Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf). Glennon E. Bazzle

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Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf) - Glennon E. Bazzle

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daylight broke, a brilliant blinding sun appeared ahead of them.Upon awaking, Jeffrey was, immediately, reminded (by his voracious appetite) not one of them had eaten a bite, so far, during the entire journey.

      “Is anyone hungry?” he inquired, once again.

      This time everyone responded affirmatively. Jeffrey’s mother turned to face the van’s last row of seats. Sticking her hand in the cooler, she extracted the four large sandwiches she prepared for the trip. It was another déjà vu. The mouthwatering delectable sandwiches were exact copies he recalled devouring on his excursion with Jason. It was undeniable. Jeffrey had seen enough. Too much of his comma vision was coming true, no doubt about it. It was chilling. There were many good things occurring in his dream, but there were many devastating tragic circumstances that were destined to unfold. That was putting it mildly. There was, however, something slightly comforting, in one respect; he had a good idea what to expect from his portentous future.

      The remainder of the voyage proceeded smoothly. As it turned out, Jeffrey’s father drove the entire distance. It was over three thousand miles, and his dad’s prediction turned out to be inexplicably accurate. Only after arriving at their destination, did the vehicle’s tank require replenishing. It, finally, bordered on empty as they pulled into the Standard University parking lot.

      Never before had any of them seen or imagined such a picturesque campus. The view startled Jeffrey. For the very first time, something was, actually, divergent from his dreamy recollection. The buildings were constructed of red brick not grey stone, and covered with ivy. He saw large modern windows letting fresh air and sunshine enter the classrooms. The glass panes at his former college, Northfolk, were permanently shut. It was either too cold and rainy or too hot and humid. How invigorating it will be, attending classes in such a naturally stimulating environment, he considered.

      Checking Out the Ocean

      After passing a few curious hours thoroughly checking out the campus, they visited the Acific Ocean for the first time. The water was magnificent, glistening from the reflection of the setting sun’s rays. The stunning scene motivated Jeffrey and Monique to exchange their clothes for bathing suits, and plunge into the crystal clear blue ocean. It mattered little the air temperature and water were barely above sixty five degrees. This, again, wasn’t at all what he remembered from his dream. With his adrenalin flowing from all the excitement, Jeffrey didn’t give it a great deal of thought. His mother and father were content observing the two lovebirds frolic in the surf, like two young seal pups. Jeffrey and Monique romped in the playful but rather forceful swells until they could no longer withstand the frigid water.

      “I’ve been longing for this for so many years; finally, my wish has appeared,” he whispered in Monique’s ear.”

      “It’s been my dream too,” she confessed to him.

      It was uncanny how she liked and wanted almost everything he did, and her inner beauty and spirituality endowed her with an aura of invincibility and self confidence, he, greatly, admired. Jeffrey was aware their meeting was no mere coincidence. He realized their eventual union would take on a much greater impact than just marrying and having children. I must make the most of this partnership, he thought. The significance will be perceived in the future. Until then, I must be patient. In the meantime, I’ll love and cherish Monique like no other soul I’ve ever known.

      Chapter 5

      Standing Room Only

      Jeffrey’s father’s reputation and spiritual philosophy preceded him to Standard. Although he held a doctorate degree, he disdained being addressed Doctor Causgood or even professor. He, instead, preferred to be called by his first name. He never considered himself above or more brilliant than his students or anyone else. He merely thought himself to be an analytical intuitive thinker who willingly imparted his precious wisdom to others who sought it. Yes, he was paid rather handsomely, but would’ve given his spiritual provoking insights freely, except there was a family to support. He truly treasured his fortunate opportunity to carry out his labor of love, and at the same time receive a substantial salary.

      Jeffrey was grateful his dad’s influence permitted him a second chance to attend the university and program of his dreams. A little bit of good karma carried forth from my previous lives must’ve pulled me through, he rationalized. However, it happened, Jeffrey was extremely thankful for the break, and was anxious and energized to commence his classes with Monique and the many other students.

      A few days after the semester began, Craig Causgood’s lectures were the buzz of the campus. Jeffrey didn’t enroll in any of his father’s classes, in order to avoid the obvious conflict of interest issue. He had, however, previously availed himself of quite a few deep spiritual discussions with his father. This endowed him with the profound insights into his dad’s preeminent spiritual intellect. Monique, on the other hand, was able to register for all her future father in law’s classes, and came home raving after her very first session.

      “I knew your father’s spiritual perception was highly evolved, but his keen interaction with the students elevates his knowledge to a more advanced degree of comprehension. It’s as if he transcends his physical body, and connects with the Supreme Being, while transmitting streams of conscious awareness.”

      Jeffrey was delighted to hear someone describe his father’s spirituality so eloquently. He assured Monique he would audit as many of his dad’s classes, whenever his busy agenda permitted. The very next day, Jeffrey made a point of fitting one of his father’s classes into his crowded schedule. He didn’t know what to expect, other than what Monique had briefly described. The lectures were held in the largest enclosed space on campus. It was a necessary step to accommodate the over flowing demand stemming from the registering coeds. As he approached the building, Jeffrey was somewhat flabbergasted. Lines of students were stacked up as you might expect at a rock concert venue. It made Jeffrey proud. Wait a minute, I’d better keep my ego out of this, he admonished himself. He cued up in line. After a few anxious moments wondering if he would be admitted, he was allowed to enter. The hall was filled beyond capacity. The overflow of students and many other personnel were standing and occupying every possible space. The apprehension grew as they awaited Dr. Causgood’s appearance. From the manner in which he was greeted by the standing ovation, one might have imagined a star studded celebrity was performing.

      Craig Causgood was slightly embarrassed by all the hoopla he received while managing to hush the boisterous crowd. He was facilitated by those in attendance clamoring to listen and digest his enlightened pearls of insight.

      “As you might have heard, this class is a pass-fail. It’s not my intention to judge your spiritual capability, or your desire to achieve it. I’m not here to preach any form of religious tenets. Some of you are here out of curiosity; others are attending because you think I can just hand you spiritual freedom. If it was at all possible, I would gladly bestow it upon each of you. Spiritual awareness is not something given on a silver platter. It requires hard work, and the willingness to eliminate every obstacle obstructing one’s attainment. That means constant reprogramming everything you’ve been taught and believe in. Unless and until you’re willing to make that commitment and adjustment, you’ll be frustrated in your quest. For those able to discipline yourself for the required duration to achieve your goal, keep in mind, there will be enduring tests unlike any you’ll ever encounter in school. These tests masquerade as booby traps along the way, and don’t end until the ego is permanently controlled. Mastering the ego will eliminate your material attachments and desires, which hinder the process of attaining your freedom. For those, who are true seekers, my advice is patience. Spiritual liberation can be an immediate breakthrough for some; for others, it may take many lifetimes. The secret is not getting discouraged

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