Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf). Glennon E. Bazzle

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Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf) - Glennon E. Bazzle

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regain the use of his legs before the Fall semester began in September. That was when he aspired to attend Standard University. He had almost eight months, but his body was very weak resulting from the inactivity of solely lying in bed for the greater part of a month. He lost 20 pounds, and his leg muscles had atrophied beyond recognition. However, there was nothing wrong with his appetite. It would enable him to recapture much of his required physical strength, and his strong determination would furnish the will power to accomplish his goal. He would rely on his unlimited love for the Supreme Being to contribute the necessary spiritual strength. Jeffrey realized he not only had to overcome his physical impediment, but also focus some attention restoring his somewhat fuzzy metal capacity. After a month of almost complete physical and mental idleness stemming from his partial amnesia and paralysis, he was left in a unaccustomed state. He vowed to do whatever it took to recoup his physical dexterity, mental acuity, and accelerate his spiritual growth. During one of his few solitary moments, he was gratified to encounter a similar rush of light and joy, he often experienced in his coma vision. He depended on this amazingly profound blissful inspiration to provide the encouragement essential for achieving his every ambition.

      Three months later

      “I’m walking! I’m walking!” Jeffrey shouted with delight.

      He had just taken his first unassisted steps, after releasing the railings he previously relied upon for balance and support. He, slowly, crept toward the chair situated about ten feet away. After completing his arduous task, he sat down exhausted, but jubilantly satisfied. An incredible feeling of contentment surged through his body, as tears streamed down his cheeks. He looked back on his difficult road to recovery. The doctors advised him he would never walk again. If there was a one percent probability, he knew he could do it. It had taken months of physical therapy and rehabilitation; with Monique’s and his family’s unfailing encouragement, he succeeded. There was other good news uplifting his spirits, as well. While recovering, he somehow barely managed to complete his final undergraduate semester through online classes. An exemption was worked out with Northfolk University to accommodate his extraordinary circumstances. Best of all, he heard from Standard University relating to his application to their graduate school of philosophy. He had been originally rejected, but was at the top of the waiting list. The day before he took his first unassisted steps, he was, at last, officially accepted to the exclusive university. Jeffrey permitted himself to reflect back on his dream. He realized it was just that, but so much of it was unfolding. Was it some sort of blueprint into his future? Only time would tell. For now, he was overjoyed by his accomplishments. He recalled what Jason shared with him. The only thing that matters is the present; try not to live in the past ( it no longer exists) or the future (it hasn’t arrived). Enjoy the here and now (to its fullest extent), as if it were your very last moment. Jeffrey vowed to persistently ascribe to Jason’s words of wisdom.

      After another month of arduous therapy, Jeffrey was released from the hospital. Yes, he still sometimes required the assistance of crutches for balance, but was elated to return home with his girlfriend, Monique, at his side. His mother made arrangements for his physical therapists to work with him at their residence, where he would continue his treatments. He had a lot of catching up to do. With Monique’s help, he would relearn much of what he had forgotten. He relished the idea of sharing so much time with her. She was more than willing to expend as much energy as he required achieving his miraculous recovery. In many ways, it was inconceivable how compatible they were while in each others company. Never, in his wildest dream, did he envision a soul partner complementing his every need.

      One of the first things she brought him was some reading material. It turned out to be astonishingly familiar.

      “No, it can’t be. It was just a dream,” he steadfastly stated.

      He looked closer, to read the words on its discolored and frayed cover, Book of Cosmosis.

      Shock waves reverberated through his body.

      “Where did you get this?” he asked, in an incredulous tone.

      “From my mother., it’s been handed down from generation to generation for more than three hundred years. My grandmother entrusted it to her many years ago. It was only while you were in your coma that she recalled its existence. I searched for it in the attic after she mentioned it to me. After thoroughly reading it, I was convinced it would help guide us in our spiritual quest along the enlightened path we both seek,” Monique explained.

      “This is unbelievable! It seems to be the precise book I recollect from my coma dream, and an exact copy of the book my dad just finished writing for me,” Jeffrey spoke with bewilderment after taking a quick glance through the first few pages.

      Was this déjà vu or a premonition? How could this part of my dream manifest itself? What if more of the vision comes true?

      Jeffrey was terrified thinking of the potentially fatal consequences.

      “What’s troubling you?” Monique asked.

      “At this point, I’m not quite sure. If there are any more parallel surprises, it could prove devastating.”

      Chapter 3

      It’s All There

      Jeffrey took the book in his trembling hand, and opened it to Chapter 15. He recollected the exact words even though his present memory wasn’t quite up to par. He was curious to see if Monique’s Book of Cosmosis contained the precise content he recalled from Jason’s book. It read: Increasing your awareness of the Supreme Being fills the soul with strength. Trying to] appease the ego, fills the brain with, debilitating weakness. He focused particular attention to this chapter as, he had struggled, mightily, to control his egotistical desires.

      “This is what I recall, even though, I’ve never seen those exact words (in that context) except from my vision.”

      Monique was now starting to feel ever so uncomfortable. She thought Jeffrey was only kidding when he mentioned he’d seen what was contained in the book. After all it was such an old book. The pages were brown from age; the cover tattered and torn. Monique estimated the book had been handed down by at least fifteen generations within her family.

      Jeffrey turned to another part of the book he paid meticulous attention to while in his coma. Chapter 20 Verse 1 Treat every type of life form as if it was the Supreme Soul itself. All living beings are His creation and, ultimately, part of Him. It’s not mans’ choice to treat other living creatures in a cruel manner. It shouldn’t be our right to slaughter living beings to excite our taste buds or for any other lame excuse.

      He was astonished to discover, word for word, the concepts he recollected from Jason’s version of the book.

      “There can be absolutely no doubt, this is the specific book I aspired to follow, while in my coma. It matches letter for letter the book my dad wrote, too. The fact the two books actually exist inspires me to heed every bit of wisdom contained in each of them. From this day forward, I vow to never consume any animal products regardless of shape or species. I, also, will refrain from any act of violence against any form of living being.”

      Monique gave Jeffrey her approving thumbs up.

      “I knew from the moment we met, how humane, caring, considerate, and spiritually gifted you were. For those reasons alone, I was, instantaneously, attracted to you. I, too, declare my everlasting intention to abide by those identical compassionate principles.”

      Chapter 4


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