Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf). Glennon E. Bazzle

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Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf) - Glennon E. Bazzle

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to propose setting up a two billion bollar trust fund, but only if you’re willing to manage it. There’ll be no strings attached other than agreeing to use the money creating a more harmonious existence for mankind,” Mr. Waits proposed.

      “I’d be honored to accept your extremely munificent offer. Initially, I’d utilize a portion of the money establishing self help centers for the disadvantaged and addicts living homeless in many of large cities across Emerica. Once they’re completed, the focus of the endowment would be reeducating the entire world. It would emphasize we’re inherently peaceful creatures and all children of the Creator’s expansive family; not egotistical individuals who can’t get along and are never materially satisfied. It might take decades and generations to eliminate all the hatred and greed so ingrained in us from our past education, but I’m convinced it’s possible and must be accomplished,” Craig suggested.

      “I’d like the foundation to be called, Lasting Peace for Mankind. I ask the origin of the funds remain anonymous, and keep the foundation’s existence undisclosed until some of your goals have been attained,” Mr. Waits requested.

      “Let me take this opportunity to speak for the entire world, and thank you for your magnanimous gift. Not one cent will be wasted; I’ll pursue the aspirations we have outlined with every bit of energy and determination in my being,” Craig pledged.

      Back on campus

      The flight back to Standard appeared short and pleasant. Craig envisioned his family’s future. It was vividly laid out in front of him. They would continue residing near the university, and he would teach until Jeffrey and Monique obtained their doctorate degrees. Then, as a family, all dedicate the remainder of their present lifetimes fulfilling their ambition uplifting the lives of all creation.

      Chapter 7

      Soul Mates

      Not all soul mates are perfect matches. Each of us has an ego, (some larger an others) dictating our individual ideas and desires.

      Jeffrey had spent (in this lifetime) the better part of one magnificent year with Monique. She had been constantly at his side through his difficult recuperation and rehabilitation. She was his greatest source of inspiration, when he most needed it, his true soul partner. It was, therefore, a natural outcome of their association to announce to their parents their intention to wed (one more time) in a ceremonial marriage.

      “After serious reflection, Monique and I have decided to formally tie the knot that continually binds us. We would, also, like to create a family of our own in the, not too, distant future,” Jeffrey revealed to his mother and father”

      “We’re eternal soul mates, and, someday, I hope to discover many of the details from our past lives, just as Christina did of her different relationships with Jason,” Monique additionally explained.

      “We share the same ideals and goals, and yearn eternal existence in the soul world in the distant future,” Jeffrey reiterated.

      “It’s our greatest desire to enter the realm of light together, but only after accomplishing all we can to facilitate mankind’s rediscovering his true reason for being. We endeavor to exhibit the idyllic model, and lead the way,” Monique added.

      Both Monique’s and Jeffrey’s parents were elated concerning their future unification. Each agreed they were the perfect match for one another. Naturally, they were eager to give their approval. The date was now set. Jeffrey and Monique would wed June 1st, the day after their graduation ceremonies were completed.

      Although Jeffrey adored attending the school where his father taught, it, never the less, was somewhat awkward and cumbersome. Fellow students constantly approached him requesting favors. Female coeds sought him out soliciting a date, even though his intention to wed Monique was widely known around the campus. He recalled Jason’s prodigious discipline when confronted with the same temptations originating from the opposite sex.

      “Don’t let your egotistical sexual desires ruin your life. Find your true partner, and never permit anything or anyone to interfere or destroy that perfect relationship,” Jason espoused.

      Jeffrey, also, recollected the devastating consequences his futile attempt to seduce Christina might have produced. He was repulsed by the notion of committing any conceivable act imperiling his impending legal union with Monique. As a result of those incisive perceptions, he refused every advance or request for a rendezvous from the bevy of extremely attractive women on campus. Jeffrey was convinced, without Jason’s guidance, he wouldn’t have been able to resist his numerous alluring enticements.

      Monique, with all her striking physical and spiritual beauty, was also, besieged for dates by the male population of the university. Unlike Jeffrey, she had dated a sufficient amount of young men to conclude for the most part, they were only interested in playing out their physical fantasies. Monique sought much greater fulfillment from someone she shared her time. She realized early on, only Jeffrey could provide the proper type and amount of spiritual stimulation she deemed obligatory. Monique considered it the concrete foundation for a fulfilling and long lasting relationship. She was ultimately convinced Jeffrey was the perfect choice after he shared this little bit of wisdom with her.

      “The ego isn’t your friend; it quite often begets a crisis. So terrified of losing the things that stroke it, the ego, continually, triggers emotional distress. All too often, it craves such things as: money, prestige, power, and is much too caught up with its image. As a result, we find ourselves living in a constant paralyzing state of debilitating anxiety and unhappiness.”

      They both agreed not to allow their egos interfere with enjoying and appreciating the here and now. They, also, strove to be extra careful with their verbal communications; not just with each other, but with everyone and under all circumstances. They pledged not to criticize one another or anyone else. They knew how defensive most people’s egos became, and the negative effects it fostered. In their opinion, bad mouthing, gossiping, and finding fault were nothing more than destructive negative egotistical behaviors.

      Resisting Temptation

      Just as there were destabilizing influences from all walks of life, the campus of Standard University was no different. Young people with their new found freedom were curious and enticed to experiment with the many types of mind altering substances. Unfortunately, they were all too available on any given college campus; Standard University had its vices. Although it had one of the highest admission requirements of all the universities, Standard students weren’t the exception when it came to pushing oneself to the brink of disaster. Monique and Jeffrey, like most young people, had been curious to experiment during their undergraduate years of college but only with alcohol. At the time, it was natural to join the crowd. Thankfully, they could look back on their experimentation as a learning experience. Now, they had outgrown the compulsion to satisfy that curiosity, and agreed consuming alcohol provided absolutely no benefit. They wanted to be, at all times, in control of their bodies and mentality and never at the mercy of any form of mind altering substance.

      “The body is the temple for your spiritual core; it should be maintained as perfectly as humanly possible for as long as the soul resides in it,” Monique suggested.

      Agreeing to abide by this principle, neither of them was the least bit tempted to further experiment with any of the, readily available, more addictive drug choices such as pot, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroine. Jeffrey recalled Jason using such expressions as death sentences and playing Ussian roulette when describing those addictions. Another

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