have pulled down your vibrations, and it is necessary to raise them up. But also the message that I am bringing is one of lightness. It may seem very involved at times but the essential message is that there is a way, there is a Light and there is a means of changing things – both internally as individuals and externally within the Field that you are a part of during your lives on Earth. So let us be uplifted as we begin today’s session!

      We have lifted you onto a plateau, spiritually. You are encased within a bubble of vibration, which we have extended around you and which raises your speed of being for a little while. So I will warn you in advance that this afternoon you may feel drowsy or disorientated but this will be because we have to (unfortunately) return you to the vibration you are used to at the present time. We cannot interfere and bring you to our side but we would love to do that. How wonderful if we could extricate each soul and bring each soul to our side and allow them to live in the superior atmosphere, the superior field, and have great joy… but we are not allowed to. You have to live out your span on Earth; you have to reach the end of the adventure that is unfolding for you at this time, just as we have to reach the end of our adventure before we can move on to even more rarefied fields and realities.

      But we have other things to talk about; we have to concentrate on the third chapter

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