The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death - Michael G. Reccia

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predestined or organised by the Lords of Karma for that soul. It is only from the point of view of Earth that it seems to be short or inappropriate because the people surrounding that soul expect it to exist on Earth for a reasonable amount of time, and so feel deprived or cheated when that soul goes to the spirit side at what is considered, from an earthly point of view, to be an early stage of its physical existence.

      In the case of abortions, you have to consider that there are the karmic implications surrounding the parents and the doctors so there is a mix with those souls with regard to the soul that has incarnated momentarily and then is withdrawn to the spirit levels. There is always a purpose in that soul coming; there is never a soul’s incarnation on a physical level that does not have a purpose – and that purpose is always to further the evolution and the enlightenment of souls. So a soul may come into the body of a baby to have ramifications on the mother, the father, the doctors and the potential grandparents.

      The soul may also have a need to visit this Earth momentarily for a specific purpose of its own; to dip into the level of physicality for a reason tied up with that particular soul’s evolution. It may only need to touch the earth plane briefly or it may be pulled momentarily into the Earth existence to deal with something that we have touched upon in past communications [Reference to a question at a public trance demonstration] because a part of that soul feels that it needs to return to sort something out and to put closure into a situation. That soul may be highly elevated on a spiritual level but there is still an element of it that desires, pulls and tries to come back to the earth plane. And so the soul may fleetingly touch this realm through a few months of existence. It really doesn’t dwell here at all but is drawn in partially just so that it can release itself from that aspect of itself that pulls – perhaps for the last time – so that it can be freed into the spirit realms without ever needing to incarnate on the earth plane again.

      Every life has a purpose and an effect: there is a purpose for the life and there is an effect on others. In the grand machine of enlightenment nothing is wasted, everything is as it should be and every opportunity is used to give as many souls as possible the opportunity to grow through observation, through experience and through enlightenment.

      It is a vast subject, I know, but I hope that that partially answers the question. As I say, we will return to suicide because it is something that people need to understand and definitively we need to look at this to say: ‘These are the consequences; these are the non-consequences; this is a myth; this is not a myth’ – and to sort that out so that people are clear as to what happens in suicidal cases.

      Your final question, please!

      Jane: It is just a question about the separate consciousness of the body but I think it is probably too big a subject so perhaps it should wait for another day…

      Joseph: There is an overall control to the physical body. The physical body is fed by the individualisation pool of energy. If you regard the physical body as a machine, then that machine has to know how to operate – otherwise you would spend all your waking moments operating the machine and not enjoying the experience. So the physical body is tailored to the soul and linked to the soul but has to have a degree of sentience or intelligence, otherwise your physical experience would be intolerable; you would have to control, as a soul, every single aspect of your body’s functions and needs, micro-second to micro-second.

      So the body has an intelligence, and built into the body is part of that arc of vibration so the cells know when to regenerate, how to regenerate and then react to the soul’s gradual withdrawal of energy from that physical body and start to shut themselves down. Were you to do that you would have no experience here whatsoever except for the maintenance and running of the physical body.

      When I talk of the intelligence of the physical body, I do not mean that the physical body has a personality, but I do mean that the physical body has a purpose and an intent. And that intent is to keep you protected; that intent is to anchor you within its field so that you can experience from one viewpoint (rather than from many), and it has an intelligence so that it reacts to the wishes of the soul. You, the soul, are within the personality and you project the personality, so do not feel that the physical body has a personality – it does not. Yes, it has an intelligence, but it is a ‘communal’ intelligence that originates from a ‘field’ that has been set up, which you can liken to a factory (although that is a very bad analogy) …a ‘headquarters’ from which souls can order a physical body. That central pool runs the physical body, gives it its intelligence and then, when the soul is separated from the physical body, that intelligence returns back to headquarters to be made into a bright, shiny, new physical body! Do you see?

      Jane: Yes, it’s amazing!

      Joseph: The whole experience, Children, is amazing! Life is amazing, and this is what we wish to convey to people – the sheer wonder and joy of life – and I communicate with you in order to bring back joy to people, because in joy we can reach them; in joy they can lift the vibration of the physical Field; and in joy we can remind them who they are …and get them out of here!

      I ask you now to be quiet just for a moment as I attempt to extricate myself from Michael’s mental processes.

      Chapter Two

      The Currents of the Soul – and the Astral Realms

      Joseph: Michael is resisting me because he feels that the phrase I have given him is illogical, but the title of the second chapter is: ‘Currents of the Soul’ and it is with some amusement that I gave this title to Michael because it requires from him absolute faith that what is coming through is going to make some sense. Well, of course it is …Joseph would not come here without bringing you something of meaning!

      In the first chapter we touched on what happens to the soul and what happens to the body following physical death. You have a phrase: ‘you cannot take it with you’. This is completely wrong, however, because you take so much with you! The soul exists within a slipstream of energy that contains within it the history of that soul (to a greater extent the history of the life that has just been lived but also, to a lesser extent, the history of the lives that that soul has lived in incarnations since its first individualisation from God and enclosure within physical matter). The soul cannot help but take with it to the next realm and the next phase in its existence this slipstream of energy; this ‘history-book’, if you like; this stage-presentation of the life that the soul has lived. This energy slipstream or ‘current of the soul’ represents a graphic presentation of everything – everything – that the soul has done during its recent incarnation…


       You think on Earth that your thoughts are secret, that your actions are secret but everything is recorded by this band, this slipstream, this current of energy, from the time you incarnate to the time you pass into the spirit world. Every action, every action that the body has taken, every action that the mind has taken and, of course, the most important, every action that the spirit has taken… every decision and every thought is contained within this energy field. Consider that… every thought that you have ever taken, from the thought that says to you, ‘My foot is asleep’ to the thought that says to you, ‘I hate this person’ to the thought that says ‘I will get even with this person’ to the thought that says ‘I love you’ to the thought that says, ‘I am in pain and I have had enough’… every thought is recorded. Every vision that you have had, every face you have looked at, everything you have touched, everything you have sensed is contained within this record. We will discuss the consequences of this band of energy later, but for now I want you to be aware that it exists and that, when you arrive at your next destination, this band of energy has a vibrational quality that links you to vibrations of a similar quality.

      This is a momentous thing for you to understand: the band of energy that surrounds your soul at

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