The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death - Michael G. Reccia

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an argument to the people of Earth as to what happens upon death and what happens next and the options that are open to them as they progress.

      Does that answer your question? I invite your questions because you will remind me of things and spark off other areas from the text that I have prepared within my aura to deliver at the right time.

      We are, as you know, simply progressing ourselves, and this book gives me some nervousness in the weight of truth and fact that I have been entrusted with to bring through. I have my facts straight (as I know them) but I then have to transmit them through to you and you have to construct them in the correct order. Joan was wrong saying it would be more difficult – I would say that it will take more time because of its nature. In the meantime, to keep the audience interested and growing, I will deliver other lectures and addresses that you can give out to them [reference to public trance demonstrations] but this book is the most precise so far and is a massive undertaking.

      Would that we had more time to spend together (and we are working to ensure that that takes place) but we have to work within the confines of the earth plane. I could talk to you at great length for hours from my point of view but we would exhaust Michael. We are aware of the pulls on his life and, because of his mediumistic ability and status, there are constant attacks on him from all quarters to try and prevent this information coming through. So it is a communication that is difficult under ordinary circumstances that is then made the more difficult by the forces you have just mentioned that seek to always negate and dissipate this information.

      Is there anything else, David?

      David: No, not for the moment, thank you.

      Jane: My question is to do with the arc of energy from birth to death and I just wondered whether that arc was there before the Fall?

      Joseph: The arc was still there but it was of a different nature. If you set out – and I use the analogy of a holiday and a journey – if you set out on that journey, and you do not get lost in the jungle and lose your memory, then you know you are on a journey and you know that you will one day return home. The point is you take that journey voluntarily for the right reasons, and there was much excitement before the time of the Fall in the individualisations of God, God’s children, who (similar to you going on an expensive, luxurious holiday) knew that they were going to set out into physicality; knew that they were part of a place that had been prepared; knew that that place had many opportunities presented by God-consciousness to enjoy; and knew that they could experience each other and their God in a new way by passing through this physical plane. But because it is a physical plane (because, ultimately, it is and has always been a ‘construct’) it cannot have a permanence. You cannot permanently be here, and this is part of the problem with the actions of the Fall, in that souls wish to make this their permanent home when it is only a ‘port of call’.

      So, yes, in answer to your question, there was always the arc. The arc would take souls into physicality, into the paradise that this level, this Field, once was, but would then extricate them from that physicality back into the higher vibrations where they could make choices about the next step in their journey – because the soul must always move and change and evolve and take in new experiences. That was a far easier thing before the Fall when you were angelic beings in nature. You are angelic beings now but you were angelic beings in nature then, in that you came here not blindfolded but knowing full well that this was an experience – nothing more – an experience, an opportunity.

      And you must recall that you have soul-groups, you have families, you have love waiting for you on the higher vibrations, the higher planes. Therefore, as souls, you would not choose to permanently separate yourselves from that love, from those associations, from the joy of being with people that you are integrated with and who are moving on (as you are moving on) in harmony with you. So it was always decided – decided – by yourselves and by God that this physicality was not permanent and your visit to it would not be permanent. It was decided! So in that respect death was a ‘return’, was known to be a return and was requested by you as souls: ‘I will go; I will experience the physicality of the plane; I will enjoy its many opportunities but then I will return home because that is what I wish.’ That volition to return home, to first enjoy this level at the level of experience that it was originally created and then… [interruption in the communication].

      Michael: Sorry. Come back, Joseph.

      Joseph: I am sorry, we are coming near to the end of the communication but I was wishing to express that there had been a time before this when souls voluntarily came here and voluntarily went home. And so the arc of physicality, the arc of vibration, was built into the physical body on purpose – not as a punishment, not as people see it now: believing that they come here and inevitably have to face death, so no matter what they put their energy into is of no matter because one day they will die. That is not how it was – and it is not how it is! It is just that people have forgotten. They are blindfolded. They come here with no memory whatsoever of who they are; no memory whatsoever of their spiritual home; no memory whatsoever of the purpose of their visit, and so they are attracted more and more into this level of physicality because to them, with their lack of spiritual memory, this is all there is. So of course they want it; they want it as pleasure and they want it as pain because it is all they know and they fear anything else.

      What we are attempting to do is re-awaken that spiritual memory so that future generations are born with that spiritual memory in place because it has been placed there during their previous journey so that, as they reincarnate, they are already predisposed to accept that they need to move on. It may take a couple of generations but you have to feed the soul now so that it comes back with at least some of that knowledge to take the blindfold off. Do you see what I am saying?

      Jane: Yes. Presumably, before the Fall, they didn’t age during the second half of the arc because the Field wasn’t negative then?

      Joseph: The physical body, in those times, was relinquished and was absorbed at a higher level back into the illusion, which operated at a higher level, so the decay that you witness at present as the arc returns to its start-point was not of that kind – it was a dispersion rather than a decay. The bodies that souls had before the Fall were far more robust than the bodies you have now and were things of elevated vibrational intent rather than some of the perversions that are built into those bodies now. The physical bodies dispersed into the Light of the illusion rather than being pulled at by the depths of the illusion as they are today, resonating at the same level as the depths of the illusion. So much of your world is corruption and decay and, once the soul has exited the physical body today, the physical body is prey to corruption and decay so it is absorbed back into the corruption and the decay of the Field, whereas in ancient times, before the Fall, the physical body was embraced back into the Light of the Field. It was not a degenerative event; it was a re-ordering of physical matter into Light from which more physical matter could be drawn. Do you see that?

      Jane: Yes.

      Joseph: Is there anything that either of you wish to ask before we conclude today’s meeting?

      David: An individual’s arc of life has a predetermined departure date but is that still the case in something like a violent death, or perhaps an abortion or a suicide – or is it that the soul opted out of that arc at some point?

      Joseph: It is an excellent question and it is one that is tied up with the whole concept of predestiny and choice, and to what extent a soul is allowed to have an influence over the predestined time for it to exit the physical realm. There is information I will communicate at a future date that deals with suicide, because suicide is one of those topics that fascinates spiritual seekers. You have within your midst, from your own group, one of your guides who committed suicide [reference to Silver Star] and I will, at that time, bring him in to intersperse his own recollections of the act and what happened to him next.


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